How do you create a case in E-Verify for a New Hire?
On the E-Verify page, the New Hire's I-9 information is displayed as follows. Enter case creator's name, phone and email details and click on "Create Case" button at the bottom. The case creator's name captured here will reflect in the case details report when accessed through "View Case Details" gadget icon on the E-Verify page. For more details, please click here..
Create E-Verify Case |
Make sure the Case Creator's Email Address is different from the employee's Email address. The following error message displays if both values are same.
Overdue Reason:
The Overdue Reason in E-Verify activity is enabled if there is a delay in initiating DHS case for more than “Hire Date + 3 business days”.
When this field is enabled, it is mandatory to select one of the options from the dropdown. Otherwise. the following error message displays when "Create Case" is initiated without selecting an option in Overdue Verify Reason.
Click on the dropdown to select a value from the list of Overdue Verify Reason.
When "Other" is selected, an extra field populates on the page for capturing Overdue Verification Reason.
When entering a reason for an overdue verification, do not include double quotes in the text. Otherwise, the following error message displays on the page while creating the E-Verify case.
After entering the details on the E-Verify page, click on "Create Case" button. This will create an E-Verify case and proceed to next DHS state based on the New Hire's I-9 information.
Note: If the DHS site is down, you may not get any response or get a system error as below when you click on "Create Case" button. Please wait until the DHS site is up and once again click on "Create Case" button. This will fetch the updated status from DHS.
What are the possible failure scenarios of E-Verify?
When an attempt is made by the system to interact with DHS E-Verify it might fail due to incorrect DHS Client Setup configuration or transactions with possible corrupted information in Form I-9 Section 1/Section 2. These issues might arise on "Create Case" or in different statuses of E-Verify processing.
Some of the possible failure scenarios and the solutions are explained below:
Scenario 1) Unauthorized error message on "Create Case" or in different statuses of E-Verify processing.
This error might occur when there is wrong User ID/Password setup in DHS Client Setup for that Company and an attempt is made by the system to interact with DHS E-Verify during E-Verify processing. For more details on DHS Client password setup, please click here.
Few examples of unauthorized error messages appearing in E-Verify processing are given below:
When clicked on "Create Case" in the E-Verify page |
When clicked on "Confirm Fields" in Unconfirmed Data page |
When clicked on "Submit" in Scan and Upload |
When clicked on "Download Further Action Notice" in Pending Referral |
When unauthorized error is encountered any where in E-Verify processing, please visit DHS Client Setup and check the password saved for that Company. Verify the DHS connectivity with correct credentials and then proceed with E-Verify activity.
Scenario 2) Error message when I-9 ID is not generated for the transaction and an attempt is made to initiate E-Verify.
When an attempt is made to create E-Verify case for a transaction, sometimes it might fail giving an error that the I-9 ID is not generated for the transaction.
This is a corrupted transaction in the system in which I-9 ID is not generated in I-9 Section 1/Section 2 and saved with value "NEXT". In this case, you might also notice Form I-9 data missing on the E-Verify page.
Sample I-9 Section 1, Section 2 and E-Verify pages of a corrupted transaction:
I-9 Section 1 |
I-9 Section 2 |
E-Verify page with empty Form I-9 data:
E-Verify page |
Error message when clicked on "Create Case" is given below:
When this error is encountered, please contact System Administrator or raise a support ticket in Smart ERP Jira to get help from Smart ERP support.
Scenario 3) Error message when the Web Service User ID for a company is changed for any pending transaction which already has an E-Verify case number.
When trying to retrieve the case details during E-Verify processing, make sure you are using the same Web Service User ID with which the E-Verify case has been created. Other Web Service Users cannot view or retrieve the cases created from another Web Service User. If the Web Service User ID is changed to another value for the corresponding company in the DHS Client Setup and the transaction is accessed to continue the E-Verify processing the following error message will be displayed on the page.
When this error is encountered, please verify the Web service User ID entered for that Company in the DHS Client Setup. Make sure the Web Service User ID you are using to access the E-Verify transaction matches with the one used to create the E-Verify case. For more details on the DHS Client Setup, please click here.
What processing is done in E-Verify?
When a New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the DHS E-Verify system, various outcomes are possible. During E-Verify processing, as an employee's case advances through different DHS stages, the case status will be synchronized with the DHS site, reflecting the updated status in the system. Click here for details on the different DHS states and sub-states you may encounter during E-Verify processing.
What is Finalize E-Verify?
Finalize E-Verify is a gadget icon on the E-Verify page that allows you to mark a New Hire's E-Verify case as complete. The "Finalize E-Verify" gadget icon is available on the E-Verify page only after the Case Number is generated for the New Hire's DHS case.
If you perform this action before E-Verify case is finalized, you will not be able to perform any further actions on the case and it cannot be reopened again. So, before using this option it is important to make sure there are no pending actions to perform on the New Hire's E-Verify case.
As an example, let us Finalize E-Verify for an employee case from "Unconfirmed data" status.
The following message displays when "Finalize E-Verify" option is used. Click on "Yes" to confirm the action.
As you can see below, no further actions can be performed on this case now.
If there are no activities configured after E-Verify, then you will see the invitation status as process completed in the Invitation Console.
Also, by clicking on "View Process" you can open the process viewer and check the activity status for E-Verify.
Scroll down to E-Verify activity in process viewer.
E-Verify activity status shows as completed as given below:
How does the system work when there is an activity configured after E-Verify?
Once the E-Verify case is created for an employee, the system takes you through the DHS verification steps until completion before moving to the next activity in the process. Only after the E-Verify is finalized, the transaction automatically routes to the next activity in the process.
Let us take an example of a BPM process with an activity added after E-Verify. Click on "Create Case" button to initiate E-Verify.
You will notice the DHS case number is generated after initiating E-Verify.
Complete the DHS verification steps and finalize E-Verify. (Note: If you don't want to continue with the DHS case verification, simply click on "Finalize E-Verify" gadget icon).
Finalize E-Verify |
After finalizing E-Verify, the transaction automatically routes to the next activity in the process.
What is DHS Case Sync?
This option can be used to sync the E-Verify case status from DHS when no further case management is possible in the system. For this purpose, a Case Sync gadget is provided on the E-Verify page, after the Case Number is generated for an employee's E-Verify Case. The E-Verify specialists can use this gadget on-demand to get the updated case status from DHS.
Once the final DHS status is obtained such as "Case Closed" or "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed", the Case Sync gadget will no longer be available on the E-Verify page. However, in an exceptional scenario where the case number is missing in the final DHS statuses, the Case Sync gadget is enabled on the page. For more details click here.
Note: A process is also scheduled to run everyday in recurrence to capture such cases in the system and automatically sync case status details from DHS.
Check the examples below for details.
Example 1:
Case Sync Gadget on the E-Verify page |
When the New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the DHS E-Verify system, the case may go through different sub statuses and end up with a status when no further case management is possible in our system.
In this example, the DHS E-Verify cannot instantly confirm employment authorization because the verification of employee records is necessary, and hence the case is assigned to DHS for manual review. Once the review is complete, the employee case status will be updated in the E-Verify System. This updated case status will be reflected in our system when the Case Sync AE is run or when the user uses Case Sync gadget from the E-Verify page.
To sync the case status from DHS, click on "Case Sync" gadget.
Click "OK" to continue the action.
On sync, the updated case status shows up on the E-Verify page as follows.
Note: The Case Sync gadget will no longer be available on this page once the final DHS status is obtained.
Example 2:
In the below example, the employee chooses to contest TNC and the case is referred to DHS/SSA for verification. The employee is given 8 federal working days to visit / contact DHS and get the case resolved.
After the visit to SSA field office and contacting DHS, the New Hire's case status is updated in the DHS E-Verify system. This updated status will be reflected in our system when the Case Sync AE is run or when the user uses Case Sync gadget from the E-Verify page.
To get the updated status using " Case Sync" gadget, click on the gadget icon on the E-Verify page.
Click "OK" to continue the action.
After case sync, you will see the final status reflecting on the E-Verify page. In this case, the status is returned as Final Nonconfirmation from DHS and the case is closed.
How to upload documents in the E-Verify activity?
The user can see the gadget icon to upload documents only if it is configured in the E-Verify activity. To upload the documents, click on the attachments gadget icon.
Attachments gadget icon enabled in E-Verify activity |
On the File Attachments page, click on the "Upload".
Upload attachments |
Click on "Choose File" and select the file that you want to upload.
Choose File |
The file gets attached as shown below. Click on "Upload".
Select file and upload |
Select an appropriate Attachment Category from the drop down.
Select Attachment Category |
Click on "OK".
You can upload attachments until the E-Verify activity is completed. After finalizing the E-Verify, only viewing of attachments is available.
How can you download the New Hire's I-9 documents?
The New Hire's I-9 related documents can be downloaded to print or preserve the records. This produces a zip file containing the pdfs of Form I-9 and I-9 Audit.
This can be done using Download Packet from within the I-9 summary through I-9 Console.
You can access I-9 Console through quick links bar or through left navigation menu links.
I-9 Specialist Home page |
On the I-9 console page, click on I-9 ID for a selected process.
I-9 Console |
Click I-9 Summary.
Click on the Download Packet button on the I-9 Summary page.
A zip folder shows in the downloads area of the page. Click on the zip file name to open the files.
Zip File |
How to view E-Verify case details?
The DHS case details can be viewed only after the E-Verify case is created for the transaction.
Irrespective of their DHS status, the case details can be viewed through
- "View Case Details" gadget on the E-Verify page
- "View Case Details" option in Keyword Search E-Verify Console actions.
Note: Additionally, there is a process running every night in recurrence to identify the transactions with 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' case status and generates DHS case reports for these transactions. This generated case details report is accessible via I-9 Master attachments or "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" option from I-9 Console actions. For more details on these system generated case detail reports, please click here.
View case details through gadget on the E-Verify page:
Click on the gadget icon labelled "View Case Details" provided in the bottom right corner of the E-Verify page.
The case details page opens as below. The information include the employee's company details, personal information, document particulars, and the case status information.
The case status information include the case submitted date and the submitter name, current case status and the employer's case ID. The case submitted date is the date on which the employee's E-Verify case is created and the case submitter name is the case creator name captured while creating the E-Verify case.
Case creator's name on the E-Verify Create Case page |
View Case details through Keyword Search E-Verify Console actions:
Click on Keyword Search icon and select "E-Verify Console" Category. Enter an appropriate keyword in "Keywords" field and click on "Search".
In this case, Last Name is used as the search keyword. Click on actions for a selected I-9 ID and choose "View Case Details" option.
How to view I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 attachments from E-Verify activity?
The I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 attachments can be viewed in the "Unconfirmed Data" page in E-Verify activity.
Unconfirmed Data page |
Scroll down in the Unconfirmed Data page and click on "View Attachments".
The documents that are uploaded in I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 display on the page.
If no attachments exists, the page will be blank as shown below:
How to download system generated DHS case details report for EA Auto Closed transactions?
For transactions with 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' status, the DHS case details are also available as attachments in I-9 Master or in additional/supporting documents in I-9 Console actions.
An App Engine is scheduled to run every night at 12:00 AM, to identify the previous days "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" transactions from 12:01 AM to the next 12:00 PM, and process these transactions for generating DHS report. These system generated reports can be obtained from I-9 Master attachments or through "Add Additional Supporting Documents" option in I-9 Console actions.
a) Through Keyword Search
To search for records that are in "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" status, click on Keyword Search icon and select E-Verify Console as Category. Enter the keyword as "All" and click on "Search".
This displays all rows in the E-Verify Console. Now filter the data by selecting "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" in DHS Status.
The search result displays as below. Select any I-9 ID in the search results.
Use the above I-9 data in Keyword Search I-9 Status to view its I-9 Master.
In the I-9 Master page, click on "Attachments".
The attachments display as below. Click on the DHS case report link to access the case details.
b) Through I-9 Console
To identify the I-9 IDs with status "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed", search E-Verify Console with DHS Status search filter as "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" (Sub State ID = 9000000034).
Select any transaction from the above list and search for the I-9 ID in I-9 Console. Click on "Info and Actions" hyper link for the selected I-9 ID.
Select "Actions" tab and click on "Add Additional/Supporting Documents".
The DHS case details report is available as one of the attachments in additional documents. Click on the link to download report.
The report displays as below.
Another way to access this report is via I-9 Master attachments through I-9 Console. In the I-9 Console, click on the I-9 ID and select I-9 Master.
On the Form I-9 Master page, click on "Attachments".
The attachments display as below. Click on the DHS case report link to access the case details.
How to complete E-Verify when the New Hire has applied for an SSN?
A Social Security Number (SSN) is necessary for E-Verify processing. If the New Hire has applied for an SSN, all onboarding tasks can be completed except for E-Verify. In such cases, the employer has the option to temporarily skip this step by marking it as complete. Subsequently, once the New Hire's SSN information is updated, the employer can proceed with the E-Verify processing.
What should you do if case number is missing on the final DHS statuses?
If you come across an E-Verify case with case number missing on the final DHS statuses such as "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" or "Case Closed", we suggest you to click on the "Case Sync" gadget which is available on the right bottom corner of the page. Normally, once the final DHS status is reached, the Case Sync gadget will no longer be available on the E-Verify page. However, if the case number is missing on final DHS statuses, the Case Sync gadget is enabled on the page to sync the latest case number details from DHS.
Example: A sample Employment Authorized scenario with case Number missing is given below. Here, clicking on the "Case Sync" gadget will sync the latest case number from DHS.
Note: If multiple case numbers exists for the New Hire's case, the latest case number will be synced from DHS.
Click on "OK" to continue.
After case sync, you will see the case number reflecting on the page and the "Case Sync" gadget is disabled.