Post-Installation Instructions

Post-Installation Instructions

1. Introduction

This document summarizes the steps required for post-installation of the Smart Onboarding product.  These steps must be completed by all Smart Onboarding customers that will run the Smart Onboarding application on their premises.

NOTE: This document contains screenshots taken from tools release 8.56.03. So some screens may significantly vary from your current tools in appearance 

Intended Audience

This document is intended primarily for those involved in setting up the system. A basic familiarity with PeopleSoft admin and web-based applications is expected.       

2. Post-installation Steps

a) Deployment Options, Global Variables Sequencing setup and Web Profile Time Out

i) Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Common Utilities > Core Setup > Installation > Installation Options

Select an appropriate Deployment Mode: Cloud/On-Premise/Bolt-on (add-on to the delivered functionality). Here, the Deployment Mode is set to "On-Premise".

Check "HR Data in Sync" checkbox if HR attributes need to be synced to SM attributes tables.

Based on the installation environment select the Phase. The Phase will drive the notification text that is sent out to the Smart Onboarding Users and New Hires. For Phases other than "Production", the notifications sent out will have the test system generated text added in email subject and content.

Entering email in Sender Email ID is optional. When events are triggered, the email entered in the Sender Email ID will be used as "From" address while sending out the notifications. if you wish to turn off sending out notifications, check the "Turn Off Events" checkbox. 

After entering all the details, click "Save".

ii) Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Common Utilities > Core Setup > Installation > Maximum Sequence Setup

Click on '+' button to add a row and add the variable 'SM_CO_GBL_VAR' for CO Product ID and provide a high number as shown. This is to prevent collision with already delivered Global Variables along with installation/migration. Also, add another row 'SI9_HEADER' for SI9 Product ID. 

Set the 'Last Generated Key' value for 'SM_CD_SMART_HDR' to '1' if not already set.

iii) Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Web Profile > Web Profile Configuration

a) Pull up SMINT/SMEXT Web Profiles  one by one and change the Time Out Warning Script by clicking 'Override' button

Record (Table) Name: WEBLIB_SM_CO


PeopleCode Event Name: FieldFormula

PeopleCode Function Name: IScript_TIMEOUTWARNING

b) SMEXT Web Profiles after overriding with SmartERP's parameters

b) Creation of Roles and User IDs

1) Creation of new Roles (If they are not already delivered by SmartERP) with the permission lists shown in the below table.

 NOTE: These permission lists may be changed in future as functionality is changed and will be updated here as we change

RolesPermission Lists
Cloud LoginSMCD5010, SMCD6010, SMCD7010
Smart UserSMCD6005, SMCD_PTPT1105
Cloud New HireSMCD3062, SMCD4062, SMCD5062, SMCD6062, SMCD7062, SMCD8062

Illustration of Smart User role creation:

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Roles

2) Creation of new Users
 (If they are not already delivered by SmartERP)


INVITEE (This was

created in

Pre-Installation phase)

Cloud Login, Smart User
SmartNewHireCloud New Hire, Smart User

Assign the roles from the above table to the INVITEE User which was created earlier.

Create a PeopleSoft User with User ID “MODELCLOUDUSER” as shown below and this user can be locked (Check Account Locked out).

Role(s) creation for MODELCLOUDUSER. In the ID tab assign ID as 'NONE' (Not shown in the figure).

Creation of new User 'SmartNewHire'.

Role assignment for the newly created user. In the ID tab assign ID type as NONE (Not shown in the figure).

3) Remove WEBLIB reference  'WEBLIB_SM_OBIEE' from SMCD6061, SMCD6064, SMCD6065, SMCD6067, SM6072, SMCD6073 permission lists.

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists and search for the permission list.

Here, 'SMCD6061' is taken as example.

Open Web Libraries for the permission list.

Remove 'WEBLIB_SM_OBIEE' WEBLIB reference and save.

4) Remove permission list 'SMCD5059' from 'Cloud Integration' Role.

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Roles and search for 'Cloud Integration' Role.

Open 'Permission Lists'.

Remove 'SMCD5059' permission list and save.

5) Remove permission list 'SMCD5964' from 'Cloud HR Administrator' Role.

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Roles and search for 'Cloud HR Administrator' Role.

Open 'Permission Lists'.

Remove 'SMCD5964' permission list and save.

c) Import Message Catalogs

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Common Utilities > Utilities > Import Message Catalogs.       

Select all the messages and import the messages by clicking the Import button.     

Ignore the initial warning that pops up and click OK.

If you get the message shown below that the messages are in use, click OK.

d) Sync Prefix & Suffix CO tables with delivered HR tables data

Please find the script given below to sync data between tables:






Note: For Gender and Marital Status, we are using the delivered fields.


In Smart Onboarding product, we are using delivered field (SEX) for gender and no customization has been made in any of the activities.

Marital Status:

For Marital Status, we are using delivered field "MAR_STATUS". However, we have a customization in the Employee Biographic Information to hide all the xlats except S(Single) and M(Married) values.

Note: In case, there is any other requirement on Marital Status, please reach out to us for customization.

e) Import Tools Specific Table Data

Import the SM_CO_TOOLS_SPECIFIC_XXX_I.dms file where XXX would indicate your PSTools version (e.g SM_CO_TOOLS_SPECIFIC_858_I.dms)

This import is only required during the first install and no further script would be required for PSTools upgrades. After running this script you will find the branding layout values of SMARTLOGIN and SMART_TALENT added to the PeopleSoft Branding tables.

f) Create Organization and add first System Administrator 

i) Create your Organization 

Note: Please provide 'Cloud SP Admin', 'Cloud Service Provider' and 'Smart User' roles to the user who will be performing this task.  Note: Instead of Smart User, any PeopleSoft delivered role can be used for navigating to the Smart Solutions folder.

Also, you should either add "Cloud Developer" role to the above list or update SMCD7000 permission list with 'SM_CD_SMARTFORM_CI'.

SMCD7000 Permission List

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Organization > Consoles/Review and then click on Service Provider Console.

Note: Note that prior to adding your Organization you must have an Internal user who you would want to designate as a Tenant Administrator.

Click 'Smart ORG-Invite' push button to create your own Organization that you will be using for utilizing Smart Modern Onboarding product.

Note: Create a User (Tenant Administrator) without any roles before creating the Organization.

Enter new Organization Name & Description, Tenant Administrator details as shown below. Under Org Products, add applicable products from the list of products available.

For the Provider integration to work, make sure you select all the Provider IDs under Organization Providers. For example, if E-Verify is applicable to you, select "DHS_V31" (DHS V31 webservices) under Organization Providers.

Based on the requirement, select an appropriate copy option and click Save

g) Setup Organization Site Details, User Categories and URL Identifiers 

i) Organization Site Details

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Organization > Core Setup > Organization Site Details.

When you click search, the organization that you have created in the above step will be listed in the ‘Find an existing value’ tab.

Update the Host name and the site name for Classic URL’s highlighted below to map the correct Host Name, port and node of the model entity. Host name could be a sample name along authentication domain following your DNS entry standards.

ii) User Categories

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Business Process Management > Core Setup > User Categories

This is system maintained and you need not add any new user category. 

Select CLD_ROLETYPE_CUST, EXTERNAL_USER, SM_CO_USER and SMART_EV_USER user categories for the On-Premise installations and click on Organization Specific Portals link against them to open the organization specific details. For the organization ID created, adjust the site name with the new DNS that you have given in Org. Site details.

Click on Organization Specific Portals link against CLD_ROLETYPE_CUST to open the organization specific details to adjust site name for the delivered organization.

This will be used to provide appropriate navigations links to your own organization(s) that you create later and will help provide the system with accurate links to traverse between various activities when users are going through onboarding or when Admin users are performing post onboarding activities for the users using Modern UI pages

Please Note that this is for Admin Internal user navigation links and site name you have to provide is the Internal Modern site you created in the Pre-Installation phase.

Click on Organization Specific Portals link against EXTERNAL_USER to open the organization specific details to adjust site name for the delivered organization.

This is used by the system to provide accurate navigational link for external candidates being onboarded.

Click on Organization Specific Portals link against SM_CO_USER to open the organization specific details to adjust site name for the delivered organization.

This is used by the system to provide accurate navigational link for the tenant users through their onboarding activity after self registration. 

Click on Organization Specific Portals link against SMART_EV_USER to open the organization specific details to adjust site name for the delivered organization.

This is specific to Smart I-9 product and is used by the system to provide accurate navigational links for the New Hires being onboarded.

iii) Setup the URLs

Below are the URLs that you need to setup.

Navigate to People Tools > Utilities > Administration > Maintain URLs.

URL1: Search for URL Identifier = SM_AUTH_SSO_LOGIN_URL.

URLID: Enter the traditional URL that you used to login to this environment.


Update the highlighted URLID and Comments.

The value to enter in the URLID field is the ‘Internal Site name’ that you have created for onboarding. Comments is optional and it is for your reference.

Search for URL Identifier SI9_NFS_MOUNT_URL.

Check to make sure the path to the temp directory is entered in the URLID. Update the URLID field if the value doesn't exist.

Add or update URL Identifier SM_TEMP_DIRECTORY

If 'SM_TEMP_DIRECTORY' doesn't exist add this URL Identifier and enter the URLID field as shown below.

After the setup is done, navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Smart Modern UI Landing Page. This should take you to your onboarding landing page.

h) Configure Authentication for Candidates (PeopleSoft User signon using bypass site) 

i) Organization Site Details

Navigate to PeopleTools > Security > SecurityObjects > Signon PeopleCode.

1) Set Invoke as user to an active PeopleSoft User ID and Password.

2) You would by default see Sequence Number 1 as Record: FUNCLIB_PWDCNTL. Change that to any number after 7 and Save, eg: 11 as shown in the screenshot below.

3) Now add Sequence Number 1 on the top and add the below. Ensure that FUNCLIB_SM_AUTH is sequentially first as shown in the screenshot below. 

Field Name: LDAPAUTH
Event Name: FieldDefault
Check the Enabled and Exec Auth Fail check boxes.

i) DHS Client Setup

DHS Client Setup is used to set up the user and password information for accessing the USCIS E-Verify system.  If you are not planning on using E-Verify through our smart onboarding process, this step is not needed.

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Smart Modern UI Landing Page.

Login as 'System Administrator' and access DHS Client Setup through left navigation.

Click on Add a New Value.

Set DHS User ID and Password for the Legal Entity Driver chosen for processing the I-9s. Here, Business Unit is chosen as the I-9 Legal Entity Driver.

Select the Business Unit. Enter the DHS User ID and the Password that is registered in the DHS Site.

Save the page. Click on Verify Connectivity to ensure the connection works correctly.

Likewise, create one row each for all the Business Units that are associated with your Organization.

j) Check PS URLs for E-Verify

Check to make sure the REST Base URLs for E-Verify is pointing to Version 31. Update the REST Base URLs if not correctly pointing to the corresponding environments.

For SI9_DHS_V31_GET and SI9_DHS_V31_POST service operations related to SI9_DHS_V31 service, change the Rest Base URL to point to https://everify.uscis.gov/api/v31 for production and https://stage-everify.uscis.gov/api/v31 for test environments

a) SI9_DHS_V31_GET

Navigate Main Menu > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operations

Production Environment:

Search for Service Operation = SI9_DHS_V31_GET

Make sure the highlighted REST Base URL field has the value "https://everify.uscis.gov/api/v31".

Otherwise, update the URLID with the link given above. 

Non-Production Environment:

Search for Service Operation = SI9_DHS_V31_GET

Make sure the highlighted REST Base URL field has the value "https://stage-everify.uscis.gov/api/v31".

Otherwise, update the URLID with the link given above. 


Navigate Main Menu > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operations

Production Environment:

Search for Service Operation = SI9_DHS_V31_POST

Make sure the highlighted REST Base URL field has the value "https://everify.uscis.gov/api/v31".

Otherwise, update the URLID with the link given above. 

Non-Production Environment:

Search for Service Operation = SI9_DHS_V31_POST

Make sure the highlighted REST Base URL field has the value  "https://stage-everify.uscis.gov/api/v31".

Otherwise, update the URLID with the link given above. 

k) Check Remote Database access

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Remote Database Connection

Check the setup for Remote Database access and make changes if settings are incorrect. Make sure the "Local Connect?" checkbox is checked.

Click on "Test Connection" to verify the User ID and Password setup.

l) Report Category

Navigate to Main Menu > Reporting Tools > BI Publisher > Setup > Report Category

Ensure you have the “Smart User” Security ID assigned as shown below for Report Category ID: ALLUSER

Click Save.

m) EOCF Install Options 

Navigate to Main Menu > Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Install Options

Ensure that Only “Enable Runtime” Checkbox is checked with Log File Name Prefix EOCF.

Click Save.

n) Migrate the SmartERP Customization Code 

Customizations required for the Document Framework should be implemented as outlined on the referenced page. Please click here for details.

o) PeopleTools specific customizations

Certain customizations are necessary for specific PeopleTools releases. For detailed information, click here.

p) Customizations to enable the Export to Excel feature on the Keyword Search page 

The following customizations are needed to enable the Export to Excel button on Keyword Search. Note: Since only the top 50 results are displayed in the Keyword Search, the results downloaded via Export to Excel button is limited to a maximum of 50 rows. 

1. Add a horizontal rule and Export to Excel button on the PTS_NUI_LI_RSLTSBP subpage.
Button Details:

To make button level '0', set the horizontal rule properties as shown below.

2. Add the below highlighted code to display the Export to Excel button based on the Data Export Security setup.

Code 1:
/***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/
import SM_ES:DownloadSearchResultsHandler;

/***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/

Code 2:

/***** SmartERP Customization - Start *****/

Local SM_ES:DownloadSearchResultsHandler &l_objDownloadHandler;
&l_objDownloadHandler = create SM_ES:DownloadSearchResultsHandler();

/***** SmartERP Customization - End *****/

q) Build Cache (SM_DF_CACHE)

Navigate to Main Menu > People Tools > Process Scheduler > System Process Requests.

Create a Run Control ID and run the SM_DF_CACHE (Build Cache) process.

Create a Run Control ID and run the SM_DF_CACHE (Build Cache) process.by picking it from a list of processes as shown below and clicking OK.

r) Maintain Cache   

Navigate to Main Menu >  Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Maintain cache.


Ensure "Check Synchronization" is selected and all options are chosen, as shown below. Click on the "Examine Cache" button and it will launch the process. Ensure the process runs to a successful completion.

Once the process runs to Success, click on the Results tab.

Make sure the Invalid Cache Entries are 0. If not zero, run the process again by clicking on Examine Cache again.  Ensure you validate it is all 0’s before moving on.  For example, DEV and TEST may take 2 times.

Once the above process has completed successfully, re-run the process using the following options. Please notice the “Bulk Load” option is now selected and the "Check Synchronization" option is not selected. The "Examine Cache" button will launch the process. Ensure the process runs to a successful completion.

s) Refresh SJT_OPR_CLS

Navigate to Main Menu > Setup HCM> Security > Core Row Level Security > Refresh SJT_OPR_CLS

the SJTOPCLS Process with Refresh All Rows checked and click OK. This Process is a standard security process that all PeopleSoft HCM clients run when ever new users are added/changed. So please keep that in mind and run as many times as you need.

Ensure the process goes to success.

t) Run Portal Security Sync

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Portal > Portal Security Sync 

Click Add button and add a new run control and add any valid run control id and run the process for All Portals with delete invalid security turned on.

u) Service Operations

Navigate to Main Menu > PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Operations

Security Instructions:

Go to the navigation and regenerate the routings by selecting "Regenerating Local to Local" highlighted below for the "two" service operations listed below.



v) Assign Branding Themes

Navigate to PeopleTools → Portal → Branding → Assign Themes, Change to SMART portal, make sure below setup are available.

w) Disable IDCS event in Provider Setup

Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Cloud Foundation > Core Setup > Global Setup > Provider Definitions

The Provider Definitions page displays as below.

Search for "ORACLE_IDCS" Provider ID. Click on the Provider ID link in the search results.

Click on "Define URLs".

You will notice the Request Types as shown below. Change Request Type "IDCS_ENABLED" to "FALSE".

If that row doesn’t exist then you should add a row with the exact Request Type name = "IDCS_ENABLED" and then set URLs value to "FALSE". Click OK and save the settings.

x) Sync SmartERP attributes with HR data (Business Unit, Company, Department, Location, Job Code)

Step 1) Navigate to Main Menu > Smart Solutions > Cloud Foundation > Utilities > Sync PeopleSoft HR Data

Create a new Run Control ID and choose the HR attributes that need to be synced to SM Attributes tables and run the process. Make sure process runs to a success in the Process Monitor. 

Note: Run the above process twice in case if all attributes are not synced when the AE is run first time.

The attribute sync is required only

  1. if the value has to be used for configuring route criteria or branding
  2. if the Homepage has to be configured different for HR attributes like BU, Company, Department, Location and Job Code.

y) Set up attributes related to invitation in Attribute Preferences 

Click on "Configure Attribute Preferences" link to access Attribute Preferences through Process Revision.

In Attribute Preferences, uncheck Invitation Field for all attributes. Attributes that are listed here but not present on the invitation creation page, can be added to the invitation by selecting them here and marking as required. Also for such attributes, if the values are not synced from HR tables, then the values need to be defined through Attribute Revisions.

Note: Please ignore the CJD column on this page even if the fields are enabled. The CJD column has no significance for on-prem implementation as the page configured for on-prem is different. If any changes need to be made to the CJD page, then please approach SmartERP for customization.

z) Deploy Keyword Search (if applicable) 

Deploy relevant SM_ES% search categories and build full indexes.

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