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Table of Contents


The HR Specialist and Recruiter are the key business users who can who can invite new hires and control a new hire's account through the manage their accounts through the Invitation Console. Their ability to troubleshoot a new hire's onboarding process is important if something goes wrong any time during the process.  This ranges from small issues like resending login information to larger issues like needing to purge role in troubleshooting the onboarding process is crucial, addressing issues ranging from resending login details to completely purging a new hire's information completelyif necessary.

The Human Resources administrator reviews the information that the candidate has provided, and completes the required Human Resources activities. They are vital for allowing plays a critical role in reviewing the candidate's information and completing essential HR activities. These actions are necessary for the new hire to continue proceed with filling out forms and agreements in the onboarding process. They have to do the prescreening activities. The HR administrator must complete prescreening tasks, verify information, and complete finalize job data in order for to enable the new hire to be able to continue their through the onboarding process. For details specific to the specific HR Specialist's My Tasks see , refer to Prescreen Activities and HR Activities. For general information on what an overview of My Tasks are, click  click here.

What is the difference between an HR Specialist and a Recruiter?

An HR Specialist can do everything the Recruiter can do, but more, as shown in the table below. In  In the standard system, a Recruiter never has any activities in My Tasks. My Tasks is included in the Menu to accommodate potential additions of activities to be done by the Recruiter in the configuration process.

What does the Menu look like for a HR Specialist/Recruiter?


Here’s an example of the standard homepage and menu


layout for


an HR Specialist


or Recruiter. Note that there are slight differences in their menus.

Menu from Homepage - HR Specialist
