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Fill out the required sections, indicated by what is filled below. The employee personal information entered in the New Hire's invitation will populate in Biographic Information such as First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email and Home address. 

Note: When modifying these fields, exercise caution, as they will update the candidate's legal name, registered phone number, and home address. These details will be reflected in the candidate's invitation and used in subsequent downstream activities, including tax forms, I-9 Section 1, and HR processes like Complete Job Details, Send Candidate Data to HR, I-9 Section 2, and E-Verify. If an alternate name is to be provided that differs from the legal name, use the Preferred Name fields.

All name fields under Name/Preferred Name and Emergency Contacts will automatically be formatted upon entry. The first letter will be capitalized, and any special characters (such as @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophes, hyphens, spaces, etc.) will be removed.

When the default values populated on this page are altered, the relevant error messages are displayed as below.

When the registered phone number is changed:

When the registered email address is changed:

Warning message when the value entered in the "Confirm email" does not match with the primary email address:

Error message when the format of the SSN value is incorrect:

Providing values in the fields are explained in detail below:

Preferred Name

This field will appear in the Employee Information if it has been enabled through a property setup by the System Administrator. provide First Name, Middle Name and Last Name fields if different from the legal names.

Preferred Name option in EBI

These fields will be disabled if it is not configured in the activity.

Marital Status

Since this is a required field, selecting a value from the Marital Status dropdown is mandatory. If a value is not selected, the following error message will be displayed.

This field may not be visible on the page if it has been hidden through a property setup by the System Administrator. An example of the Employee Information page without the Marital Status field is shown below:

Home Phone

By default, the Home Phone number provided in the New Hire invitation will populate in this field. If it is not entered in the New Hire invitation, the field will appear empty.

The Country Code for the USA, "001," will be displayed by default. This value can be changed to the relevant three-digit Country Code if it is other than the USA.

Note: If only one or two digits are entered in the Country Code, zeros will be appended to the number when the activity is saved or completed.

Enter the Home Phone Number in the text box next to the Country Code, as shown below.

If Home Phone field is required and the value is not entered, the following error message displays when the activity is saved:

After completing the activity, an example of the downloaded signed form with the Home Phone number is shown below. If there are any preceding zeros in the Country Code, they will be replaced with a "+" sign in the printed form.

If the Home Phone number is optional, entering it is optional and the required validation message will not trigger on save/activity completion.

Cell Phone

By default, the Cell Phone number provided in the New Hire invitation will populate in this field. If it is not entered in the New Hire invitation, the field will appear empty. 

The Country Code for the USA, "001," will be displayed by default. This value can be changed to the relevant three-digit Country Code if it is other than the USA.

Note: If only one or two digits are entered in the Country Code, zeros will be appended to the number when the activity is saved or completed.

Enter the Cell Phone Number in the text box next to the Country Code, as shown below.

If Cell Phone number is not entered, the following error message displays when the activity is saved/completed.

After completing the activity, an example of the downloaded signed form with the Cell Phone number is shown below. If there are any preceding zeros in the Country Code, they will be replaced with a "+" sign in the printed form.

If the Cell Phone number is optional, entering it is optional and the required validation message will not trigger on save/activity completion.

Note: If both Cell Phone and Home Phone are required fields in the Biographic Information, the required error messages trigger when either one of the fields is not entered.

Driver's License

When "Yes" is selected in the driver's license section, the fields will be displayed to enter the details. 

 This field may not be visible on the page if it has been hidden through a property setup by the System Administrator. An example of the Employee Information page without driver's license section is shown below:

EBI activity without Driver's License

Add Home Address

If Home Address is entered in New Hire's invitation, it populates in EBI activity under Home Address section as shown below. This address can be modified by clicking on the "Edit" button under Home Address.


Example 1: Employee Information with United States Address

Example 2: Employee Information with Canada Address

Example 3: Employee Information with Mexico Address

If Home address is not entered in New Hire's invitation, then it will not populate in Employee Information. 

If activity is saved without entering the Home Address, it displays the following error message.

To enter the address, click on "Add Home Address" button.

The Home Address page shows as below. By default, the "Country" field displays as the United States. Based on the Country selected in the drop-down the address field format vary on this page.

When Country = United States

When Country = Canada

After entering the address information, click on "OK".

If required fields are left blank, the following error message triggers when you click on "OK".

The entered address populates on the Employee Information page.

Add Mailing Address

If your Mailing Address is same as the Home Address, click on "Copy from Home Address" checkbox. This Home Address populates under Mailing Address as shown below:

If your mailing address is different from your home address, click on "Add Mailing Address".

Add Mailing Address

This will open a new page to enter the Mailing Address. By default, the Country shows as the United States. Based on the Country selected, the address field format vary on this page. 

When Country = United states

When Country = Canada

After entering the Mailing Address, click on "OK".

If required fields are left blank, the following error message triggers when you click on "OK".

The entered address populates under Mailing Address as shown here:

National ID 

Enter your Social Security Number as the National Identity. 

Enter SSN

The following error message displays when the value entered in the SSN field is incorrect

When the format of the SSN value is incorrect

The value entered in the SSN field does not automatically get copied to "Confirm SSN". Again the value must be entered manually in the "Confirm SSN" field. If the SSN values do not match the below error message displays on the page. 

When "SSN" and "Confirm SSN" fields do not match

If you don't have a Social Security Number and have applied for it, check Applied for SSN. You can submit the SSN within 90 days of your start date of work. 

Checkbox for 'Applied for SSN'

After filling out all the details, the New Hire can save the activity by clicking on "Save" button.

Benefit Elections

The New Hire will have an option for enrolling in company benefits if it has been enabled through a property setup by the System Administrator

Company Benefits enabled in EBI

If it has not been enabled it will not show up on the page.

How to upload documents in Employee Information?

To add the supporting documents as attachments, click on the "Upload Document" icon which is at the right bottom corner of the page..

Upload Documents - Employee Information Activity

Click on "Upload".

Click on "Choose File" and select the file.

The acceptable file formats for the documents are - png, jpg, jpeg, gif, bmp and heic. Once the file is selected, click on "Upload".

You will see the file attached as shown below. Choose the relevant attachment category.

Note: To prevent challenges encountered during the upload of large-sized images in Employee Information or potential email errors when sending packets with oversized attachments, the system automatically compresses images exceeding 1.5 MB in size. Please note that image uploads/attachments in "png" format or those below 1.5 MB will not undergo downsizing.

For images with a size greater than 1.5 MB in "jpg," "jpeg," "gif," or "bmp" formats, compression is applied when added as attachments. The specific ratios by which the files are compressed are provided below:

0 - 1.5 MB - no downsize.

1.5 – 4 MB - .50 ratio

4 – 7 MB -.35 ratio

7 + MB - .15

An example with different image sizes uploaded are given below:

Original size of the images

When images are uploaded, the compressed file sizes display below the corresponding image file names as shown in the screenshot below.

In this example, except for the file with 0.23960 MB (Driver's_License), the other images are compressed in size because they are greater than 1.5 MB.

Once uploading documents is done, click on the "Return" button to navigate back to the Employee Information page.

If documents are attached the "Upload Documents" gadget will have an indicator as shown below. If there are no attachments, the gadget will not show this indicator.

Even after completing the activity, you can view the attached documents by clicking on the attachment gadget icon.

View attachments

You can modify these attachments by editing the Employee Information activity, until "Submit to HR" is completed. 

When the activity opens in edit mode, click on the "Upload Documents" gadget to open the attachments.

Add or delete the attachments as needed, return back to the activity page and save.

How to download the attachments that are uploaded in Employee Biographic Information?

The attachments uploaded by the New Hire in Employee Biographic Information can be downloaded by the New Hire or Business Users (HR Specialists/I-9 Specialists/E-Verify Specialists) via the process viewer page. If any attachment(s) are deleted or added after uploading, the changes automatically reflect in download attachments. The procedure for downloading the attachments is given below:

New Hires 

To access the process viewer, click on 'View' link under Process Snapshot.

This will open the process viewer page as shown below. Click on the 'Download' icon next to Biographic Information.

Select 'Download Attachment' option.

The zip file containing the attachments will be downloaded on the page as shown below. Click on the zip file and open the attachments.

Another option is downloading process attachments using 'Download' button which is available at the top of the process viewer. This will download all the documents attached/uploaded in the process which also includes the uploads from EBI.  

HR Specialists/I-9 Specialists/E-Verify Specialists 

These users can access Process Viewer in two ways -

Through Invitation Console:

By clicking on the 'View Process' link in the Invitation Console. This will open the Process Viewer page

Through Elasticsearch Invitation Category:

In Elasticsearch, select 'Invitations' as Category and use an appropriate keyword for searching. In this case, Invitation ID is used as the search keyword.

In the search results, click on invitation actions and select 'View Process'.

The process Viewer page opens as below. Click on the 'Download' icon next to Biographic Information.

When the download options open, select 'Download Attachment'.

The zip file containing the attachments will be downloaded on the page as shown below. Click on the zip file and open the attachments.

Another option is downloading process attachments using 'Download' button which is available at the top of the process viewer. 

This will download all the documents uploaded/attached in the process which also includes the uploads from EBI.  

How to download signed forms in this activity?

The New Hire can download the signed form only after completing this activity. Once the activity is completed, the icon to download signed form appear on the right bottom corner of the page.

Click on "Download Signed Forms" icon.

The printable form with employee's personal and emergency contact information displays as shown below.

Another option to access the printable forms is through process viewer. To view the process viewer, navigate to home page and then click on 'View' link under Process Snapshot.

When the process viewer page opens, for Biographic Information activity, click on downloads icon and select "Download Signed Forms" option. 

Otherwise, use the 'Download' button and select "Download Signed Forms" option that is available on top of the process viewer page.

The file downloads at the bottom of the page as shown below:

Click on the .zip file and open Biographic Information pdf.

How to edit the biographic information after completing EBI activity?

The New Hires can edit the biographic information after completing EBI activity until the onboarding information is submitted to HR. Once Submit to HR activity is completed, the EBI activity will not be editable. If New Hire wants to change the biographic information after Submit to HR, the activity or process should be restarted by the HR Specialist through invitation console actions. For details, please click on the corresponding link: Restart Process, Restart Activity

There is also an option for I-9 Specialists/E-Verify Specialists to restart EBI through process activities such as Form I-9 Section 2 or E-Verify. For more details, please click on the corresponding ink: Form I-9 Section 2, E-Verify.

For details on editing the biographic information after completing EBI activity and before submit to HR, please refer to the following steps:

Given below is an example of completed EBI activity of a New Hire.

Click on the "Edit" button that is available at the bottom of the activity. This button will be available until "Submit to HR" is completed.

The activity opens in edit mode with previous values populated in the fields.

Edit the previous values as needed. The fields are still validated in edit mode.

Below is an example of an error message when the Date of Birth field is entered wrong.

Some of the important fields in this activity are shown as masked. if you want to see their values, click on the "Show" option present next to their values. However, you can edit them only when the values are masked.

If residence state on the Home Address is modified, the tax forms may change based on the new residence state.

Note: If residence state is changed from taxable to another taxable state or non taxable state, then the New Hire must redo the tax forms. In case, if non taxable residence state is changed to another non taxable state then the New Hire need not do the tax forms again. However, if non taxable residence state is changed to a taxable state, the New Hire must redo the tax forms tax forms. The various combinations of these scenarios are given in the chart below:

Work statePrevious residence stateChanged residence stateWill tax forms change?
TaxableNon TaxableTaxableYes
TaxableNon TaxableNon TaxableNo
Non TaxableNon TaxableNon TaxableNo
Non TaxableNon TaxableTaxableYes
Non TaxableTaxableNon TaxableYes
TaxableNon TaxableSame Taxable stateNo

If the New Hire has not completed State Withholding Tax Forms, the new tax forms will show up in the process for the New Hire. If State Withholding Tax Forms have already been completed, then the downstream activities will reopen and the New Hire must complete the tax forms and payroll activities again.

In this example, the taxable home state "California" has been changed to another taxable state "Colorado". 

Home Address on EBI Page

Take a look at the activities under Payroll and Taxes before modifying the residence address in EBI. 

To change the address, click on 'Edit' under Home Address.

Enter the new home address and then click 'OK'.

Change Home Address

If there is an impact to tax forms, the following message displays on the page. Click 'OK' on the message. 

The new address populates on the EBI page. Click on 'Save' button.

New Address on EBI page

The process then navigates to Section 1 activity under Payroll and Taxes. Note that the tax forms are all in hold status.

After Section 1 is completed, the other activities including tax forms under Payroll and Taxes open up for editing.

Acknowledge and complete I-9 Section 1.

The process now routes to Pay Check Preferences. After completing Pay Check Preferences, click on tax forms in the menu navigation.

The tax forms open up in edit mode. The New Hire should complete all forms under Payroll and Taxes and then submit the data to HR. For more details on completing activities under Payroll and Taxes, please click here.

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