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What is I-9 Life Cycle?

The I-9 Life Cycle illustrates the step-by-step I-9 and DHS states in a New Hire's process, starting with the initial state when Section 1 is saved or electronically signed and then progresses through the subsequent states as the process moves through Section 2 activities and DHS processing. By viewing the I-9 Life Cycle, you can track a New Hire's I-9 progress. If the I-9 is pending, its status is shown as "Pending," and if it is signed, it is marked as "Completed".

The I-9 Life Cycle consists of numbered bubbles for each step with I-9 state detail displayed in a rectangular box next to it. Below is an example for a new hire's flow: 

If a preparer is involved in completing I-9 Section 1 for the New Hire, the I-9 Life Cycle will include a "Preparer Signature" step. Depending on the number of preparers used in Section 1, their signatures will be displayed in sequential order, such as Preparer 1 Signature, Preparer 2 Signature, and so forth.

If a remote user is used in completing I-9 Section 2, the I-9 Life Cycle will also include the steps related to the remote I-9 completion process.

If DHS processing is deferred in cases where the transaction is completed either with "Applied for SSN" or the document recorded with a receipt in I-9 Section 2, the deferred state will reflect in the life cycle as shown below:

If the New Hire is identified as a rehire, the I-9 Life Cycle will include steps related to I-9 Section 1 and Supplement B for rehire. In the rehire process, Section 2 and E-Verify activities are not applicable. For more details on the rehire process, please click here.

Few I-9 Life Cycle examples for additional I-9 processes are given below:

Supplement B - Reverification or Name Change process:

Section 2 Correction with E-Verify

For accessing the Employee I-9 Life cycle through Keyword Search, please click here. To review the step-by-step change in the I-9 Life Cycle, please refer to the sections below.

Who can access I-9 Life Cycle?

Users with the following roles can access the I-9 Life Cycle from the I-9 Summary page. 

Role TypeAccess
System AdministratorNo
Process AdministratorNo
Content AdministratorNo
HR Specialist
Help Desk AnalystNo
I-9 Specialist

E-Verify Specialist

How do you access I-9 Life Cycle?

I-9 Life Cycle is a part of the I-9 Summary page which can be accessed through the I-9 Console. The I-9 Summary page is available for access through the invitation console/I-9 Console at any point after the I-9 ID is generated i.e when I-9 Section 1 is saved/electronically signed by the New Hire. 

There are two ways to access the I-9 Summary page.

  • Through invitation Console  - accessible to HR Specialists, I-9 Specialists and E-Verify Specialists
  • Through I-9 Console - accessible to only I-9 Specialists

Note: I-9 Summary can also be accessed via Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Through Invitation Console 

This option becomes available for an invitation only after the I-9 ID is generated, which happens when Section 1 data is saved or electronically signed by the New Hire.

To view the I-9 Summary page, click the Invitation ID link for the specific invitation and select the "I-9 Summary" option.

Through I-9 Console 

A New Hire's I-9 will appear in the I-9 Console only after the I-9 ID is generated, which occurs when Section 1 is saved or electronically signed by the New Hire. In the I-9 Console, click the I-9 ID link for the selected transaction and choose the "I-9 Summary" option.

A sample I-9 summary page with the I-9 Life Cycle is shown below.

If additional processes exist for an I-9 ID, a popup will appear listing all processes, including both primary and additional ones, when the I-9 Summary option is accessed from the Invitation Console or I-9 Console. The popup displays details such as the Invitation ID for each process, candidate name, start date (process initiation date), business process, and process state (initiated, in progress, completed, terminated). Any additional process will appear in this list with the corresponding business process name and its current state as soon as it is initiated.

To open the I-9 Summary page of any particular process, click on its invitation ID link.

The I-9 summary will then open for the corresponding process.

What information is included in the I-9 Life Cycle?

The I-9 Life Cycle includes the following details:

1. Includes I-9 and DHS states in sequential steps as the process progresses through I-9 and DHS activities. The following example illustrates a typical end-to-end flow for a New Hire's process, starting with the initial I-9 state for Section 1 activity as "Awaiting Section 1" and moving through the sequential steps for Section 2 and DHS processing.

If a preparer/translator is used in Section 1 activity and/or Authorized Representative is used in Section 2, the steps related to those states are included.

When a preparer is used in Section 1

When an Authorized Representative is used in Section 2

2. Status of the corresponding I-9 and DHS activities - Pending or Completed

3. The name of the user who completed the activity is displayed only for completed activities. For pending activities, the name will not be shown. If the activity is saved but not electronically signed, the status will still appear as pending until it is electronically signed.

4. The date and time when the activity was completed are displayed only for completed activities. For pending activities, the date and time will not be shown.

What changes do you see in the I-9 Life Cycle as the I-9 progresses through the process?

The I-9 Life Cycle illustrates the sequential I-9/DHS state details of a process, beginning with the initial I-9 state when I-9 Section 1 is saved or electronically signed and progressing through different states as the I-9 advances through the process.

Below, various scenarios of new hire workflows are detailed, outlining the step-by-step changes in the I-9 Life Cycle.

New Hire end-to-end flow:

Consider a New Hire's invitation with Section 1 saved. The pending status of  "Awaiting Section 1" will show in the I-9 Life Cycle as below:

After completing Section 1 signature, the completed status along with signed date and time will reflect in the I-9 Life Cycle.

When process routes to the Section 2 activity, the "Awaiting Section 2" status will be shown:

When Section 2 activity is saved, the Section 2 status will still display as pending in the Life Cycle.

Once the Section 2 activity is signed, the status will be marked as completed along with the signed date and time. As the process proceeds to the E-Verify activity, the step "Awaiting DHS Verification," will be shown indicating that the E-Verify activity is pending.

After the E-Verify case is created, the DHS state achieved will be displayed.

As the employee's case progresses through the E-Verify process, the subsequent states will be updated. 

New Hire end-to-end flow with preparer/translator used in Section 1 & remote user in Section 2

When Section 1 is saved with preparer added:

After Section 1 is signed by the preparer, the completed status along with signed date and time will be displayed for the preparer's signature, but the employee's signature will still show as pending:

When Section 1 is completed by the New Hire:

After process routes to the Section 2 activity:

I-9 assigned to the remote user in Section 2:

After Section 2 is signed by the remote user and review pending by the I-9 Specialist:

Section 2 review is completed by the I-9 Specialist and the process routed to the E-Verify activity:

After the E-Verify case is created, the DHS state achieved will be displayed. In this example, the case has been updated to the Draft state due to intermittent issues on the DHS side during integration.

As the employee's case progresses through the E-Verify process, the subsequent states will be updated. 

When multiple preparers are used in Section 1

The preparer's and employee's signatures will show as pending when Section 1 is saved with multiple preparers. 

As each preparer complete their signature, the signed status along with the date and time will be stamped as given below:

When Preparer 1 signature is completed

When Preparer 2 signature is completed

When Preparer 3 signature is completed

Once the preparers signatures are completed and then Section 1 is signed by the employee, the employee's signed status along with the date and time stamp will be updated.

Further updates for Section 2 and DHS processing will be similar as mentioned in the earlier sections.

Document Receipt in Section 2

If the employee presents a receipt, which is recorded in Section 2, or has applied for an SSN, E-Verify will be temporarily on hold (marked as complete in E-Verify activity) until the original documents are presented for the receipt or until the employee receives their SSN and updates it in the system. Such transactions will be in the "DHS Verification Deferred" state once the E-Verify activity is marked as complete.

Before marking the E-Verify activity as complete, the I-9 Life Cycle shows as below:

After marking the E-Verify activity as complete, the DHS E-Verify will be in "Deferred" state and the I-9 Life Cycle will not display any steps for the DHS verification.

Supplement B - Reverification and Name Change

In  Supplement B process, the Section 1, Section 2, and DHS processing are not applicable; therefore, the steps related to these activities are not visible in the I-9 Life Cycle. Only the step relevant to Supplement B activity are displayed,
When Supplement B is initiated, the activity is shown as pending:

When Supplement B is saved, the activity is still shown as pending

After completing the activity, the signed status along with the date and time stamp will be updated.

Supplement B - Rehire

In the rehire process, Supplement B will appear in the I-9 Life Cycle instead of Section 2, as Section 2 is not applicable. When the process reaches the Supplement B activity, the status of the corresponding activity will be shown as pending.

When Supplement B is saved, the status will still be pending.

After completing Supplement B for rehire, the signed status along with the date and time will be updated. Following Supplement B, the process routes to the E-Verify activity; however, the relevant steps are not visible in the Life Cycle as they are not applicable for the rehire flow.

Rehire transactions need not go through E-Verify processing since the I-9 information is same as the previously completed Form I-9. Therefore, E-Verify is not applicable and can be completed by simply marking the activity as complete.

Process Force Completion or Termination 

When process is force completed or terminated, the previous Life Cycle data will be deleted.
In the example below, the process is force completed after the Section 1 activity is saved. The I-9 Life Cycle following the Section 1 save is given below::

After force completing the process, any data displayed in the I-9 Life Cycle prior to the force completion will be deleted.

In the example below, the process is terminated after the Section 1 activity is saved. The I-9 Life Cycle following the Section 1 save is given below:

After terminating the process, any data displayed in the I-9 Life Cycle prior to the termination will be deleted.

Process termination using the "Undo Last Filing" action

The "Undo Last Filing" action can be performed from the I-9 Console or through the Keyword Search Employee Life Cycle actions for additional I-9 processes initiated by the I-9 Specialist, such as Reverification, Name Change, or Section 2 Correction. It can also be applied to self-service actions initiated by the New Hire, including I-9 Legal Name Change, I-9 Reverification, I-9 Section 1 Correction, or SSN Update.

In this example Section 2 Correction process is terminated after saving the Section 2 activity.

When the process is terminated using the "Undo Last Filing" action, the transaction will be in the "Undone Filing" state and the previous data displayed in the Life Cycle will be deleted. Additionally, a note will be added indicating that the process has been terminated.

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