Search for the employee’s name and navigate to the Pay Profile section. For steps to access the Pay Profile section, please click here. On the Pay Profile page, the highlighted sections display the applicant’s updated tax withholding data for Federal, State and Local in ADP.
Below is where you may access Complete Job Details section page fields in ADP.
Federal tax updates can be accessed by navigating to the Federal section under Tax Withholdings. If Federal withholding is marked as exempt, the Dependent Amount, Other Income, Deductions, and Extra Withholdings values will be set to “0".
If working state indicated an exempt, the withholding values should be updated manually in ADP.
If an employee works or resides in Ohio (OH), Pennsylvania (PA), or New York (NY), the Locality and the associated Type fields in the Local Tax Withholding section will be updated based on the local tax code selected on the Complete Job Details (CJD) page. For example, if an Ohio School District tax code is selected, the Locality field will be updated with the code, and the Type will be set to "School District Tax". Similarly, if a Pennsylvania local tax code is selected, the Locality field will be updated with the code, and the Type will be set to "Local 4" or "Local 5".
An example of the local tax code updated for the Ohio School District is shown below:
Below examples show the local tax codes updated for New York MTA & Pennsylvania:
New York MTA
There are certain scenarios where you may need to manually update the tax data in ADP. These scenarios are outlined below:
a) If SUI/SDI tax data is not provided on Complete Job Details, the default value set for the Company will be updated in ADP. To set the SUI/SDI value, follow the steps given below:
Navigate to Home → Setup → Payroll → Company Options.
Click on the Company Code link.
Under Company Options, scroll down to New Hire Defaults and set default values for State Worked in and SUI/SDI State.
b) If working or living in one of these states/providences: AZ, CT, GA, MO, NY, MS, NC, PR then the percent withholding from gross taxable wages must be updated manually in ADP under employee's Pay Profile.
For steps to access the Pay Profile section, please click here.