The first step in benefits activities is adding the dependent/beneficiary information. The Depending on the system configuration, the "Define Dependents & Beneficiaries" page may or may not display the self row, depending on the system configuration.
If it is configured not to display be hidden, the self /candidate row, row will not appear on the page will appear as shown below.
If it the self row is configured to display the self rowappear, the page will automatically populate your details as the initial row.
Fill out the fields shown below. Fields Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. Validation messages will appear if any required fields are not filled inentered.
Error message when "Type" is blank |
Field | Description |
Person ID | - The field id auto populated
- Increases in sequential order starting from "01"
Relationship to Employee | - Required field
- Select an option indicating the relationship to the dependent/beneficiary

- When this value is selected, the default dependent/beneficiary "Type" is auto populated.
Image Removed Image Added
Type | 
- The default dependent/beneficiary "Type" is auto populated when the relationship is selected in the previous field
- This value can be modified to another option that is appropriate to the relationship
Name Prefix | - Select prefix of the dependent/beneficiary name

First Name | - Required field
- Enter first name of the dependent/beneficiary.
- Will be automatically formatted (capitalizes the first letter and removes special characters like @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophe, hyphen, space etc.,)
Middle Name | - Enter middle name of the dependent/beneficiary
- Will be automatically formatted (capitalizes the first letter and removes special characters like @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophe, hyphen, space etc.,)
Last Name | - Required field
- Enter last name of the dependent/beneficiary
- Will be automatically formatted (capitalizes the first letter and removes special characters like @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophe, hyphen, space etc.,)
Name Suffix | - Select suffix of the dependent/beneficiary name

Depending on the configuration, filling in entering the Date of Birth field for individuals classified as "Dependent" or "Dependent & Beneficiary" may be either mandatory or optional.