.Overviewnew vV_1.2

.Overviewnew vV_1.2

What is E-Verify?

E-Verify is an Internet-based system administered by the U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services (USCID) that compares information from an employee’s Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to data from U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Social Security Administration (SSA) records to confirm employment eligibility.

It is stated in the United States law that only those who have the eligibility to work legally in the United States should be employed by employers.  This process has been made possible online, easy and quick by the U.S. Government by designing the E-Verify system.

What is Smart E-Verify™?

The Smart Electronic-Verify (Smart E-Verify™) solution includes interfaces with the USCIS E-Verify system.  In addition, it enables employers and employees to create, maintain, and monitor employment verification actions with the Department of Homeland Security.

Smart E-Verify can be implemented in any of these ways:

  • As a standalone solution.
  • From within the PeopleSoft Human Capital Management (HCM) environment.
  • From within the Smart Onboarding solution.

Benefits of Smart E-Verify

The following are benefits of the Smart E-Verify solution:

  • Quick results, typically within 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Reduces unauthorized employment.
  • Protects employee privacy.
  • Eliminates SSN mismatch errors.
  • Improves the accuracy of wage and tax reporting.
  • Optional Department of Homeland Security Compliance and Monitoring services

Smart E-Verify User Roles

There are typically two types of E-Verify users within an organization.

  1. Employer

Employers need to enroll and register with the Department of Homeland Security’s E-Verify system. Registered employers have two types of user roles:

  • The first is being the administrator – entering the required information for employees based on their I-9 (if the employer chooses to not have employees do this themselves), verifying the accuracy of the employee’s information and documents, and administering the process of verification of employment eligibility with USCIS.
  • The second is creating general user roles for their employees, so the employees can enter their own I-9 information. Their functionalities include creating/unlocking/closing user accounts (both of the employer and the employee), maintaining users, and the ability to view reports.
  1. Employee

If the employer chooses, employees can be assigned as users, and if so, employees can create, edit, update and view their own profile, create USCIS E-Verify cases, and view reports.

Form I-9 Overview

The Form I-9 contains the following sections:

  • Section 1 – Employee Information and Attestation.
    • The hard copy of this section is completed by the employee.  It may be entered into the information system by the employee or the employer.  Some information in this section can be pre-completed based on the interfacing system (PeopleSoft HRMS, Smart Onboarding, or Oracle Fusion HCM).
  • Section 2 – Employer Review and Verification.
    • This section is completed by the employer after reviewing the employee’s documents.
  • Section 3 – Reverification and Rehires.
    • This section is completed by the employer when an employee is rehired, or if an employee’s information expires and his employment eligibility requires reverification.

E-Verify Process Overview

The following diagram shows the steps in the E-Verify process:    


 E-Verify Process Overview

The E-Verify process consists of the following steps:

  • Employee accepts an offer of employment.
  • Employee completes Section 1 of the I-9 form no later than their first day of work.
  • Employee gives their I-9 form and required documents to the employer.
  • Employer reviews documents and completes Section 2 of the I-9 form no later than the third business day after the employee begins work.
  • Employer submits the employee’s I-9 information to USCIS E-Verify.
  • If there is a problem, employer and employee resolve the issue and resubmit the employee’s information.
  • If the employee’s work authorization expires, or the employee is a rehire, the employer completes Section 3 of the I-9 form (only) and submits to USCIS E-Verify for reverification.
  • If there is a problem with reverification, employer and employee resolve the issue and resubmit the employee’s information.

E-Verify Case Status

To begin the E-Verify process, a Form I-9 must be completed by the applicant or employee. The E-Verify process should not be started until the employee has accepted a job offer.
In the E-Verify system, the details that are entered on the employee's Form I-9 are compared with the records at DHS and/or SSA. When E-Verify does this check, a case number, along with case results, is provided.
Case results can be in initial, interim or final status. After final results for a case are provided by the E-Verify system, users should close the respective case.

I-9 Status and Sub-Status

As an I-9 moves through the process, the case Status and Sub-Status change. These are shown in the heading of the I-9 pages. The Status and Sub-Status are also referred to as the I-9 State.
I-9 Status values:

  • Initial – I-9 has been created, but has not yet been submitted to E-Verify
  • DHS – I-9 has been submitted to E-Verify

I-9 Sub-Status values:
Normal flow:

  • Awaiting Section 2
  • Employee Authorized
  • Close Case
  • Case Closed

Common exception flows (there can be many different exception paths):

  • Awaiting Section 2
  • SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation
  • DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation
  • SSA Referral
  • DHS Referral
  • SSA Final Nonconfirmation
  • DHS Final Nonconfirmation
  • Close Case
  • Case Closed

Other Sub Status values:

  • Additional Verification
  • Awaiting DHS Verification
  • Confirm Photograph
  • SSA Resubmit
  • SSA Case in Continuance
  • DHS Case in Continuance
  • Awaiting Reverification
  • SSA Reverify
  • DHS Reverify
  • Reverification Incomplete
  • Reverify Completed
  • DHS No Show
  • SSA No Show

Initial Case Results

The E-Verify verification process begins with a completed Form I-9. E-Verify makes the employment eligibility determination by checking the information entered by the employer against records available to the SSA and/or DHS.
In the verification process, when E-Verify checks the employee's information with records available to the SSA and/or DHS, a case result is provided. Case results can be initial, interim or final. Proper use of E-Verify requires users to close all cases when they receive final case results.

Employee Duplicate Case

After clicking Initiate E-Verify, if the document enters the Employee Duplicate Case process, it indicates that the information submitted in E-Verify already matches the SSA/DHS records. Here the authenticity and validity of the information of the employee from Form I-9 is verified against the records in SSA.


Duplicate Case – Cases Which Have the Same Information


Click Next.


Duplicate Case – Case Details


Click Next to verify the information.


Duplicate Case - Reason


Provide the reason and click Submit.

Verification in Process

This case has been submitted, but E-Verify needs additional time to verify the employment eligibility of this employee. The employer may not take any adverse action against the employee because of this notification. Check E-Verify periodically for a case status update. The Case Polling process (see Chapters 4.2 and 4.3) to assure that the latest E-Verify status is reflected.
If a problem occurs during the SSA check or DHS check, the process goes to the Verification in Process state.


Verification in Process



SSA Verification

After clicking Initiate E-Verify, if the document enters the SSA Reverification process, it indicates that the information submitted in E-Verify does not initially match the SSA records. Here the authenticity and validity of the information of the employee from Form I-9 is verified against the records in SSA.
Once the Initiate E-Verify is clicked a case number is generated.

SSA Reverify

If there is a discrepancy with any of the SSA information, the employer can change the information at this point and resubmit, or resubmit without changing the information.


SSA Reverify


The employer can choose to click the Reverify button or the Close Case button.
To submit the employee's case to SSA again, without correcting the Social Security #, click the Reverify button. An I-9 ID Status confirmation page is displayed. Note that if the information was incorrect, this is an opportunity to correct it before clicking the Reverify button.
Note: Clicking the Close Case button will close the current employee case.
Note: Click the Case Number hyperlink, to check the E-Verify Case Details. Click the Return button to return to the main page.


SSA TNC - Confirm Employee Notification


SSA Tentative Nonconfirmation

A TNC case result means that the information entered into E-Verify from Form I-9 differs from records available to the SSA and/or DHS. E-Verify identifies the agency associated with the mismatch when the TNC result is provided.
An SSA TNC means that the information entered into E-Verify does not match the SSA records. The section below outlines the specific steps required when this case result occurs. Included are descriptions of case results from the SSA and actions the employee will need to take to resolve the TNC.
A Social Security Administration (SSA) TNC case result may occur because of the following employee conditions:

  • Citizenship or immigration status was not updated with the SSA
  • Name change was not reported to the SSA
  • Name, social security number or date of birth is incorrect in the SSA records
  • The SSA record contains another type of mismatch
  • Information was not entered correctly by the employer

The employee must be notified of this result as soon as possible. Click the Confirm Employee Notification button. An email of the SSA TNC notification will be sent to the employee (email ID mentioned in the I-9 form). Click the Print Notice button to print the Further Action Notice. A PDF file format of the notification is displayed. Click Next.
A copy of the SSA Further Action Notice is also sent to the employee's email ID that was specified on the I-9 form.
Note: When notified of the SSA TNC, the employee chooses to contest or not contest the case result. In either case, the employee acknowledges his or her decision on the SSA Further Action Notice. When an employee chooses to contest an SSA TNC, the employee is required to visit an SSA field office within 8 Federal Government working days to resolve the TNC.


SSA TNC - Confirm Employee Decision


Once the employee receives the notification, and if the employee has chosen to contest the SSA TNC, click Next. This will refer the employee and advances the E-Verify process.
If the employee chooses not to contest the SSA TNC, click Close Case to proceed with closing the case.


SSA TNC - Refer Case to SSA


If the employee has chosen to contest the SSA TNC, refer the case to SSA by clicking "Refer Case". 'Refer Case' submits a request to SSA to redo the E-Verify process of that employee.
Note: An employee who chooses to contest the SSA TNC must visit an SSA field office within 8 Federal Government working days to begin resolving the TNC. The Employer must provide the Referral Date Confirmation from E-Verify to the employee. The Referral Date Confirmation provides the date by which the employee must visit SSA. The employee must bring the SSA TNC Further Action Notice when he or she visits an SSA field office.


Print SSA Referral Notice


SSA Referral

The Sub Status indicates that the employee has been referred to SSA. A copy of the SSA Referral Notice can be printed by clicking Print Notice.
A copy of the SSA Referral Notice is also sent to the employee's email ID that was specified on the I-9 form.

 DHS Verification

After clicking Initiate E-Verify, if the document enters the DHA Reverification process, it indicates that the information submitted in E-Verify does not initially match DHS' records. The authenticity and validity of the information of the employee from the Form I-9 is verified against the records in DHS.
Once the Initiate E-Verify is clicked, a case number is generated.

DHS Reverify

If there is a discrepancy with any of the DHS information, the employer can change the information at this point and resubmit, or resubmit without changing the information.


DHS Reverification – DHS Reverify


The employer can choose to click the Reverify button or the Close Case button.
To submit the employee case to the DHS again, without correcting the Document Number, click the Reverify button. An I-9 ID Status confirmation page is displayed.
Note: Clicking the Close Case button will close the current employee case.
Note: Click the Case Number hyperlink to check the E-Verify Case Details. Click the Return button to return to the main page.


DHS TNC – Confirm Employee Notification



DHS Tentative Nonconfirmation

A TNC case result means that the information entered into E-Verify from Form I-9 differs from records available to SSA and/or DHS. E-Verify identifies the agency associated with the mismatch when the TNC result is provided.
A DHS TNC means that the information entered into E-Verify does not match records available to DHS. The section below outlines the specific steps required when this case result occurs. Included are descriptions of case results from DHS and actions the employee will need to take to resolve the TNC.
A DHS TNC case result can occur because of the following employee conditions:

  • Name, Alien number, I-94 number and/or foreign passport number are incorrect in DHS records
  • U.S. Passport, Passport Card, driver's license, foreign passport or state ID card information could not be verified
  • Information was not updated in the employee's DHS records
  • Citizenship or immigration status changed
  • Record contains another type of error
  • Information was not entered correctly by the employer

The employee must be notified of this result as soon as possible. Click the Confirm Employee Notification button. An email of the DHS TNC notification will be sent to the employee (email ID specified in the I-9 form). Click the Print Notice button to print the notification. A PDF file format of the notification is displayed for the notification. Click Next.
Note: When notified of the DHS TNC, the employee chooses to contest or not contest the case result. In either case, the employee acknowledges his or her decision on the DHS TNC Further Action Notice. When an employee chooses to contest a DHS TNC, the employee is responsible for contacting DHS within 8 Federal Government working days.
A copy of the DHS Further Action Notice is also sent to the employee's email ID that was specified on the I-9 form.


DHS TNC – Confirm Employee Decision


Once the employee receives the notification, and if the employee has chosen to contest the DHS TNC, click Next. This will continue with the E-Verify process.
If the employee chooses not to contest the DHS TNC, click the Close Case button to proceed with the closing of the case.


DHS TNC – Refer Case to DHS


If the employee has chosen to contest the DHS TNC, refer the case to DHS by clicking "Refer Case". 'Refer Case' submits a request to DHS to redo the E-Verify process of that employee.
Note: An employee who chooses to contest the DHS TNC must contact DHS within 8 Federal Government working days to begin resolving the TNC. The employer must provide the Referral Date Confirmation from E-Verify to the employee. The Referral Date Confirmation provides the date by which the employee must call DHS. The employee must have the DHS TNC Further Action Notice when he or she calls DHS.


DHS Referral



DHS Referral

This Sub Status indicates that the employee has been referred to DHS. A copy of the DHS Referral can be printed by clicking Print Notice.
A copy of the DHS Referral Notice is also sent to the employee's email ID as indicated on the I-9 form.

Employment Authorized

An initial case result of 'Employment Authorized' is the most common and simplest case result in E-Verify. 'Employment Authorized' means that the information entered matched records available to the SSA and/or DHS and that E-Verify confirmed the employment eligibility of the employee whose information was entered. However, a case that is 'Employment Authorized' is still considered incomplete until it is closed.


Employee Authorized


Sub Status: Employee Authorized
This indicates that the employee is authorized to work in the United States. This verification process is still incomplete. To complete this process, click Close Case.


Interim Case Results

An interim case result requires additional action before E-Verify will provide a final case result and you can complete the verification process.

Additional Verification

E-Verify needs additional time to verify the employment eligibility of this employee.  This employee can continue to work until E-Verify provides a final response.  E-Verify will update the employer on the case.


Additional Verification


SSA Case In Continuance

The employee has visited an SSA field office, but more time is needed to determine a final case result.

An ‘SSA Case in Continuance’ indicates that the employee has visited an SSA field office, but more time is needed to determine a final case result.  The reason SSA needs more time varies with each situation.  You should check E-Verify periodically for an update in the case’s results.  The employer may not terminate or take adverse action against an employee while SSA is reviewing the employee’s case.  The same applies for a 'DHS Case in Continuance' status as well.

Once SSA or DHS has updated E-Verify, one of the following case results shows:


For SSA Case In Continuance:

  • Employment Authorized
  • SSA Final NonConfirmation
  • SSA Reverification
  • DHS Reverification


Each case result requires different actions or steps to continue or close the case.  These actions are outlined in each case result under the specified section.

DHS Case In Continuance

The employee has contacted the DHS, but more time is needed to determine a final case result.

Once DHS has updated E-Verify, one of the following case results shows:

For DHS Case In Continuance:

  • Employment Authorized
  • DHS Final NonConfirmation


Each case result requires different actions or steps to continue or close the case.  These actions are outlined in each case result under the specified section.


Final Case Resolution

Final Case Results

To complete the E-Verify process, every case must receive a final case result and then be closed.  E-Verify guides you through the process after you receive a final case result.   The Sub Status will be changed to E-Verify Completed.


E-Verify Completed


SSA Final Nonconfirmation and DHS Final Nonconfirmation

E-Verify cannot verify an employee’s employment eligibility after the employee has visited the SSA or contacted the DHS.

An ‘SSA or DHS Final Nonconfirmation’ case result is received when E-Verify cannot verify an employee’s employment eligibility after an employee has visited an SSA field office or contacted the DHS during the TNC referral process.  Once an ‘SSA or DHS Final Nonconfirmation’ has been provided, you must close the case.

DHS No Show

A ‘DHS No Show’ indicates that the employee did not contact DHS within 8 Federal Government working days. A ‘DHS No Show’ case result is considered a Final Nonconfirmation.  A Final Nonconfirmation means that the case must be closed in E-Verify.


DHS No Show


Close Case

To complete the E-Verify process, employers must close every case that has been created in E-Verify.


Close Case- Current Employment Status of the Employee with the Company


This is the final step of closing the case. If the employee is currently employed in your company, click Yes as shown in the screen above.

If the employee is not employed in your company currently, click No.

Click Next.


Close Case- Case Close Reason and Submit


Select the appropriate "Case Close Reason" statement from the list displayed and submit by clicking "Submit Case Close Reason.


Case Closed


This indicates that the employee case which has been in the E-Verify process is closed.  The case number is displayed for the reference of the employer.





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