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This restart action from the E-verify allows Verify activity enables users to reopen and edit the information on the previously completed onboarding/ I-9 activities. Using By using this option, users can resume both New Hire and admin administrative activities.

Who can do


restarts from the E-Verify activity?

Users with the E-Verify Specialist role can perform restart activities restarts from the E-Verify activity. If users having the user has multiple roles and attempt to perform E-Verify restarts using a role other than "E-Verify Specialist," perform these restart activities, the following error message will be displayed on the page.

From which


activity of the E-Verify can you perform



The restart activities in Restarts are allowed from E-Verify can only be performed from only when the case status is in the "Unconfirmed Data" statusstate.  On the Unconfirmed Data pageTo initiate the restart, click on the "Restart Form I-9" button located at the bottom of the Unconfirmed Data page.

Which activities can you restart from E-Verify?

The activities available for restart options from E-Verify vary depending on the product. For :

  • In the Smart Onboarding product, Electronic Biographic Information (EBI), Form I-9 Section 1, and Section 2 activities can be restarted from E-Verify.


  • In the Smart I-9/E-Verify product, only Form I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 are available for restart. This is because


  • Employee Biographic Information is not


  • included in the New Hire


  • process


  • for Smart I-9


  • .

How do you perform restart



When the restart action is performed from the Unconfirmed Data page, you will be navigated to the Restart Activities page.


Choose an option from the Restart group dropdown based on the activity that needs to be restarted. In

The following activities are available in the dropdown, you will find these activities for restart: :

  • Restart EBI


  • Send back I-9 to Employee (Section 1)


  • Send back I-9 to HR (Section 2 / Supplement B)


Note: As Since the Biographic Information activity is not available included in the Smart I-9/E-Verify product, the "Restart EBI" option doesn't show up will not appear in the restart group Restart Group dropdown for the Smart I-9/E-Verify product.

Restart EBI

Note: This option shows only for The "Restart EBI" option is available only in the Smart Onboarding product.

Choosing this option will allow you to restart Employee Biographic Information activity for the New Hire. Select "Restart EBI" in from the Restart Group dropdown, enter the a comment, and click on the "Submit" button.

Confirm the action by clicking on the "OK" button.


The activity will be successfully restarted, and the Process Viewer page


will open, showing Biographic Information, I-9 Section 1


, and Submit to HR as pending for the New Hire.


The New Hire


must complete these activities again and submit them to HR for further processing.

Process Viewer

The New Hire will also be notified about the restarted activity via the following email.


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New Hire Flow:

When the New Hire login into the system, Biographic Information, I-9 Section 1 & Submit to HR activities show as pending under "Outstanding Tasks" on the home page.

By clicking on the "Biographic Information" link, the New Hire can access the pending Biographic Information activity.


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A sample Biographic Information page is shown below. After completing Biographic Information and Section 1, the New can can submit the changes to HR for verification. This is the normal restart EBI flow when no changes are made to the home state in the address information.


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In case home or residence state is modified, there will be an impact on the downstream activities. Based on the modified residence state, the New Hire must redo the tax forms and other payroll activities before submitting the onboarding information to HR.

Note: If residence state is changed from taxable to another taxable state or non taxable state, then the New Hire must redo the tax forms. In case, if non taxable residence state is changed to another non taxable state then the New Hire need not do the tax forms again. However, if non taxable residence state is changed to a taxable state, the New Hire must redo the tax formsThe various combinations of these scenarios are given in the chart below:



In this example, the taxable home state "California" has been changed to another taxable state "Illinois". 


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Before modifying the address take a look at the downstream activities under Payroll and Taxes. The tax forms are not opened and not editable.


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Click on the "edit" button to change the address.


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When the new address is entered and the "OK" button is clicked at the bottom, the following message will be displayed if there is an impact on the tax forms. 


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Click 'OK' on the message. 


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The new address populates on the Biographic Information. Click on the "Save" button.


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After Biographic Information, the process navigates to Section 1 activity under Payroll and Taxes. The tax forms will be editable but in hold status.

After Section 1 is completed, the other activities including tax forms under Payroll and Taxes open up for editing.


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The New Hire can make changes in Section 1 (if needed), acknowledge and electronically sign to complete Section 1 activity. For more details on completing Section 1, please click here


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After Section 1, the process routes to Pay Check Preferences. After completing Pay Check Preferences, the tax forms can be accessed in the left menu navigation.


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The Federal and the State tax forms will be available for editing. The New Hire should complete all the forms under Payroll and Taxes and then submit the data to HR for verification.


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Now submit the onboarding information to HR. This completes the New Hire flow. After Submit to HR, the process routes to HR tasks. For more details on HR tasks, please click here.


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Once the HR Specialist completes the verification, the process routes to the I-9 Specialist for completing Section 2. For more details on completing Section 2, please click here.


For more details on how the New Hire can complete the Employee Biographic Information, please click here.

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Send back I-9 to Employee (Section 1)

Choosing this option will allow you to restart Section 1 activity for the New Hire. Select "Send back I-9 to Employee (Section 1)" in the Restart Group dropdown, enter the a comment and click the "Submit" button.


Click "OK" on the message to confirm the restart activityaction.

This opens The activity will be successfully restarted, and the Process Viewer page and shows will open, showing I-9 Section 1, and Submit to HR activities as pending for the New Hire.  The The New Hire need to must complete these activities again and submit them to HR for further  further processing. 

Process Viewer 

The New Hire will also be notified about the restarted activity via the following email.


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New Hire flow:

When the New Hire login into the system, I-9 Section 1 & Submit to HR activities show as pending under "Outstanding Tasks" on the home page.

By clicking on the "I-9 Section 1" link, For more details on how the New Hire can access the pending Section 1 activity.


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The complete the Section 1 activity will be available for editing as shown below. The New Hire can make changes as needed, acknowledge and electronically sign to complete Section 1 activity. For more details on completing Section 1, please click here.


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Under HR tasks. the activities - Verify Information, Complete Job details, Send Candidate Data to HR will not be editable as they are already completed in the primary process. The I-9 Section 2 activity must be completed by the I-9 Specialist and it can be accessed via My Tasks console.


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The fields will be empty in Section 2 activity. Enter the document details and complete the activity.


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Send back I-9 to HR (Section 2 / Supplement B)

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Send back I-9 to HR (Section 2 / Supplement B)

Choosing this option will allow you to restart Section 2 activity for the I-9 Specialist. Select "Send back I-9 to HR (Section 2 / Supplement B)" in the Restart Group dropdown, enter the a comment and click the "Submit" button.

Click "OK" on the message to confirm the restart activityaction.

This opens The activity will be successfully restarted, and the Process Viewer page as shown below. The Section 2 activity shows in edit mode and is available for correction. 


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The will open, showing Section 2 as pending for the I-9 Specialist will be notified about the restarted activity via the following email.


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I-9 Specialist flow:

The I-9 Specialist can navigate to My Tasks console to access the above transaction.

For the selected transaction, click on the "Complete I-9" link.


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The Section 2 activity will be available for editing as shown below. The I-9 Specialist can make changes to Section 2 data as needed.


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In the Additional Information enter if any note/comment has to be added.

You can check or uncheck the "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" checkbox based on whether an alternative procedure is used for remote verification of documents. Note: This alternative process is allowed exclusively when the Legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) responsible for the employee's hiring is registered for E-Verify, which means the Company or Business Unit has been configured in the DHS Client Setup. If the legal Entity (Company/Business Unit) is not enrolled in E-Verify, this checkbox will be disabled. When this checkbox is selected, attaching supporting documents in Section 2 is required. Attachments from Section 1 will not be considered.

If Section 2 is assigned to a remote user, and if the checkbox indicating "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is checked by the remote user in Section 2, they are required to upload the supporting documents when completing the activity. In this case, the I-9 Specialist need not add the attachments while completing the Section 2 review.

Note: If the checkbox indicating "Check here if you used an alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents" is not checked you may still be prompted for uploading attachments in Section 2 especially if attachments are configured as mandatory in I-9 activities.

After entering the data, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.


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After completing Section 2, the process will navigate to the E-Verify activity. Create case and continue with E-Verify processing.


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must complete this activity again, after which the process can continue to E-Verify processing.

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The I-9 Specialist will also be notified about the restarted activity via the following email.

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