The supporting documents that are uploaded in Section 1 & section 2 and through , Section 2, Supplement B, or via the I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" can be seen via accessed through the "Attachments" link link in the I-9 Master's header.
The attachments page displays as below. Options are available to add/view/delete attachments.
The "Upload" button located at the bottom will allow you to add new attachments from I-9 Master.
To view any attachment, you may click on its corresponding hyperlink.
"Delete" option is provided for the attachments that are uploaded from I-9 Master or via the I-9 Console action "Add Additional/Supporting Documents".
Note: Attachments that are uploaded in Section 1/Section 2/Supplement B will have no "Delete" option and cannot be deleted . So the 'Delete' option is not available for Section 1/Section 2 uploaded attachments. from I-9 Master. If attachments need to be deleted, it must be done within the activity through process. When the attachment is deleted from the activity, it will no more reflect in the I-9 Master.
For transactions whose DHS Case Status is 'EA Auto Closed' or 'Closed Case', the I-9 Master attachments also include DHS case details report. A process runs to identify such transactions and generate the report to include in I-9 Master attachments. For details, please click here.