What are Background Check Vendors?
Background Check Vendors are the companies that are partnered to complete background checks for your New Hires. They come with different online forms that have different requirements for the background checks.
Below is where you can specify a particular Background Check Vendor for an individual New Hire, as well as select which form they must fill. This is when an HR Specialist or Recruiter creates a new invitation.
Create Onboarding Invitation - Job Information |
Why are Background Check Vendors important?
These vendors are very important to prevent legal liabilities, as well as for the company safety. Background Check Vendors are linked to forms that can signal red flags. It is common for them to be related to criminal records. Hence, partnering with them is highly recommeneded for every employer.
How do you activate an existing Background Check Vendor into the selection list?
We provide real Background Check Vendors in our database, but none of them are active in the invitation lookup initially. This is because your organization is free to expand or limit which vendor or vendors to choose and keep them active. This makes it easier to manage.
Since the vendor's information is included in the system, it is easy to activate and start using a vendor.
Click on Review/Update for Background Check Vendors.
Content Revision Page |
Select any vendor from the list that you want to activate.
Background Check Vendors Page |
Click Save.
Background Check Vendor Setup |
Click Return.
Background Check Vendors Page |
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Content Revision Page |
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |
How do you add a new Background Check Vendor?
If you want to use a Background Check Vendor that is not in the list showing in the Review/Update, you can add the vendor using Add button for Background Check Vendors.
Content Revision Page |
Fill out the fields, look at the chart below for more information on what these fields are.
Click Save.
Background Check Vendor Setup Page |
Field | Action |
Description |
Effective Status |
Background Vendor ID |
Background Authorization Text |
BGC Processing Text |
Profile Form ID |
Click Return to Manage Revision.
Content Revision Page |
Click Apply.
Manage Revision Page |