The page navigates to I-9 Summary if there is only one invitation associated to the I-9 ID. If I-9 has more than one invitation, you will see the list of invitations displayed along with their business processes for which the invitation was created. Select any invitation ID.
The I-9 Summary page is displayed as shown. Click on Audit Details link.
The Audit page opens up for that I-9 ID.
What information is shown in the I-9 Audit page?
The I-9 header details include I-9 ID, I-9 status, name of the candidate, important date fields and the legal entity.
Grid(s) for different processes
Since the I-9 shown above has two business processes associated to it, the audit page contains two grids one for each process.
Click on the right arrow to expand and navigate to Form I-9 Section 1/Section 2.
Example below shows Section 1 data for I-9 Section 1 correction process. As you can see, the old and new values are captured and displayed along with the effective date and sequence.