Other Activities - Policy, Benefits, Pre-Submit

Other Activities - Policy, Benefits, Pre-Submit

If configured by the System Administrator, there can be additional activities, including ones in the Welcome category and New Hire forms.

It is likely that the System Administrator will add policies, benefits, and possibly pre-submit activities. Simply go through the same process as before, right after the New Hire forms are completed. Sometimes it will be set so that the next category of activities is locked, so you may have to wait until an HR Specialist reviews the completed forms before you can move on.

To give a better idea of what types of activities can appear, here are examples in each category:

(Corporate) Policy Activities
Equal Employment
Health and Safety
Code of Conduct
Safety Handbook
Workplace Conduct
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA Leave)
Non Harassment
Sexual Harassment

Benefits Activities
Benefits Summary

Pre-Submit Activities
Pre-Submit Checks
Hours Contract
Confidentiality Agreement

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