Invitation Summary

Invitation Summary

How to access the summary details of an invitation?

The summary details of an invitation can be accessed through the Invitation Console. In the Invitation Console, click on the Invitation ID link for the desired invitation, then choose the "Invitation Summary" link.

Note: Invitations launched for the additional I-9 processes such as corrections, reverification, name change, receipt update etc will not appear in the Invitation Console. To access the summary details of these invitations, you can only use the Keyword Search feature. For more information on accessing these invitations via the Keyword Search, please click here.

What details are included in the invitation summary?

The invitation summary provides the following details:

  • User Account Information: Includes the login user ID, the date and time of the last login, and the account's locked/unlocked status.
  • New Hire's Start Date: Displays the start date specified in the invitation.
  • Process Life Cycle Overview: Offers a detailed breakdown of activity specifics within the process.
  • Onboarding and HR Task Progress: Represents the candidate’s progress as percentages.
  • Supporting Documents: References any documents uploaded during the process.
  • Process Viewer Access: Features a clickable image link to view activity details.
  • Signed Forms Download: Provides another clickable image link to download signed process activity forms.

A sample invitation summary page with details is shown below.

If the start date in the invitation is revised, the "Revised Start Date" field will appear below the Start Date field.

If the invitation includes additional (free-form) attributes configured through the setup and these attributes have associated values, an "Attribute Information" section will appear below process details. However, if no values are assigned to these attributes, the "Attribute Information" section will not be displayed on the page.

Additional attributes can only be configured by the service provider (Smart Onboarding Support Team) upon request from the customer. Click here for more details.

A sample New Hire's invitation with additional attributes and their values assigned is given below:

The above attribute fields and their values will be displayed within the Attribute Information section. This section will be hidden if no values are present for these attributes on the invitation.

How do you view documents uploaded in the process?

Document attachments uploaded during the process can be accessed under the Uploaded Documents section. These attachments may originate from I-9 activities (Section 1/Section 2) or process activities such as Smart Checklists. Click on a document link to open and view its details.

Uploaded documents can also be accessed through the "View Process" link. Clicking this image link opens the process page, where you can download the process attachments.

Clicking the "View Process" button opens the process viewer page, displaying all activities within the process. To access uploaded attachments, click the "Download" button below the profile details and select "Download Attachments".

Alternatively, you can scroll down to the relevant activity (I-9 Section 1/Section 2 or Smart Checklist) and click on the document link to view the attachment.

Here, viewing attachments in the Section 1 activity is considered.

When Section 1 is opened, the attachments can be viewed through the "Attachments" gadget located in the bottom right corner of the page.

How the information on the invitation summary vary for additional I-9 or linked invitation processes?

The user details and Process Life Cycle may vary based on the type of process, such as:

  • Primary hire/rehire process
  • An invitation linked to an existing user account from the primary invitation process
  • An additional I-9 process for corrections, reverification, name change, or receipt/SSN updates

User details include the User ID created during self-registration, the most recent login date and time, and the user account status (active or inactive).

The Process Life Cycle provides a step-by-step overview of each activity within the process. It begins with creating the invitation and progresses through each step until completion.

Below is an example of an Invitation Summary for a hire process, highlighting user details and the life cycle steps.

Invitation Summary for additional I-9 processes:

For additional I-9 processes, the user registration information step will not appear in the Process Life Cycle, as invitations are automatically launched. Additionally, in the user details section, the information is marked as "Not Applicable" since user registration is not required and the user ID from the primary invitation remains the same for logging into the user account.

Variations in the Process Life Cycle for few for additional I-9 process are provided below:

HR Initiated Reverification/Name Change:

Receipt Update:

I-9 Section 2 Correction:

Employee initiated Reverification/Name Change:

Employee initiated I-9 Section 1 correction:

Invitation Summary for linked invitation processes:

For invitations linked to an existing user account from the primary invitation process, the user registration step in the Process Life Cycle will indicate that registration was completed during the primary process. The user details section will display the user account information from the primary invitation.


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