E-Verify has announced an upgraded version of ICA Version 31 (v31) for E-Verify Web Services.
As per this announcement, the following changes have been implemented:
Table of Contents maxLevel 3 minLevel 2
Details about each change may be found below.
Below is an example of an E-Verify case in Scan and Upload status. To close the case from this status, click on "Close Case" button.
This will open a page where an appropriate reason can be chosen for closing the case. Also, a new closure option "Other (full explanation required below)" is added in the list of Scan and Upload Close Case reasons. Refer the highlighted in the below screenshot. When this option is chosen a text box shows up on the page to enter the case closure explanation. For more details on closing the case from Scan and Upload using "Other" option, please click here.
Choose an appropriate option and click on “Submit Case Close Reason”.
This closes the New Hire's E-Verify case. For staging the scenario in a test environment to achieve the Scan and Upload status, please click here.
Requirement to download the Further Action Notice before referring a case
This feature already exists and there are no changes to the existing process. For further details, please click here.
A new case delay reason is added in the case creation process
As per DHS v31 changes, a new case delay reason "Awaiting response on a case created with incorrect information" has been added as one of the options in the list of Overdue Verify Reason. For more details on creating the case with Overdue Verify Reason, please click here.
"Hong Kong" is removed from the Country of Issuance in Form I-9 Section 1
The value "Hong Kong" is removed from the Country of Issuance dropdown that appears when an employee chooses "An alien authorized to work" option in the eligibility type in Form I-9 Section 1.
Aliens authorized to work must select any Country of Issuance if they choose to enter the Foreign Passport Number for Form I-9. For details on Form I-9 processing, please click here.