The E-Verify Console in Keyword Search allows E-Verify Specialist to search and navigate to a New Hire's DHS case details when the I-9 is in the E-Verify states. This can be used to continue the DHS verification of the New Hire's case. The search results of E-Verify Console displays all the I-9 IDs that are subjected to DHS Verification and are progressing through DHS process.
How do you search New Hire I-9s in the Keyword Search E-Verify Console?
Click on the Keyword Search icon located on the top right corner menu.
In the Category dropdown, select "E-Verify Console" and enter the search keyword. In this case, "All" is entered as an example. Click on the "Search" button to view the results.
All transactions with E-Verify case created are displayed in the search results.
- Transactions with E-Verify in deferred state and require DHS verification are not included in here.
- If a process or activity is restarted, only the newly generated E-Verify case for the restarted transaction will be visible. The row for the E-Verify case generated for the previous process will not appear in the E-Verify Console.
Select the checkbox under "DHS Status" facet to view the transactions for a specific DHS status.
For example, if 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' are to be filtered, then select the relevant checkbox under DHS Status.
You can also use the detailed search options to narrow down the search results. Click on 'More Options' link provided in the search box.
This will display the search fields as shown below. You can use any of these fields for searching the transactions.
In this example, 'Last Updated' field is considered for searching. Enter any specific date and click on 'Search'.
This will fetch all transactions in different DHS Statuses with their E-Verify case last updated as entered in the field.
You can filter the search results for a specific DHS Status by selecting the relevant checkbox. For example, if 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' checkbox is selected, then it will display the transactions with 'EA Auto Closed' E-Verify case status and updated either through batch auto DHS case creation process or manually by the user on that specific date.
You can also enable operators if required by clicking on the 'Show Operators' link provided at the bottom of the search box.
These operators can be used with the search fields to filter the search results.
What are the keywords available for E-Verify Console search?
If help is needed on the keywords list for searching the E-Verify Console, click on the "Help" icon available in the search section.
On the secondary page, click on the 'E-Verify Console' link under Search Categories.
This will display a list of keywords which can used for searching within the E-Verify Console.
What can you do on the E-Verify Console search results page?
This page allows users to view New Hire's DHS case details and continue with the DHS verification. Click on the I-9 ID link.
This allows you to continue with the New Hire's process and complete the activity.
You can view the DHS case details by clicking on the image "..." displaying next to the I-9 ID hyperlink. The list of actions shown here differ depending on the DHS status,
For instance: The option to "View FAN/Referral Letter" appears in actions only when one of the DHS letters are downloaded in the New Hire's E-Verify process.
View DHS Case Life Cycle
Displays the DHS case number and case life cycle with date and time for each E-Verify status:
View Case Details
Displays the DHS case report with complete case details.
View FAN/Referral Letter
The option to "View FAN/Referral Letter" appears in actions for transactions with E-Verify case in "Referred" status. This action allows to view/download the DHS letters (Further Action Notice and /or Referral Date Confirmation) which are downloaded in the process.
In scenarios such as Case Closed - EA Auto Closed, Unconfirmed Data, Queued, Scan and Upload etc where the DHS letters are not downloaded, this option does not appear in actions.
When E-Verify Status = "Referred", the "View FAN/Referral Letter" downloads a zip file including both Further Action Notice and Referral date Confirmation Letter.
Zip file |
When E-Verify Status = "Pending Referral", the "View FAN/Referral Letter" downloads only Further Action Notice since the DHS Referral is pending.