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Table of Contents


  • Passing the Empl Class value to ADP is not supported.
  • The "Reports To" indicates the Position ID of the supervisor in ADP and Home Cost Number is the Job cost number assigned to the employee.
  • The initial value in the FLSA Overtime field is set to "No". For the FLSA Code value "E” (Exempt), the FLSA Overtime will remain "No" indicating that overtime is not applicable. On the other hand, for the "N” (Non-Exempt) value, FLSA overtime is set to "Yes" meaning that overtime does apply. However, these settings can be modified as necessary.


The Direct Deposit details from the New Hire's Paycheck Preferences are displayed here and can be modified if needed. Multiple necessary. The Deposit Type selected by the New Hire on the Direct Deposit form will determine the value populated in this section. If the New Hire selects "Balance" as the Deposit Type, it will be displayed as "Full Net" in this section. If "Amount" is selected, it will appear as "Partial Net", and if "Percent" is chosen, it will be shown as "Percentage Net".

Please consider the following points while completing this section:

  • Duplicate values in the Deduction Code are not allowed.
  • The maximum value allowed for the "Percentage Net" Deposit Type, entered as a single row, is "99.90".
  • The priority number will be pushed to ADP only for Partial Net and Percentage Net Deposit Types.
  • If multiple rows of Partial Net and Percentage Net Deposit Types exist, the first row will be pushed as priority #1, the second as #2, and so on.

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Multiple accounts can be included in the Direct Deposit, but duplicate values in the Deduction Code are not allowed.


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If multiple rows with duplicate Deduction Code exist, an error will be displayed when the activity is saved.
