The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has released a new version of Form I-9, employed to verify the eligibility of individuals hired to work in the United States. In accordance with USCIS guidelines, the previous version of the form (Rev. 10/31/2022) remains valid until October 31, 2023, after which it will expire. Smart Onboarding and I-9 customers currently using the the Form I-9 will start to see the updated form reflected in their processes on October 22, 2023.

Highlighted Changes

What changes are there to the new 08/01/2023 Form I-9 version?

The changes included in each section of Form I-9 are stated below: 

I-9 Section 1

a) Displays expiration date "07/31/2026" on the Form I-9 header.

b) The following fields can be left blank while completing Section 1: Middle Initial, Other Last Names Used, Apt Number, Employee's E-mail Address, and Employee's Telephone Number. In the earlier version, it was necessary to input "N/A" if no information was available for these fields. Note: This applies to the Smart I-9 product and Smart Onboarding when the "I-9AutoFill" property is set to "OFF" in Product Preferences. In this case, the New Hire's personal information is not automatically filled in I-9 Section 1 and the New Hire will need to manually enter this data. For more details on I-9AutoFill property, please click here.

c) Phrase "Alien Registration Number" has been changed to "A-Number" for eligibility type option 3 (A lawful permanent resident) and 4 ( A noncitizen (other than Item Numbers 2. and 3. above) authorized to work. 

d) The wording for alien eligibility type (option 4) has been changed to "A noncitizen authorized to work". Earlier it was stated as "An Alien Authorized to Work".

e) The new Form I-9 version now combines information from both Section 1 and Section 2 onto a single page. While the online pages for Section 1 and Section 2 continue to be separate, the print version is aligned with the updates in the new Form I-9 version.

Employee print report:

For more information on I-9 Section 1, please click here.

f) Changes related to preparer and/or translator:

A sample downloaded signed form with preparers/translators used in Section 1 is given below:

For more information on adding preparers and/or translators in I-9 Section 1, please click here.

Section 2

a) A new checkbox is introduced for indicating if an alternative procedure is used for remote verification of documents in Section 2. This alternative process is allowed exclusively when the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is registered for E-Verify, which means the Company or Business Unit has been configured in the DHS Client Setup. If the legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) is not enrolled in E-Verify, this checkbox will be disabled. Furthermore, when this checkbox is selected, system enforces to provide I-9 supporting documents as attachments in Section 2 if no supporting documents are attached in Section 1. For more details on adding attachments in Section 2, please click here.

b)  The download print from Section 2 includes both Section 1 and Section 2 details consolidated onto a single page. The Supplement A page for preparer and/or translator certification will be included only if preparers and/or translators are used in I-9 Section 1. Note: The details of Supplement B (Rehire/Reverification/Name Change) are not visible in the Section 2 print report.

For more information on I-9 Section 2, please click here.

Supplement B - Reverification and Rehire (formerly Section 3)

a) The form previously known as Section 3, used for reverification, rehire, or name change purposes, has now been renamed as "Supplement B".

b) The name changes are also allowed in Reverification process in Supplement B to record any name changes that may have occurred since the initial completion of the Form I-9. If there are no name changes, these fields can be left blank. Under the prior Form I-9, name changes were not allowed in the Reverification process. 


c) When Supplement B for Rehire is accessed, the New Name fields appear blank whereas in the earlier version, the fields were defaulted to "N/A". Note: If there are no name changes, these fields can be left blank.


d) An Additional Information section has been added at the bottom of Supplement B to capture any additional comments/notes.

A checkbox is available for indicating if an alternative procedure is used for remote verification of documents in Supplement B. This alternative process is allowed exclusively when the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is registered for E-Verify, which means the Company or Business Unit has been configured in the DHS Client Setup. If the legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) is not enrolled in E-Verify, this checkbox will be disabled. Furthermore, when this checkbox is selected, system enforces to provide I-9 supporting documents as attachments in Supplement B. For more details on adding attachments in Supplement B, please click here.

f) The print report for Supplement B is now displayed as a separate page whereas in the earlier version it was presented below Section 2. The print includes all the Supplement B and Supplement B correction data for the transaction. If the transaction has any Supplement B processes completed on the old version form (10/21/2019), those details are also included in the new version print. Note: The Supplement B print also includes Supplement A page with all the prepare and/or translator data if preparers/translators are used in I-9 Section 1.

Example of Supplement B print

For more details on Supplement B - Reverification/Rehire/Name Change, please click here.

How can you download print reports of Form I-9?

The New Hire's I-9 related documents can be downloaded to print or preserve the records.  

From Consoles

I-9 Console 

a) Download Packet from the I-9 Summary

Navigate to I-9 Console, click on the I-9 ID and select I-9 Summary.

Click on the "Download Packet" button provided on the top right corner of the I-9 Summary page.

You will notice the zip folder downloaded as given below. The pdfs of Form I-9 and I-9 Audit files show up in the folder. Click on the Form I-9 pdf to open the report.

When opened Form I-9 details displays as given below. The Section 1 and Section 2 details are both consolidated onto a single page. The preparer details are displayed on Supplement A (will be available only if preparers and/or translators are used in Section 1) and Reverification, Rehire and Name Change details (if any) on Supplement B.. 

Another way to download Form I-9 from I-9 Summary is via "View Process". Click on the "View Process" button provided on top of the page.

I-9 Summary - View Process

Click on the "Download" button and download the signed Forms.

Process Viewer

This will download the zip folder with onboarding forms as shown below. Click on the I-9 forms to access Section 1 and Section 2 & Supplement B forms.

b) Download Form I-9 employee and employer print reports from the I-9 Master

If you want to print specific employee and employer reports, you can download them from the I-9 Master. In the I-9 Console page, click on the I-9 ID and select I-9 Master.

The middle two print icons display Form I-9 employee and employer versions. When clicked on upper print icon, it presents the Form I-9 report with only Section 1 details in it (Section 2 information will be empty). The lower print icon presents the Form I-9 employer version with both Section 1 and Section 2, Supplement A (will be available only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1) and Supplement B information.

Invitation Console

a) Download Signed forms from the Invitation Summary

Navigate to Invitation Console, click on the Invitation ID and select Invitation Summary.

Invitation Console

The Invitation Summary page presents as below. Scroll down the page and click on "Download Signed Forms".

This will download the zip folder with onboarding forms as shown below. Click on the I-9 forms to access Section 1 and Section 2, Supplement A (will be available only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1) & Supplement B - Reverification and Rehire (formerly Section 3).

From Keyword Search Categories

I-9 Status

Click on the Keyword Search icon and select "I-9 Status" as Category. Enter any search keyword such as New Hire's name or Invitation ID and click the "Search" button.

From the I-9 Status related actions, select "Download I-9 Packet" or "Print Employee I-9" or "Print Employer I-9". 

The employee version of print report will have I-9 Section 1 report (Section 2 fields will be empty) whereas the employer version shows both Section 1 & Section 2 information, Supplement A (available only if preparers and/or translators exist in section 1) and Supplement B.

What will be the print reports for the transactions that are process completed with the prior version of Form I-9?

Transactions that were process completed using prior version of Form I-9 will show the print reports of prior version. If a preparer(s) assisted in completing the form, the print will also include the preparer's details.

10/21/2019 version Form I-9 Section 1

10/21/2019 version Section 2

The transactions in which I-9 activities (Form I-9 Section 1, Section 2 & Supplement B - formerly Section 3) are completed after the new Form I-9 version release will have downloaded reports of the new version forms. 

What happens when you edit Section 1 which was completed in the prior form version?

If Section 1, which was filled out in the prior version of the form is edited, the new form version will be presented to the New Hire.


I-9 Section 1 completed in the prior form version is given below. To edit the details, click on the "Edit" button presented at the bottom of the page.

The new version form will be presented in edit mode with prior data populated in the fields. You can continue to save after entering the new data or cancel edit to retain the old data.

When edited and completed, the employee print will be the new version form with new signed date stamped for both New Hire and preparer/translator. (Note: Though preparer/translator section doesn't open up when Section 1 is edited, the preparer/translator signature date will be updated to the New Hire's signed date.) 

How the print reports look like for transactions in which I-9 activities were routed but remained incomplete at the time the new Form I-9 version was released?

I-9 activities that are routed but not completed (electronically signed) by the time the new version is released will present the new form version when the activities are accessed. 

For example: If Section 1 is routed but not completed/electronically signed by the new version release date, the activity will route to new online form when Section 1 activity is accessed by the New Hire. 

Discussed below are few scenarios for such in-flight transactions:

Transactions related to I-9 Section 1

1. I-9 Section 1 is routed/saved but not electronically signed

The transactions with Section 1 routed or saved in the prior version but not electronically signed, will display new version form when the activity is accessed by the New Hire. The employer sections (Section 2/Supplement B - formerly Section 3) and the employee/employer print reports also display the new version forms. If a preparer/translator option is selected for completing Section 1, the new version form will be presented to them. The print will include Supplement A for preparer and/or translator certification only if preparer(s)/translator(s) exist in Section 1.

In this case, the print reports will be as given below.

Employee Print Report :

 Employer Print Report

The employer print includes new version of Section 1 & Section 2, Supplement A (available only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1) and Supplement B - formerly Section 3. 

Section 1 & Section 2

Supplement B - formerly Section 3

2. Section 1 is completed in prior 10/21/2019 version but not submitted to HR

In this case, the New Hire can continue submitting onboarding details to HR with the prior version of Form I-9 unless he/she wants to navigate back and edit I-9 Section 1 details. The further I-9 Sections (Section 2 & Supplement B - formerly Section 3) presented to the employer display the new version of Form I-9. Since Section 1 is completed using the prior form, the employee print report from I-9 Section 1 shows the prior version form with normal employee signature.

Employee Print Report

Employer Print Report 

The employer print report shows both the prior and new versions as shown below. The prior version will be the normal Section 1 report of the employee.

Zip folder

The new version form (in this case "0000008298_I9 Section 2&B_Form_07312026.pdf") includes I-9 Section 1 & Section 2, Supplement A (Preparer and/or Translator Certification for Section 1 - will be available only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1) and Supplement B - Reverification and Rehire (formerly Section 3). Since the New Hire has signed Section 1 on the prior form version, the employee's signature will be printed as "Signature captured on prior form version" in the new form version. 

3. I-9 Section 1 is electronically signed by the preparer(s) but not completed by the New Hire

As mentioned earlier, transactions with I-9 Section 1 routed but not electronically signed will display new forms when accessed after new version Form I-9 release. In this scenario, Section 1 is signed by the preparer(s), but the activity is not completed (electronically signed) by the New Hire when the new version is released. When the New Hire accesses the activity after the new version release, the updated Form I-9 will be shown in Section 1 with saved preparer data populated. Here, both the employee and the employer will have new version forms in their downloaded reports.

Employee Print Report with Supplement A - Preparer and/or Translator Certificate for Section 1 (Note: Supplement A will be available in print reports only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1)

The employer print will be the same as in the scenario (1).

4. Section 1 is completed by the New Hire with Preparer(s) in prior version form

This is similar to example 2 where Section 1 is completed in prior version but not submitted to HR. The only difference in this case is the inclusion of Preparer(s) in completing Section 1. The employee will have the prior version printed form with preparer details, while the employer will have both the prior and new versions, and the new version's Section 1 signature will have the text "Signature captured on previous form version".

Employee print report

Employer print reports

The prior version form (in this case "0000008302_I9 Section 2&3_Form_10312022.pdf") will be similar to the employee print report as shown above whereas the new version form (in this case "0000008302_I9 Section 2&B_Form_07312026.pdf") will include the text "Signature captured on previous form version" in both the New Hire and preparer's signature. The preparer's signature can be seen on the Supplement A - Preparer and/or Translator Certification for Section 1. Note: Supplement A will be available only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1).

Transactions related to Section 2

1. Section 2 routed but not saved or Section 2 saved but not completed

As Section 2 is not electronically signed in either case, the new version of the form will appear when accessed by the I-9 Specialist. In this scenario, the employee will receive Section 1 printed on the prior form, while the employer will have both the 10/21/2019 and 08/01/2023 versions, and the new version's (in this case "0000008311_I9 Section 2&B_Form_07312026.pdf") Section 1 employee's signature will display as "Signature captured on previous form version."

Employer print reports

New version pdf

2. Section 2 completed but not E-Verified

Here, section 1 and Section 2 are both completed in prior 10/21/2019 version form. Hence, both the employee and employer print reports display the 10/21/2019 version forms.

3. Section 2 saved by remote in the 10/21/2019 version 

This is similar to scenario (1) in this section where Section 2 is routed but not completed. The new version form will be presented with saved data populated when the remote user accesses the Section 2 activity.

The employee will have 10/21/2019 version Section 1 form whereas employer print will have both 10/21/2019 (Section 1) and new versions, with the verbiage "Signature captured on prior form version" displayed in the new version Section 1 signature. Please refer example (1) for the sample employer Section 1 print report.

4. Remote user completes I-9 Section 2 in 10/21/2019 version 

In this case, the I-9 specialist will be presented the 10/21/2019 form version only to complete the review as it is already signed by the remote user. The print reports for both the employee and the employer will reflect the 10/21/2019 version.

5. Initiate receipt update in 10/21/2019 version and perform document updates in Section 2 in new version

The employer download will have both 10/21/2019 and 08/01/2023 forms. The New Hire's signature in Section 1 will appear on the 10/21/2019 form and the new form will display "Signature captured on prior form version" text in place of New Hire's signature in Section 1. 

Transactions related to Supplement B - formerly Section 3

1.  Reverification/Name Change

a) Reverification/Name Change is initiated in the 10/21/2019 version and completed in the new version or perform Reverification/Name Change in the new version for the processes that are completed in 10/21/2019 version

In this case the Supplement B print for the employer will have both old (10/21/2019) and new version forms as given below.

The old (10/21/2019) version of the form will display normal signatures in both Section 1 and Section 2, while in the new version, the text "Signature captured on previous form version" will replace the signatures of the New Hire & the I-9 Specialist in I-9 Section 1 and Section 2. The Supplement A for preparer and/or translator certification for Section 1 will be available only if prepares/translators exist in Section 1. The Supplement B will exclusively display the details of the Reverification/Name Change processes completed in the new version form. In the old version print, the I-9 Specialist signature will appear as "Signature captured on current form version" for Supplement B processes completed in the new version. For Supplement B processes completed in the old version (10/21/2019), normal signatures will be displayed. In the print report of the new version, the signatures captured for Reverification/Name Change processes on the old version form (10/21/2019) will show the text "Signature captured on previous form version," replacing the I-9 Specialist signatures.

10/21/2019 version print with Section 3 (Reverification/Name Change) completed in 10/21/2019 version form

New version print report - shows the Supplement B details completed in the old & new version forms

2. Rehires

a) Rehire flow Section 1 completed in new version

Here, the employee completed Section 1 in new version and so the employee print report will have new version Section 1 details. Since the I-9 ID is matched with the 10/21/2019 form in the rehire flow, the employer report includes both old and new version forms. The following are included in the employer print report:

i) the 10/21/2019 version form with Section 1 signature as "Signature captured on current form version" and normal signature of the I-9 Specialist in Section 2 and

ii) the new version form showing proper signatures in Section 1 and Supplement B - formerly Section 3 and I-9 Specialist's signature as "Signature captured on prior form version" in Section 2.

The downloaded zip file is as shown below:

When clicked on old version form, in this example "0000008368_I9 Section 2&3_Form_10312022.pdf" it opens a pdf with both Section 1 and Section 2 as shown below.

When clicked on new version form, in this case "0000008368_I9 Section 2&B_Form_07312026.pdf", it opens a pdf with Section 1 & Section 2 and Supplement B - Reverification and Rehire (formerly Section 3) as follows. The pdf shows proper signatures in Section 1 and Supplement B and "Signature captured on prior form version" in Section 2. The Supplement A will show only if preparers/translators exist in Section 1.

Section 1 and Section 2

Supplement B

How do the transactions behave when they are process or activity restarted after the release of the new form version?

Process Restarts:

For the transactions that are process restarted after the new version release, the new version form will be displayed in the I-9 activities. The print reports downloaded for the employee and employer will reflect the the version of the form completed before the the process restart.

Consider an example of process restart after migration of the new form version. After restart, the new version Form I-9 Section 1 will be displayed when the activity is accessed by the New Hire. When Form I-9 is downloaded, the print reports for the employee & the employer will present only the new version forms.

Activity Restarts

a) I-9 Section 1 restart from Section 2 (with or without remote user)

After restart the new version form will be presented in Section 1 for the New Hire. When Form I-9 is downloaded, the print reports for the employee & the employer will present only the new version forms.

b) Restart I-9 Section 1 in the new version from E-Verify

Similar to the above scenario, the new version form will be presented in Section 1 for the New Hire and the print reports for the employee & the employer will have only the new version forms.

c) Restart Section 2 in the new version from E-Verify 

After restart, the new version Section 2 form will be presented for the I-9 Specialist. The print reports for the employer contain both the 10/21/2019 and new version forms, and within the new version form, the Section 1 signature will display the text "Signature captured on prior form version."

How will the print reports look like for corrections in the new version?

Few sample scenarios are discussed below:

1) Self Service Corrections by the New Hire

a) For a process completed transaction in the 10/21/2019 version when a New Hire initiates I-9 Legal Name change in the new version

In this case the new version Supplement B - formerly Section 3 opens for the employer to complete. After process completion, the print reports for the employer includes both 10/21/2019 and new versions as below.

The 10/21/2019 version form pdf, in this case "0000008377_I9 Section 2&3_Form_10312022.pdf" presents Section 1 and Section 2 with proper signatures whereas the new version pdf, here "0000008377_I9 Section 2&B_Form_07312026.pdf" presents Section 1 and Section 2 with verbiage "Signature captured on prior form version" in signature and Section 3 with corrected details and proper signature. Note: The new version print will include Supplement A if preparers/translators exist in Section 1.

Prior 10/21/2019 version pdf:

New version pdf:

Section 1 & Section 2

Supplement B

b) For a process completed transaction in the 10/21/2019 version when a New Hire initiates SSN update in the new version 

Here, the employer continues Section 2 in the new version form. For this transaction, the employer print reports includes 10/21/2019 version Section 1 form and new version form with signature as "Signature captured on prior form version" in Section 1 and I-9 Specialist's or Authorized Representative's signature in Section 2. 

2) Section 2 Correction by the I-9 Specialist

Here, the primary process is completed in the 10/21/2019 version and I-9 Section 2 correction is initiated in the new version. After completing the process, the employer print report includes both 10/21/2019 and 07/31/ version forms.

The 10/21/2019 version pdf, in this case "0000008380_I9 Section 2&3_Form_10312022.pdf" presents only Section 1 with New Hire's signature whereas the new version pdf, in this case "0000008380_I9 Section 2&B_Form_07312026.pdf" presents Section 1 with verbiage "Signature captured on prior form version" in signature and Section 2 with corrected details and I-9 Specialist's or Authorized  Representative's signature. Note: The new version print will include Supplement A if preparers/translators exist in Section 1.

10/21/2019 version pdf

08/01/23 version pdf

What changes are visible in Form I-9 Summary, I-9 Master and I-9 Audit pages?

The updates to Form I-9 Summary, I-9 Master and I-9 Audit are stated below:

I-9 Summary

1. When "A noncitizen authorized to work" is chosen as the eligibility, the Eligibility Type shows as "Noncitizen authorized to work", instead of "Alien Authorized to Work".

2. For Rehire, Reverification or Name Change initiated or completed transactions, the phrase "Section 3" is replaced with "Supplement B" in I-9 Status, I-9 Progress and I-9 Life Cycle.

For more details on I-9 Summary, please click here.

I-9 Master

I-9 Section 1 changes:

1. When "A noncitizen authorized to work" is chosen as the eligibility, the phrase "Noncitizen authorized to work" will be displayed throughout instead of "Alien Authorized to Work".

2. The phrase "Alien Number" is replaced with "A-Number" when chosen as the Number Type for eligibility types - "A lawful permanent resident" and "A noncitizen authorized to work". 

Section 2 changes:

1. The label "Alien Number" is replaced with "A-Number" under List A documents (will show only when "A noncitizen authorized to work" is chosen as the eligibility and Form I-94 Admission Number/Foreign Passport Number is provided in Section 1 and Employment Auth. Document (Form I-766) is selected in Section 2).

2.  Displays the checkbox value indicating the alternative procedure captured in Section 2.

Supplement B (formerly Section 3) changes:

1. The "Section 3. Reverification and Rehires" label for Rehire, Reverification and Name Change is modified to "Supplement B. Reverification and Rehires (formerly Section 3)".

2. Under Supplement B details, the field label for "Section 3 Sequence Number" is changed to "Supplement B Sequence Number" and "S3 Reason" to "Reason".

3. Displays the checkbox value indicating the alternative procedure and the Additional Information captured in Supplement B.

I-9 Audit

I-9 Section 1 changes:

1. When "A noncitizen authorized to work" is chosen as the eligibility, audit shows the Citizenship/Immigration Status as "Noncitizen authorized to work" instead of "Alien authorized to work".

2. The phrase "Alien Number" is replaced with "A-Number" when chosen as the Number Type for eligibility types - "A lawful permanent resident" and "A noncitizen authorized to work". 

Section 2 changes:

1.  Displays the checkbox value indicating the alternative procedure captured in Section 2.

2. The field label "Alien Number" is changed to "A-Number" in Section 2 (will be shown only when "A noncitizen authorized to work" is chosen as the eligibility and Form I-94 Admission Number/Foreign Passport Number is provided in Section 1 and Employment Auth. Document (Form I-766) is selected in Section 2).

Supplement B (formerly Section 3) changes:

1. The "Section 3" label for Rehire, Reverification and Name Change is changed to "Supplement B (formerly Section 3)".

2. Displays the checkbox value indicating the alternative procedure and the Additional Information captured in Supplement B.