I-9 Options

I-9 Options

Several organization level I-9 setups that users can perform on this page are:

  • Change the value of the legal entity driver.
  • Enable or disable processes that automatically create and launch additional I-9 tasks for reverification, receipt updates, and EAD auto extensions.
  • Enable or disable Supplement B corrections for previously completed reverification and name change processes.
  • Adjust the default value for trigger days related to reverification and receipt update processes.
  • Set up a mailing list to send notifications when any additional I-9 tasks are generated for reverification, receipt updates, or EAD auto extension processes.

Who can access the I-9 Options page?

Users with the System Administrator or I-9 Specialist role can access the I-9 Options page.

How do you access I-9 Options?

System Administrator - 

Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page and select "I-9 Options" from the Product Setup section in the navigation menu.

System Administrator

I-9 Specialist - 

Click the menu icon in the top left corner of the page and select "I-9 Options" from the utilities section in the navigation menu.

The I-9 Options page looks like below:

I-9 Options page

What setups are available in the I-9 Options page?

The I-9 Options page includes the following setup options:

Setting up these auto-create processes is not mandatory unless you want to enable the batch process for automatically creating and launching additional I-9 tasks for EAD auto extensions, reverification, and receipt updates. Additionally, you do not need to enable all these processes at once. You can implement them individually or in combination, depending on your changing needs.

The options are explained in detail below:

Legal Entity Driver

The Legal Entity Driver is an attribute used for processing I-9s within an organization. The system's default setting is "Company," but this can be adjusted to your preferred option (Company or Business Unit) for performing employment eligibility verification for new hires. For example, if you prefer to verify at the Business Unit level, you can change the Legal Entity Driver to "Business Unit". For organizations participating in E-Verify, it is essential to have an account in DHS Client Setup for the E-Verify registered Legal Entities to access the USCIS E-Verify system.

For details, please refer DHS Client Setup page. For changing the legal entity value, please visit I-9 Legal Entity Driver page.

EAD Auto Extension Details

This section provides an option to enable a system process for processing transactions eligible for EAD auto extension. It also allows you to set up email notifications for informing recipients about these transactions. To qualify, transactions must include an EAD document recorded in Section 2 with the appropriate eligibility category code/class for extension. For eligible transactions, an additional I-9 task with Section 2 activity will be generated and appear in the I-9 Specialists' My Tasks list. For more details, please refer to the EAD Auto Extension Details page.

Receipt Update Details

This section provides an option to enable a system process for processing eligible receipt update transactions. To qualify, transactions must have receipts recorded in Section 2, and the Section 2 signed date must fall within the specified receipt update trigger days set in this section. If you prefer a different timeframe from the default 90 days, you can adjust the trigger days accordingly. For qualifying transactions, an additional I-9 task with Section 2 activity will be generated and appear in the I-9 Specialists' My Tasks list. This section also enables you to set up email notifications to inform recipients about these transactions. For more information on this option, please visit Receipt Update Details page.

Reverification Details

This section provides an option to enable a system process for processing eligible reverification transactions. To qualify, transactions must include documents eligible for reverification in Section 2, and the employee’s work authorization end date must fall within the trigger days specified in this section. If you prefer a timeframe other than the default 90 days, you can adjust the trigger days value accordingly. For qualifying transactions, an additional I-9 task with Section 2 activity will be generated and appear in the I-9 Specialists' My Tasks list. This section also enables you to set up email notifications to inform recipients about these transactions. For more information on this option, please visit the Reverification Details page.

Allow I-9 Supplement B Correction

When this checkbox is selected, corrections to data from previous Name Change or Reverification processes are allowed. The options for 'Name Change Correction' or 'Reverification Correction' will be available in the I-9 Console actions or within Keyword Search Employee I-9 Life Cycle-related actions, provided there is a prior completed Name Change or Reverification process for that I-9 ID. Please visit "Allow I-9 Supplement B Correction" page for details.

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