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What is the Invitation Console?

The Invitation Console is used to administer a New Hire's onboarding process, including invitation actions, onboarding process actions, and process insights.

The following actions can be performed:

View process details of New Hire's invitation

Check the activity routing information

Watch/Unwatch the New Hire's process
Resend the New Hire's invitation
Restart the New Hire's process

Force the New Hire's process to completion

Terminate the New Hire's process

Restart a particular activity

Who can access the Invitation Console?

In the Smart Onboarding product, users with HR Specialist, Recruiter, I-9 Specialist and E-Verify Specialist roles have access to the Invitation Console. In case of Smart I-9/E-Verify product, access to the Invitation Console is available to users with I-9 Specialist and E-Verify Specialist roles

When do you see an invitation in the Invitation Console?

The New Hire's invitation data is available in the Invitation Console at any time after the invitation is created and saved.  Actions that can be performed differ depending on the user's role and where the New Hire is in their process.

How do you access the Invitation Console?

The Invitation Console can be accessed in two different ways: 

2 Ways to Access the Invitation Console

Menu Icon: The Menu Icon is used to display all relevant actions the current user is able to perform 

Quick Links: If you are User you are able to access this page through the Quick Link 'Invitation Console'

*Note: Your organization can remove this link but it is provided as part of our delivered home page

Access via Menu Icon:

Every action a User is able to perform can be found by using the Menu Icon.  The Menu icon can be found in the upper left corner of the page.  

Click the Menu icon and select "Invitation Console" under Invitations.


Access via Quick Links:

From the delivered User home page, you can select "Invitation Console" through the Quick Links bar located below the banner.  

Home Page with Quick Links

What are the contents of the Invitation Console page?

The Invitation Console page comprises several key sections, including the Search Filter, Quick Filter, the "Export to Excel" option and search results containing invitation details displayed for the selected search criteria.  The data displayed within the console is based on the user's security settings established by the System Administrator. Consequently, users will only have visibility to the data for which they have been granted access. For instance, if a user's access is restricted to "Research" Company data, they will exclusively view information associated with that particular company within the console. 

Furthermore, the availability of the "Export to Excel" button is dependent upon the configuration of the logged-in user's role. Specifically, the button becomes visible if the user's role has been enabled for data export capabilities. Users with multiple roles will have access to the data export feature in the Invitation Console as long as they hold at least one of the roles: HR Specialist, I-9 Specialist, or E-Verify Specialist, and if any of these roles is configured with such capabilities.

Invitation Console with "Export to Excel"

Each section of the Invitation Console page is discussed in detail below:

Search Filter 

When there are many New Hires in the system, you can use search filter options to quickly find transactions specific to a criteria. Next to the field, you can change the search option to specify how you want your text to be perceived.

Note: Please note that only 1000 rows are displayed in the Invitation Console with the most recent Invitation ID on the top. If more than 1000 rows exists and there is a need to access the earlier invitations, then you may have to specifically search for that transaction or use Keyword Search located at the top right of the window.



First Name

  • Filter by first name
  • Selecting "begins with" will search for the beginning of the First Name for the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "contains" will search for any of the First Names that has the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the First Name that is exactly what you type in

Last Name

  • Filter by last name
  • Selecting "begins with" will search for the beginning of the Last Name for the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "contains" will search for any of the Last Names that has the letter(s) that you enter
  • Selecting "equal to" will search for the Last Name that is exactly what you type in

Business Process Status

  • Filter by where the New Hires are in their process
  • This field is probably the most helpful if you need to see which New Hires are in process or have problems with their process

  •  These are all of the choices for process status, and therefore there is only one option of "equal to."

Invitation ID

  • Filter by the New Hire's ID #
  • Selecting "equal to" will show you just the New Hire that you selected from the ID list
  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box

  • Click on the lookup and select from the list of New Hires
Start Date
  • Filter by the New Hire's start date
  • Selecting "equal to" will show you the New Hires that start on that specific date
  • Selecting "between" will generate another search box
  • Selecting "greater than or equal to" will show you the New Hires that started on that specific date or later
  • Selecting "less than or equal to" will show you the New Hires that started on that specific date or earlier

In this example, the search results are filtered by Start Date.

Quick Filter 

Quick Filter is another way to quickly find a specific invitation or to get a list of invitations matching specific criteria. 

Export to Excel

If the logged-in user's role has been configured with export functionality, they'll find the "Export to Excel" button within the console. Users with multiple roles will have access to the data export feature in the Invitation Console as long as they hold at least one of the roles: HR Specialist, I-9 Specialist, or E-Verify Specialist, and if any of these roles is configured with such capabilities. 

Clicking on this button will download the search results displayed in the console as an Excel file to your local computer.

Note: The "Export to Excel" button is specifically designed to download search results obtained from using the search fields. Note that filtering by the Quick Filter feature will not limit results in the export. 

Note: If no results are found for the search criteria, the "Export to Excel" button will not appear in the console.

A sample downloaded excel file is given below. For downloads from the Invitation Console, apart from the result columns displayed on the page, standard Attribute information (i.e. Company, Business Unit, Department, Location, Job Code)and invitation additional attributes will be as columns in the file. In the top row, the search filters applied in obtaining the results is also displayed.

Example of an invitation with additional attribute information:

If multiple filters are applied in the search, a sample downloaded file is given below:

Search Results

Based on the search criteria selected in the Search Filter/Quick Filter, the invitation details display in the search results. Only the first 1000 rows can be seen in the search results. The details of the search results include the following fields:

Invitation details



Invitation ID

  • New Hire's distinctive ID #
  • Clicking on this will pull up the New Hire's personal information and job information
  • New Hire's name
Start Date
  • The date the New Hire started

Invitation Status
  • The status of the New Hire's invitation - Created, Launched, In Progress, Completed & Terminated
    Note: This is different from Business Process Status which helps you to understand where the New Hires are in their process or if any actions are taken to resolve the issues associated with the New Hire's process.

View Process

  • The "process" refers to the onboarding process, and "View Process" shows you the list of activities in the process and their status details

View Historic Process
  • It shows the complete process history for that New Hire

Info and Actions
  • Clicking on "Info and Actions" will pull up tabs for New Hire information and process actions. The actions will vary depending on the Invitation Status.

View Process

Shows the New Hire's Name, Job Code, Start Date and "Download" button on the top (next to New Hire's image) and the list of onboarding process activities with status represented as icons next to each activity. It includes New Hire as well as HR/I-9/E-Verify Specialist activities. 
Note: If revised start date exists for the transaction, then the Start Date is updated with the revised date. 

Note: The lock symbol represents the activity is locked and not routed, the icon represents the activity is routed/in progress but not completed and symbolizes a completed activity. 

Activities that are routed or completed includes the description with date, time, status and the user role type details as given below. For routed activities, the role type of the user is included whereas for the completed ones the user name is displayed.

Note: If the user has multiple role types, the first role type assigned to the user is displayed.

If the process has no activities routed, then the process gets auto completed and the invitation status shows as "Invitation Complete". The process viewer page for such transactions shows as below.

Since there are no activities in the process, there are no items to download and the "Download" button is not available in the process viewer.

Example: Process Viewer for an I-9 Process with no activities routed

Info and Actions

Clicking on "Info and Actions" link will pull up tabs for New Hire information and process actions. 


The Information tab includes Start Date along with other fields like Job Code, Business Unit, Department, Location, Company , Business process status and Onboarding Status. 

Info and Actions → Information

If revised start date exists for the transaction, then the "Revised Start Date" field also displays under the Information tab.

Additionally, if the invitation has additional attributes which are added as the free-form attributes through the setup and these attributes have associated values, they will also be displayed on the Information tab. However, if no values are present for these attributes, the fields will not appear. The free-form attributes can be configured only by the service provider (Smart Onboarding Support Team) upon request by the customer. Click here for more details  

Below is an example of an invitation with additional attributes:

When values exist for these additional invitation attributes, the fields and their corresponding values will be displayed as shown below:


The actions displaying under Actions tab will vary depending on the Invitation Status. The purpose of each action is explained in detail in the subsequent sections.

Info and Actions → Actions

Navigating through search results 

The search results are displayed in pages with each page containing 10 rows by default. The rows displaying per page can be altered by selecting a different value in "Rows per page" drop-down.

Rows per page drop-down

To navigate through the search result pages, you can 

  • use "Previous" and "Next" buttons
  • click on the page number tab or select the page in the drop-down and click on the "Go" button.

Using this feature, it is easy to navigate to any page in the search results and review information for any New Hire's invitation.  

Below example shows navigating to page "9" of the search results by clicking on the "9" tab. To view the invitation details, and summary of new hire's Invitation, I-9 & onboarding, click on the desired invitation ID link and select the corresponding option. Similarly, you can view the process details and actions for the corresponding invitation by clicking on the respective links.

Clicking any of the links except for "Info and Actions", will open the corresponding details in a new window, while your search page remains open in the previous window. If you need to view additional information for the same invitation or access details for another invitation, return to your search page and click the corresponding console link, which will open the relevant details in a new window. However, clicking the "Info and Actions" link will open a pop-up page for viewing information and performing actions within the same search page window. Once any actions are performed from "Info and Actions", the activity related to that action will open in a new window and the search in the previous window will return to the first page.

How do you access New Hire's invitation details?

To access the details of a New Hire invitation, navigate to Invitation Console and click on the Invitation ID link.

Click on the links - Review Invitation, Invitation Summary, Onboarding Summary and I-9 Summary to view the corresponding pages.

Another way to access these details is through Keyword Search "Invitation" Category actions. For more details, please click here.

Review Invitation

In the Invitation Console, click on the Invitation ID and select "Review Invitation".

Invitation Console → Invitation ID → Review Invitation

The New Hire's invitation details display as below.

Invitation Details

Another way to view the invitation details is through Keyword Search actions. For more details, please click here.

Invitation Summary

In the Invitation Console, click on the Invitation ID link and select "Invitation Summary". 

This displays the summary of the New Hire's invitation. When you click on the Invitation ID link, it again opens the invitation details as shown below (Review Invitation). 

Invitation Summary Page

Review Invitation

Another way to view the invitation details is through Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

Note: An additional section named "Attribute Information" will appear on the invitation summary if the invitation has additional attributes which have been added as the free-form attributes through the setup and these attributes have associated values. For more details on the Attribute Information section, please click here. However, if no values are present for these attributes, the "Attribute Information" section will not appear on the Invitation Summary. The free-form attributes can be configured only by the service provider (Smart Onboarding Support Team) upon request by the customer. Click here for more details  

Onboarding Summary

This option is onboarding product specific and is available for New Hire invitations that have completed Employee Information (EBI) activity.

(Note: This option is not available for Smart I-9 product)

Click on the Invitation ID link in the Invitation Console and select "Onboarding Summary".

The details of the New Hire's onboarding summary display as below:

Onboarding Summary - Employee Details

Includes the New Hire's personal information, phone numbers (Home & Cell), home and mailing addresses, emergency contacts & self identification details.

Onboarding Summary - Payroll & Tax

Includes the Federal withholding, work state withholding, residence state withholding and miscellaneous details.

The Onboarding Summary can also be accessed through Keyword Search. For more details, please click here.

I-9 Summary

This option appears only when the I-9 ID is generated for the New Hire's invitation i.e when Section 1 data is entered and saved/electronically signed by the New Hire.

Note: I-9 Summary can also be accessed through I-9 Console. For more details, please refer to I-9 Summary page under I-9 Console.

To view the I-9 Summary, click on the Invitation ID link in the invitation Console and select "I-9 Summary" option.

Invitation Console - I-9 Summary

The I-9 Summary page displays as below. Tp view the I-9 details, click on the I-9 ID link to open the I-9 details. 

I-9 Summary

Note: The I-9 page will open in read only mode and the users cannot perform any action from here. 

I-9 details

To view the I-9 audit details from I-9 Summary page, click on "Audit Details" link provided on the top.

The I-9 audit details page opens up as shown below.

Another option to access I-9 Summary is through Keyword Search actions. For more details, please click here.

What can you do on the process viewer page?

As an HR Specialist or Recruiter, you can download the signed forms and attachments, see what is needed to be completed and at what time all of these activities were initiated and completed. You can see which activities are locked and which can be accessed at the same time.

To open the process viewer for any invitation, click on the "View Process" link in the Invitation Console.

Another option is to access "View Process" via Invitation Summary. 

Click on "View Process" clickable image on the invitation summary page.

The process viewer page with the list of activities displays as shown below. The signed forms & attachments can be downloaded by clicking on the "Download" dropdown.

Process Viewer page

Download Signed Forms

Select this option if you want to download all of the New Hire's signed forms. When clicked, it starts downloading a .zip file.

Download Signed Forms

Click on the downloaded .zip file to view the forms.

Zip Folder

The signed forms will be downloaded as PDFs as shown below.

Signed Forms as PDFs

Download Attachments

This link will download attachments from both the primary and restarted processes, including those uploaded during various process activities such as Smart Checklists, Employee Biographic Information, and I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 activities. Note: If attachments are edited within the activities, the most recent updated attachments will be reflected here.

When clicked on the "Download Attachments", it downloads a .zip file if there are multiple attachments.

Process Viewer

Open the downloaded .zip file to view the attachments. The attachments will be in png format as shown below. Click on each file to open the attachment.

If documents uploaded during process activities have the same file name, a number will be appended to the name, as shown in the screenshot below.

If only one attachment exists in the process for the transaction, the "Download Attachment" directly opens the file. 


If no attachment is present, the option "Download Attachments" will not be seen in the Download dropdown.

Download Packet

Download Packet will generate a zip folder with pdf files containing the New Hire's Form I-9, any notifications (such as Further Action Notices and Referral Notices), and copies of documents that have been attached.  

Download Packet

Opening the zip will display individual folders for each activity. Click on the relevant folder to view the attached documents within the respective activity and the signed pdf form.

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