What is an Administrative User?
The Administrative Users are the users that configure the system for use by the Users and New Hires.
There are 3 System User Roles:
User Role Type | Description |
System Administrator |
Process Administrator |
Content Administrator |
A System Administrator can do everything a Process Administrator can do, plus User maintenance. A Process Administrator can do everything a Content Administrator can do, plus onboarding configuration and homepage configuration. A Content Administrator can perform any Content revisions.
Relationship between Administrative Users |
What pages can Administrative Users access?
Each User Type can access different pages and actions within the Smart onboarding process.
A System Administrator can perform all actions. A Process Administrator can perform all of the setup duties, while a Content Administrator can only perform Content related changes.
In short, a System Administrator can do everything a Process Administrator and Content Administrator can do. A Process Administrator can do everything a Content Administrator can do. And a Content Administrator can only do Content changes. Some of the menu actions the users can perform is given in the below table: