This feature allows users to access the I-9 Life cycle to get the detailed I-9 view of a New Hire's process across different business processes. If case of multiple I-9 process like receipt update, reverification, name correction(s), these details are clearly shown on this page for easy tracking.
Some important points that you need to remember when using I-9 Life Cycle in Keyword Search:
The users with I-9 Specialist role type can access Employee I-9 Life Cycle in Keyword Search.
The I-9 Life Cycle is available only if the primary onboarding process is completed for the transactions. The examples are given below.
Consider an invitation that is in progress status. Select "All" in the category and search using candidate's Last Name in the Keyword field. Sometimes, there could be more than one candidate with the same name. In that case, search using the Date of Birth or SSN.
The search results page displays all the available categories for that invitation on the left-hand side, labeled as "Category." However, as the invitation is currently in progress, the I-9 Life Cycle is not yet listed among these categories.
Let's take another example of an invitation with process completed status. In this scenario, when searched for all categories with candidate's Last Name as keyword, the I-9 Life Cycle is visible under "Category" section.
The life cycle in search results shows with the Candidate's Last Name and Date of Birth as a hyperlink. Clicking on this hyperlink will navigate to the Employee I-9 Life Cycle page.
Click on the "Keyword Search" icon, then select the I-9 Life Cycle under Category section. Enter your search keyword in the field designated for keywords. In this example, we have entered the Company Name. Then click on the "Search" button.
Note: The following Keywords can also be used as keywords to filter the search results:
Last Name, DOB, Last 4 of SSN, Employee Status, Eligibility Type, I-9 Attributes, Start Date, Reverification Status, Purge Eligibility, Start Date, Termination Date, Company, Business Unit.
The search results shows as below:
Click on the hyper link displaying the Last Name and the Date of Birth.
This presents the Employee I-9 Life Cycle page as given below.
If more than one process is associated with the I-9:
Select "I-9 Life Cycle" in the search category and click on "More Options" link below that.
The advanced search options for I-9 Life Cycle shows as below. You can use any of these fields to search for the required record.
In the search results for I-9 Life Cycle, click on the hyper link displaying the Last Name and the Date of Birth.
This displays the Employee I-9 Life Cycle page as given below.
The page includes the details of all the business processes associated with the given I-9 ID. Within each process, the status and signatures for Section 1, Section 2, Section 3, and DHS activities will be displayed. Notably, for companies not participating in E-Verify, the DHS status is labeled as "Not Applicable". The specific sections visible in the I-9 Life Cycle vary depending on the process. For instance, a standard process does not include Section 3, as it's irrelevant to the normal onboarding of a new hire. However, for processes like Reverification, Name Change, or Rehire, the I-9 Life Cycle provides insight into Section 3, as it relates to these particular scenarios.
Also, the status shown under I-9 sections vary depending on how far the New Hire's I-9 process is in progress. The details include the status (saved/signed), name of the user who saved/signed the activity and the signed date (only the first signed date is displayed no matter how many times it is edited and signed later).
Example of a I-9 Life Cycle page for a normal process with E-Verify applicable |
Example of a I-9 Life Cycle page for a normal process with E-Verify not applicable |
Examples of different scenarios are discussed below:
Applied for SSN/Receipts
In case if receipt is presented by the employee or if the employee has applied for SSN and the E-Verify is on hold, the DHS status in Life Cycle shows as "Deferred" as shown below.
Applied for SSN/Receipts |
SSN Update/I-9 Section 1 Correction
Processes like I-9 Section 1 Correction and SSN update will have Section 1, Section 2 and E-Verify activities reopened in the correction process. The status updates to Section1/Section 2/DHS are explained in detail below.
The following is the I-9 Life Cycle when the SSN Update/I-9 Section 1 Correction process is initiated.
When Section 1 data is saved, the status under Section 1 shows as "Saved" with the New Hire's name (who saved the activity) and the date.
When Section 1 is signed by New Hire:
The details under Section 2 gets updated when Section 2 activity is saved:
After completing Section 2:
When E-Verify case is initiated (applicable for E-Verify participating companies):
Note: For E-Verify non-participating companies, the status under DHS shows as "Not Applicable")
When the DHS case is taken forward and E-Verify is finalized:
For processes like I-9 Section 2 Correction/Receipt Update, Name Change, Reverification, and Rehire flows, all the I-9 Sections may not be applicable. In such cases, the Life Cycle shows as 'Not Applicable' for the sections that are not applicable.
I-9 Section 2 Correction/Receipt Update
Completed Section 2 Correction/Receipt Update process with E-Verify |
Completed Section 2 Correction with E-Verify not applicable |
Name Change/Name Change Correction/Reverification/Reverification Correction
The processes like Name Change/name Change Correction/Reverification/reverification Correction will have only I-9 Section 3 and E-Verify not applicable.
In such cases, the I-9 Life Cycle does not include the details of DHS and displays Section 3.
Completed Reverification/Name Change process |
Rehire Process
The I-9 Life Cycle for rehires does not include I-9 Section 2 details because this section is not applicable. Also, the E-Verify is marked as "Not Applicable" because it is already completed in the hire process and in rehire it is completed using "Mark as Complete".
Completed Rehire process |
If the logged-in user's role is configured for data export, an "Export to Excel" button will appear on the top right of the search results page. By clicking this button, the user can download the data displayed on the search results page as an Excel file to their local computer.
Below is a sample of the downloaded Excel file. The information displayed on the search result page will appear as columns in the downloaded file. The keyword used for searching can be noticed on the top row.
Please note that only the top 50 results will be displayed on the search results page, and therefore the downloaded Excel file is limited to a maximum of 50 rows.
When no results are found for the search, clicking on the "Export to Excel" button will display the following error message.
I-9s become inactive when the termination date exists and this termination date is on or before the current date. Transactions which satisfy this conditions are identified by a process and the status of these I-9s are updated to inactive. For more details on the inactive I-9s, please click here.
Click on the "Keyword Search" icon, then select the I-9 Life Cycle under Category section. Enter your search keyword in the field designated for keywords. In this example, the Company Name is entered. Click on the "Search" button. This will present the search results that correspond to the entered keyword. Under Employee Status section, you will find I-9s marked with different statuses accompanied by their corresponding counts. I-9s that are inactive or ready for purging are also included in this section.
The transactions can be viewed by selecting the checkbox adjacent to each status.
Inactive I-9s:
For inactive I-9s, the status shows as "Inactive" along with the termination date. To access the I-9 Life Cycle, you need to click on the Last Name and DOB hyperlink.
Ready for Purging I-9s:
I-9s which have become inactive and are eligible for purging will be identified through a specific process and updates their status to "Ready to Purge". After being in this state for 30 days, the associated I-9 data will be permanently removed from the system. For more details regarding the eligibility criteria for purging I-9s, please click here.
I9s that are eligible for purging will show the "Ready to Purge" status as shown below. To access the I-9 Life Cycle, click on the Last Name and DOB hyperlink.
The following are the I-9 Life Cycle related actions:
Click on the image "..." that appears next to the candidate's name hyper link to access the actions. Below example shows the actions associated with an I-9 in active status.
These actions will vary based on the status of the I-9 and whether any secondary process has been initiated for it. If the I-9 status is inactive or ready for purging, no actions can be performed on the I-9. Only the I-9 Master can be viewed from here.
When I-9 is inactive |
If any secondary process such as reverification/name change is initiated for the I-9, the actions will include an option to undo the initiated process.
The details of the I-9 Life Cycle actions are given below:
By clicking on "Manage Termination Date", you can set the employment termination date of a candidate. Click on actions ("...") and select "Manage Termination Date".
Enter the termination date and click "Save".
After the termination date is successfully updated, the following message displays on the page.
If the termination date is less than the Hire Date of the transaction, the error shows as below.
Once the termination date is set, no further actions are allowed on I-9 except viewing the I-9 Master details and reviewing the termination date. Until the termination date becomes current, this date can be modified to any future date. Once the termination date becomes current, the status of the I-9 will change to inactive.
Note: The termination date set can be viewed in I-9 Master by clicking on the "View I-9 Master" link within the actions. Also, the Termination Date + 1 year is compared with the Hire Date + 3 years to populate the value of I-9 Expiry Date in I-9 Master. The I-9 Expiry Date is populated based on "Hire Date + 3 years" or "Termination Date + 1 year" whichever is later or maximum. This can be ignored if the transaction has a WAE Date because the I-9 Expiry Date will be set to null if WAE Date exists.
I-9 Master |
Click on actions and select "View I-9 Master".
This will display the Form I-9 Master page as shown below.
When work authorization expiry falls within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 Options (default trigger days is set to '90'), the I-9 Specialists can see this filing action in Keyword Search actions. For more details on the reverification setup in I-9 Options, please click here.
Search for the rows that requires Reverification. Click on actions and select "Reverification".
Click "Yes" to continue.
Section 3 displays as given below.
Enter the document details, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.
Use Reverification Correction if you want to correct the previously entered Reverification details. This option appears in I-9 Life Cycle actions only if Section 3 Correction is enabled in org level I-9 options setup and a prior completed reverification process exists for the I-9 ID in I-9 Master.
Click on I-9 Life Cycle actions and select "Reverification Correction".
Click on "Yes" to continue.
This opens Section 3 in edit mode. Make changes to the document details as required, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.
The "Undo Last Filing" action shows up in I-9 Life Cycle actions if any additional or secondary I-9 processes such as Name Change, Section 2/Section 3 Corrections, Reverification, Receipt update etc is initiated for the I-9 ID by the I-9 Specialist through I-9 Console actions/Keyword Search I-9 Life Cycle category related actions or if any additional I-9 actions are initiated by the New Hire through self service way.
The 'Undo Last Filing' action terminates the secondary process that is currently running and also deletes the row from I-9 Master that was added by the process.
Refer to the following examples to know in detail how the "Undo Last Filing" action can be initiated and the status of I-9 sections change in I-9 Life Cycle after the process is terminated.
Example 1: Name Change
This I-9 Life Cycle of a completed transaction is given below..
Lets us initiate "Name Change" process through I-9 Life Cycle actions.
Click on "Yes" to initiate the action.
The I-9 Life Cycle actions will show "Undo Last Filing" option in its actions after the process is initiated.
A new row gets added for this process in I-9 Life Cycle as shown below.
In this case, the process can be terminated until Section 3 activity is completed. As an example let us add data in Section 3 and then save the activity.
The "Saved" status gets updated in I-9 Life Cycle as shown below.
Now consider terminating the process using "Undo Last Filing" action.
Click on "Yes" to continue the action.
In the following page, select a reason, enter the comments and then click on "Submit".
Click on "OK" to confirm.
The process gets terminated and this terminated status reflects in Life Cycle for that I-9 as shown below. The status under Section 3 activity remains "Saved", but the terminated status displays under the grid.
If the process is terminated before saving/signing the activity/activities that are applicable in the process, then the terminated status also shows under that specific activity/activities whichever is not saved/signed.
In the following example, the "Name Change" process is terminated before saving/signing the Section 3 activity. Hence, the "Terminated" status also shows under Section 3 as shown below.
Example 2: I-9 Section 1 Correction
When I-9 Section 1 Correction process is initiated:
Terminate the process without saving/signing the activity/activities using "Undo last Filing" action. The "Terminated" status gets updated in I-9 Life Cycle as shown below:
In case if the process is terminated after saving Section 2 activity, the I-9 Life Cycle shows as below:
Example 3: I-9 Section 2 Correction:
When I-9 Section 2 Correction process is initiated:
Terminate the process without saving/signing the activity/activities using "Undo last Filing" action. The "Terminated" status gets updated in I-9 Life Cycle as shown below:
In the following example, the Section 2 Correction process is terminated after saving Section 2 activity.
I-9 Life Cycle after saving Section 2 before process termination:
After the process is terminated using "Undo Last Filing" action, the status under Section 2 shows as "Saved" and DHS as "Terminated". If E-Verify is not included in Section 2 Correction process, the status under DHS shows as "Not Applicable".
If your employee has a name change, you can record this in Section 3 of Form I-9. When the Name Change process is initiated, it launches an additional invitation and opens Section 3 activity in add more.
Click on "Yes" to continue the process.
When Section 3 opens, enter the new name details in the name fields and save.
To complete the activity, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.
Use Name Change Correction if you want to correct the previously entered name details. This option appears in I-9 Life Cycle actions only if Section 3 Correction is enabled in org level I-9 options setup and a prior completed Name Change process exists for the I-9 ID in I-9 Master.
Click on I-9 Life Cycle actions and select "Name Change Correction".
Click on "Yes" to continue.
This opens Section 3 in edit mode. Make changes to the name details, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.
The "Receipt Update" action can be used to update the receipts entered in Section 2 with the actual document details. When the actual document is provided by the New Hire for which the receipt was presented, the I-9 Specialist can update the details in List A/List B & List C of Section 2 by initiating this process.
Primary Flow - Receipts process
Example of I-9 Section 2 with receipts
E-Verify is put on hold by completing the process using 'Mark as Complete' button.
DHS Status shows as deferred after completing the process using 'Mark as Complete'.
After the primary flow is completed, the 'Receipt Update' option shows up in Keyword Search I-9 Life Cycle category related actions.
Choose "I-9 Life Cycle" as Category and search using an appropriate keyword. Here, Last Name is used as the search keyword. In the search result, click on actions and choose "Receipt Update".
Click on 'Yes' and confirm the action.
The I-9 Section 2 Correction Reason page opens as below:
Select 'Receipt Updates' as Reason and enter notes if any. Since E-Verify is not completed in the primary flow, select 'Yes' in Allow E-Verify.
After entering these details, click on 'Continue'.
The receipts from the primary flow opens in Section 2.
Update Section 2 details with actual documents and complete Section 2.
When E-Verify page opens, click on 'Create Case' button to initiate E-Verify and continue with DHS verification.
Clicking on the action image "..." in each section shows different actions that can be performed on this page.
Download Packet can generate a zip folder with pdf files containing the New Hire's Form I-9, notifications if any (such as Further Action Notices and Referral Notices), and copies of documents that have been attached.
Download Packet |
A zip folder is downloaded as shown below. Click on the zip file to open the files.
Displays the audit report of the I-9 ID.
I-9 Audit Details |
Click on the actions/"..." image for each business process to access its I-9 Summary details.
I-9 Summary & Process details - Secondary Process |
I-9 Summary & Process Details - Primary Process |