.Manage Business Process Rules v1.7

.Manage Business Process Rules v1.7

The following actions can be done in a Process Revision using Manage Business Process Rules:

  • Add content activities
  • Add contextual content activities
  • Attach category driven content to the Home page

Each of these processes begins by creating a Process Revision.  In some cases a Content Revision must have been created and applied before using the new content in a Process Revision.

Step 1 - Create a Process Revision

To create a Process Revision, click the Menu icon and select Create Revision under Revisions.

Create Revision



From this page, an Administrative User can either search for an existing revision to modify, or they can select Add a New Value at the top of the page if they wish to create a brand new revision.

Create Revision



The first step is to Reserve the revision.  This saves the descriptive information and assigns the revision number.

Manage Revision



After creating the revision, click Configure to begin making the changes in your revision.

Manage Revision



Step 2 - Manage Business Process

From a Process Revision, Administrative Users are able to manage the business process.

How do you view your current Business Process?

The business process can be accessed by clicking the Configure Business Process Rules link.

Process Revision



From this page, Administrative Users can see every step of the onboarding process and all content that is currently being displayed for that step.  Administrative Users are able to add or modify content in the business process and choose what each user role will see during their onboarding process.  

How do you add content to your Business Process?

On the Define Business Process Rules page, under the desired step, click the Add button to attach content to that step in the onboarding process.  The sections that have an Add button are the sections where you can include content.  To add content to a section without an Add button, an Administrative User can add Contextual Content (see below).

Define Business Process Rules



From the Select Actions page, select the content you wish to add to the business process and click OK.

Select Actions



How do you specify criteria for who sees the content that you added to your Business Process?

After successfully adding content to the business process, you must now choose who the content will be routed to.  This is done by clicking the name of the content on the Define Business Process Rules page.




The Action Details page is displayed. You can choose 'Always Route', which routes the content to users of all types, or you can add criteria to narrow the pool of users who will be able to see the newly added content.  You are able to add multiple criteria, with simple or complex logic, based on values of attributes and other process variables that  you have defined.  In this example, you want only users who are in the Services company and who are located in California or New York to see the new content.

Select Route if criteria is met.

Criteria Selection



Click the Process Variable lookup icon.

Process Variable



Select the Company Attribute ID.

Company Attribute ID



Select the Operator.




Click the Value/Process Variable lookup icon.

Value/Process Variable



Select the Manufacturing company.

Select Company Value



Click Add to add another criteria row.

Add Row



Select the logical operator for this criteria.  In this example, we have selected And.  Click the lookup icon for Process Variable.

Logical Operator



Select Location Attribute ID from the list.

Location Attribute ID



Select In for the Operator, then click List of Values.




Click Add Attribute(s).

Add Attribute(s)



Select California locations.

California Locations



The California locations are shown.  Click Add Attribute(s).

Add Attribute(s)



Select the New York location.

New York Location



The New York location is shown.  Click OK.

List of Values



Click Save.




To apply these newly added changes, make sure to select Save at the bottom of the page.

Define Business Process Rules



This action will bring you back to the Process Revision page where you can continue to change your configuration or apply the revision if you are done.

How do you add Contextual Content to your Business Process?

To add Contextual Content, an Administrative User must be in an active Process Revision, and navigate to the Process Revision page.

Process Revision



Select the Master Attribute you wish to add Contextual Content.  The available Contextual Content will be displayed in the icon list for the corresponding Attribute.  In this example, you are examining the Western US Business Unit which allows the upload of a policy or benefit.  

Business Unit Contextual Content



From the Contextual Onboarding Content Revision page, select the Smart Form or Checklist that you wish to add to your business process.

Select Save to apply the changes. This action will bring you back to the Process Revision Page.  

Contextual Onboarding Content Revision



 To see the newly added content, click Configure Business Process Rules link on the Process Revision page.

Process Revision



The content that was added was a policy, and can now be seen under the Policy section on the Define Business Process Rules page.

Define Business Process Rules



What Attributes allow me to add Contextual Content?

There are seven Master Attributes that can contain Contextual Content.  This can be seen at any point by navigating to the Attribute Preferences page.

Master Attribute
Business Unit
Job Code
Client ID


Attach Category Driven Content to Homepage

From a Process Revision, Administrative Users are able to attach content to Homepage Configuration.  To see an in-depth guide on how to add both category driven and non category driven content, click here.  There are 5 Attributes that allow you to add or edit Homepage Content.

Attributes that allow Homepage Content
Business Unit

If you choose the root node for one of the attributes above, you will be able to change the Homepage Content for any role.  If you choose a node that is not the root node, you will only be able to add Homepage Content to the New Hire role.


From the Process Revision page, select one of the 5 available attributes to add Homepage Content.  In this example, you are adding Homepage Content to the Western US Business Unit.

Business Unit Homepage Content



Choose the Content Category you wish to modify.




In this example you are adding an image to the Gallery Category. Click OK.

Category Content



Click Save on the Homepage Content Revision Page to apply the changes.  Make sure to apply the revision once you are all done with the current Process Revision so that your newly added category content will appear on the homepage.

Homepage Content Revision




Step 3 - Apply the Revision

The configuration changes made will not be in effect until you 'Apply' the revision.  To apply the revision, Click Return to Manage Revision.

Process Revision



On the Manage Revision screen, click Apply to confirm all changes made throughout the revision.

Manage Revision


© Smart ERP Solutions, Inc.