How to add/view attachments in I-9 Master?
The the "Attachments" link in the I-9 Master will allow you to access the supporting documents that are uploaded in Section 1, Section 2, Supplement B , or activities and via the I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" can be accessed through . The attachments from I-9 activities (Section 1, Section 2, Supplement B) will reflect in I-9 Master when the corresponding activity is saved/signed. Clicking on the "Attachments" link in the I-9 Master's headerwill show the Attachments page as shown below.
The attachments page displays as below. Options are available This page allows to add/view/delete the master attachments.
The "Upload" button located at the bottom of the page will allow you to add new attachments from I-9 Master.
Attachments that are uploaded in Section 1/Section 2/Supplement B will have no "Delete" option and cannot be deleted from I-9 Master. If attachments need to be deleted, it must be done within the activity through process. When the attachment is deleted from the activity, it will no more reflect be reflected in the I-9 Master.
For transactions whose DHS Case Status is 'EA Auto Closed' or 'Closed Case', the I-9 Master attachments also include DHS case details report. A process runs to identify such transactions and generate the report to include in I-9 Master attachments. For details, please click here.