InĀ Supplement B process, the Section 1, Section 2, and DHS processing are not applicable; therefore, the steps related to these activities are not visible in the I-9 Life Cycle. Only the step relevant to Supplement B activity are displayed,
When Supplement B is initiated, the activity is shown as pending:
When Supplement B is saved, the activity is still shown as pending
After completing the activity, the signed status along with the date and time stamp will be updated.
Supplement B - Rehire
In the rehire process, Supplement B will appear in the I-9 Life Cycle instead of Section 2, as Section 2 is not applicable. When the process reaches the Supplement B activity, the status of the corresponding activity will be shown as pending.
When Supplement B is saved, the status will still be pending.
After completing Supplement B for rehire, the signed status along with the date and time will be updated. Following Supplement B, the process routes to the E-Verify activity; however, the relevant steps are not visible in the Life Cycle as they are not applicable for the rehire flow.
Rehire transactions need not go through E-Verify processing since the I-9 information is same as the previously completed Form I-9. Therefore, E-Verify is not applicable and can be completed by simply marking the activity as complete.
Process Force Completion or TerminationĀ
When process is force completed or terminated, the previous Life Cycle data will be deleted.
In the example below, the process is force completed after the Section 1 activity is saved. The I-9 Life Cycle following the Section 1 save is given below::
After force completing the process, any data displayed in the I-9 Life Cycle prior to the force completion will be deleted.
In the example below, the process is terminated after the Section 1 activity is saved. The I-9 Life Cycle following the Section 1 save is given below: