Table of Contents |
To filter the transactions by eligibility typecitizenship status, the following "Eligibility Type" facet can be used.
This option allows you to check which tasks have been completed for the New Hire. When you click on the "View Process" link, the page displays as below.
This is a simple way of seeing an overview of where the New Hire is in their process, including the HR, I-9, and E-Verify Specialist's activities. The activities can have the following states:
Completed: Activity can be can be accessed and the information in the activity may or may not be available for editing | |
Available: Activity can be accessed and has not yet been completed | |
Locked: Activity cannot be accessed |
The below example shows all the three activity states:
View I-9 Master
Allows you to view Form I-9 Master data of a New Hire's invitation. The I-9 Master includes the I-9 Header data and transaction data of Section 1, Section 2 and Supplement B and E-Verify case details.
Print Employee I-9
This employee print report will have the details of Section 1 & Supplement A information. The Supplement A will be available in print only if preparer/translator are added in Section 1. For more details, please click here.
Print Employer I-9
For this action to appear under I-9 Status, the Section 2 data must be saved at least once by the employer. The report includes the details of Section 1, Section 2 & Supplement A (will be available only if preparers/translators are added in Section 1). For more details, please click here.
Download I-9 Packet
Downloads a zip folder including I-9 supporting documents, Form I-9 and I-9 Audit report.
The downloaded zip file looks like below: