I-9 Summary
What makes up an I-9 Summary page?
I-9 Summary shows the following details of an I-9 transaction.
- Quick link to the Form I-9 details
- Quick link to the Audit page
- View process details via the "View Process" link
- Download I-9 packet
- Current I-9/DHS state
- I-9 Progress
- I-9 Life Cycle
- I-9 DHS Case Details
- Legal entity information & Employee information
- DHS Correspondence letters like TNC Further Action Notice or Referral Date Confirmation
- Documents uploaded in the process
Who can access I-9 Summary?
Users with the following checked roles can access the I-9 Summary page.
Role Type | Access |
System Administrator | No |
Process Administrator | No |
Content Administrator | No |
HR Specialist | |
Recruiter | No |
Help Desk Analyst | No |
I-9 Specialist | |
E-Verify Specialist |
When do you access I-9 Summary?
The I-9 Summary page is available for access through the invitation console or I-9 Console at any point after the I-9 ID is generated i.e when I-9 Section 1 is saved/electronically signed by the New Hire. The page has all the I-9 information that the user might want to know about a New Hire's I-9 process.
How do you access I-9 Summary?
There are two ways to access the I-9 Summary page:
- Through the Invitation ID link in the Invitation Console - available to HR Specialists, I-9 Specialists and E-Verify Specialists
- Through the I-9 ID link in the I-9 Console - restricted to I-9 Specialists only
Note: I-9 Summary can also be accessed via the Keyword Search results actions. For more details, please click here.
Through the Invitation ID link in the Invitation Console
Click on the Invitation ID link for a selected invitation and select the "I-9 Summary" option from the menu.
The "I-9 Summary" option will be visible for an invitation only when the I-9 ID is generated i.e when Section 1 data is saved/electronically signed by the New Hire.
Through the I-9 ID link in the I-9 Console
Click on the I-9 ID link for a selected I-9 and choose the 'I-9 Summary' option from the menu. Note: The transaction will appear in the I-9 Console only after the I-9 ID has been generated for an invitation process.
A sample I-9 Summary page is given below:
If additional processes are linked to the I-9 ID, a popup will appear displaying a list of all associated processes. The details include the Invitation ID for each process, the candidate's name, the start date (when the process was initiated), the business process, and the process state (Initiated, In Progress, Completed, or Terminated). Whenever a new process is initiated for the I-9, it is added to this list, along with the relevant business process and its current state.
To open the I-9 Summary page of any particular process, click on its invitation ID link.
The I-9 Summary page will be opened for the selected process.
What details are included in the I-9 Summary page?
The I-9 Summary page includes various key details related to the New Hire's Form I-9. The status beneath the I-9 ID reflects the current I-9/DHS state of the transaction. The I-9 progress section provides an overview of the I-9 and DHS activities within the process, showing whether they are routed, not routed, saved, signed, or completed. This section also displays the system-generated I-9 Case Identifier when the process is routed to the E-Verify activity and the Case Number generated upon the creation of an E-Verify case for the transaction.
The "Audit Details" quick link at the top of the I-9 Summary page provides access to information entered in the Form I-9 and any changes made to the Form I-9 data. On the right side, the "I-9 Life Cycle" visually represents the progression of the I-9 through its various stages. If preparers or translators were involved in completing Section 1 of the I-9, a "Preparer Information" section will be displayed, showing their details. At the bottom right of the page, you can view supporting documents uploaded during the process, along with any DHS letters downloaded during the E-Verify process, if applicable.
The I-9 progress displays the status of Form I-9 Section 1, Section 2, and DHS E-Verify, reflecting the current stage of the New Hire's I-9 process. Each section provides details such as the status, the name of the user who saved or signed the activity, and the date of the initial signing (regardless of any subsequent edits or signatures). Once the process reaches the E-Verify activity, the system generates an I-9 Case Identifier. When the E-Verify case is initiated and created for the process, the DHS Case Number assigned to the employee's case is also displayed in this section.
Different flavors of the I-9 Summary page are provided below.
DHS case status = Case Closed - EA Auto Closed:
The status reflects in the I-9 Life Cycle and in the I-9/DHS status section.
DHS verification is deferred:
This state will appear in cases where the process is completed either with "Applied for SSN" or the document recorded with a receipt in the I-9 Section 2)
When the I-9 ID is inactive:
When I-9 is ready for purging:
When preparers/translators were used in Section 1:
the 'Preparer Information' section will appear on the page, displaying their details. This section will not be visible if no preparers or translators were used in Section 1.
When an invitation process is terminated, force completed, or restarted, a note will appear below the status section indicating its current status.
Process is terminated: For terminated processes, the I-9 Progress section will display the terminated status for any incomplete activities and the I-9 Life Cycle will have no data available. Additionally, a note will indicate that the process has been terminated, and no further actions can be performed on the transaction.
Process Terminated |
Process is force completed: When a process is force completed, any incomplete activities within the process will be terminated. This will be reflected in the I-9 Progress section for the incomplete activities and the I-9 Life Cycle will have no data available. Additionally, a note will appear indicating that the process has been force completed, and no further actions can be taken on the transaction.
Process Force Completed |
Process restarted: A note will be displayed at the top of the page above the I-9 Progress to indicate that the process has been restarted. Regardless of the previous states of the I-9 activities, both the I-9 Progress and I-9 Life Cycle will be reset to their initial state.
E-Verify not applicable:
If the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is not registered for E-Verify (which means the corresponding Company or Business Unit doesn't have the configuration in the DHS Client Setup), the process will not advance to the E-Verify activity. The I-9 Progress in the summary will show a 'Not Applicable' status under DHS E-Verify. This 'Not Applicable' status will also be displayed for the Case Number and I-9 Case Identifier.
Supplement B completed:
For processes with Supplement B initiated and completed, the Section 1 and Section 2 activities will no longer apply. This will be reflected in the summary page, where the statuses for Section 1 and Section 2 will be marked as "Not Applicable".
Rehire process:
In the case of a rehire process, Section 2 will not be applicable, and instead, Supplement B for rehire is included. This can be observed within the I-9 progress section.
How do you view Form I-9 details from the I-9 summary page?
To view the Form I-9 details from the I-9 Summary page, click the I-9 ID link located at the top of the page.
No actions, such as saving or electronically signing, can be performed on incomplete I-9 activities. Uploading attachments is also not permitted. If attachments are present, they can only be viewed but cannot be modified or deleted.
File attachments |
How can you view I-9 audit details from the I-9 summary page?
The data entered in the I-9 activities or any changes made to the I-9 data can be viewed in the corresponding I-9 summary audit details. Click the "Audit Details" link provided on top of the summary page.
Note: There is also an alternate way to access I-9 audit details from I-9 Console → I-9 ID.
I-9 Audit from I-9 Console |
The audit details include separate grids for each process. Expanding each grid will display the I-9 details of the corresponding process.
What information is included in the employee information section?
The Employee Information section of the I-9 Summary includes personal details such as the employee's name, phone number, email address, Date of Birth, SSN, eligibility type, employment Start Date, and I-9 Hire/Rehire dates. The Start Date is derived from the New Hire's invitation, the I-9 Hire Date comes from the Section 2 activity, and the I-9 Rehire Date is populated from Supplement B if the employee is a rehire. The I-9 Hire Date will not appear in the I-9 Summary until it is entered and saved/signed in Section 2. Similarly, if the employee is not a rehire, the Rehire Date will remain blank.
I-9 Hire Date after completing Section 1 |
The Hire Date entered in Section 2 will be populated here only after saving/signing the activity. If the Hire Date in Section 2 is modified and saved/signed (in cases like Section 2 edit/correction), the new Hire date will be reflected in the I-9 Summary.
I-9 Hire Date after completing Section 2 |
Where to find preparers or translators details in the I-9 Summary?
The preparer/translator section will only appear on the I-9 Summary page if preparers or translators were used in Section 1. This section will not be visible if no preparers were used.
Example of the I-9 Summary page with no preparer/translator details:
I-9 Summary page with preparer/translator section included:
How can you download New Hire's I-9 related documents?
The New Hire's I-9-related documents can be downloaded from the I-9 Summary page for printing or record-keeping. To do this, click the Download Packet button at the top right corner of the page. This action will generate a ZIP file containing PDF versions of the Form I-9 and the I-9 Audit.
Click on the zip file name to open it. The folder includes DHS letters and supporting documents (if any), along with PDFs of the I-9 Audit and Form I-9.
Download Zip Folder |
The DHS letters include the TNC Further Action notice and Referral Date Confirmation notice.
The supporting documents includes the documents uploaded through I-9 activities (I-9 Section 1, Section 2 & Supplement B).
How do you check the document uploads?
The attachments uploaded in Section 1/Section 2 will be seen under "Uploaded Documents" on the I-9 Summary page. Click on the corresponding document link(s) to view the attachment.
To review these attachments in the process, navigate to the Process Viewer page by clicking the 'View Process' button on the I-9 Summary page.
The process viewer page opens as shown below.
Scroll down the page and click on the activity link. In example, "I-9 Section 1" activity is selected.
This opens the process page for the corresponding activity. To view attachments uploaded through this activity, click on the "Attachments" gadget located at the right bottom corner of the page.
This will show the document files uploaded via this activity.
What documents do you see under the DHS letters section?
The documents (TNC Further Action Notice and Referral Date Confirmation Notice) that were downloaded during E-Verify process can be viewed from here.
There are two ways to access these DHS documents. One way is by clicking the "Download Packet" button and downloading the New Hire's I-9 documents and another way is by clicking on the links displayed under "DHS Letters".
When clicked on the "Download Packet" button, a zip file will be downloaded to your local computer.
The ZIP file will include Form I-9 and I-9 Audit PDFs, along with a DHS Letters folder. This folder will only appear if DHS letters were downloaded during the E-Verify process; if not, the folder will be absent.
The folder will have the pdfs of all the DHS letters. Click on each pdf to open the corresponding document.
In the above example, the DHS letters include TNC Further Action Notice (English & Spanish) and Referral Date Confirmation Notice (English). The samples downloaded are shown below:
Further Action Notice (English) |
Further Action Notice (Spanish) |
Referral Date Confirmation Notice (English) |
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