The legal entity driver is an attribute used for processing I-9s within an organization. The default setting provided by the system is "Company". This value can be adjusted based on your preferred method for performing employment eligibility verification for New Hires. For instance, if you wish to conduct verification at the Business Unit level, you can change the Legal Entity Driver to "Business Unit".
For legal entities, such as companies or business units, that are enrolled in E-Verify, web service accounts must be configured in the DHS Client Setup to connect with the USCIS E-Verify system. The DHS Client Setup interface will display relevant fields based on the selected Legal Entity Driver, whether it is a company or business unit. The E-Verify activity will be routed to participating legal entities only if a web service account is established for them in the DHS Client Setup. For details, please refer DHS Client Setup page.
Who can access the Legal Entity Driver setup?
Users with the following roles can access the Legal Entity Driver setup.
- System Administrator
- I-9 Specialist
How do you access the Legal Entity Driver setup?
Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page, then select "I-9 Options" from the Product Setup section in the navigation menu.
How do you change the Legal Entity Driver?
When you access the I-9 Options page, the default value for the Legal Entity Driver setup is displayed as "Company".
Default value of Legal Entity Driver |
Click on the Legal Entity Driver dropdown to view the available values.
Legal Entity Values |
Select "Business Unit" from the list and click "Save".
Save Legal Entity Driver |
How to configure legal entities in the DHS Client Setup?
Legal entities participating in E-Verify must have their DHS User ID and Password configured in the DHS Client Setup. This setup is necessary for accessing DHS web services for E-Verify processing.
For a company as the legal entity, here is an example of the DHS account setup. Please refer to DHS Client Setup page for more details.
Legal Entity Driver = Company |
DHS Client Setup when the legal entity driver is set as 'Company' |
If Business Unit is chosen as the legal entity, you will be able to set the DHS User ID and Password for each Business Unit as shown below.
Legal Entity Driver = 'Business Unit' |
DHS Client Setup when the legal entity driver is set as 'Business Unit' |