Self Service Actions

Self Service Actions

New Hires are given self-service options to correct or update their I-9 information from previously completed activities. When the self-service process is initiated, an additional invitation will be generated, allowing them to make the necessary updates or corrections to their I-9 details.

Note: This process can only be initiated if there are no pending activities related to the I-9.

How can New Hires access self service actions?

New Hires can access self-service actions through the menu links in the left navigation. To do so, click the menu icon, navigate to I-9 Actions, and select the appropriate link for the specific process under I-9 Actions.

What happens when a self service process is initiated for terminated, inactive or purged I-9s?

The following error messages are displayed when self-service processes are initiated for terminated, inactive, or purged I-9s.

When the invitation process is terminated (via the Invitation Console or the Keyword Search "Invitations" category related action):

When termination date is set for the I-9 (through I-9 Console or Keyword Search "Employee I-9 Life Cycle" category related action):

When I-9 is marked as inactive:

When I-9 is ready for purge:

When I-9 is purged:

What is the purpose of self service actions?

The purpose of self-service actions is to allow New Hires to initiate the I-9 process when they need to update previously submitted information, such as name, date of birth, SSN, or work authorization documents.

However, the system permits only one action at a time. If a self-service process is already in progress, New Hires will not be able to start or initiate another process until the current one is completed. The following error message will appear if you attempt to initiate another process while one is still running.

Error Message

What options are available under Self Service actions?

Initiate I-9 Legal Name Change

This option is used to update a legal name that has changed from the one previously recorded on Form I-9. To initiate this process, click the menu icon and select "Initiate I-9 Name Change" under I-9 Actions.

You will notice a new invitation is launched for the process.

Enter the data in the name fields and submit. All the name fields are required to enter.

Acknowledge and submit the changes to HR for review. Once this activity is completed, you will no longer be able to change any information.

Initiate I-9 Reverification

This option is for the New Hires who want to submit the revised information of their employment authorization when their current work authorization or related document (which ever is sooner) is due to expire within next 90 days. During self initiated reverification, New Hires must present valid document (any document found under List A or List C of the List of Acceptable documents) which shows their continued employment authorization.

Note: Reverification is not needed for US Citizens, Non US Citizens and Lawful permanent residents with Permanent Resident card or Alien Registration card.

If New Hires with the above eligibility try to initiate I-9 Reverification, the system displays the below message.

New Hires other than the above categories can initiate this process within 90 days to the work authorization/document expiry. If the number of days is more than 90, the New Hire will be asked to re-initiate the process only when the expiry date is within 90 days. 

When there is more than 90 days to work authorization/document expiry

To initiate this process, click the menu icon and select "Initiate I-9 Reverification" link under I-9 Actions.

You will notice a new invitation is launched for the process and the following page opens to enter new document details.

Enter the highlighted details and click "Submit".

Acknowledge and submit the information to HR for review. Once this activity is completed, you will no longer be able to change any information.

Submit to HR

I-9 Section 1 Correction

By initiating I-9 Section 1 correction, New Hires can change their previously submitted Section 1 data. Click the menu icon and select "I-9 Section 1 Correction" under I-9 Actions.

A new invitation is created for the process and Section 1 opens in edit mode with the primary process data populated in the fields. 

Note: If preparers were used in Section 1 of the primary onboarding process, the correction process will inherit the preparers associated with the primary process. Any of these preparers can be used to complete Section 1 in the current process. For more details on preparer flow, please click here.

Update Section 1 details as necessary and do not leave the required fields blank. Use preparer/translator assistance if needed in completing this activity.

Note: The Section 1 form validations are applicable in Section 1 correction process as well. For example, providing your Social Security Number is a must before saving unless your employer is a non participant of E-Verify. The SSN value automatically populates here if you have entered it in the primary process. In case if you want to update the SSN value for "Applied for SSN" chosen in the main process, then uncheck "Applied for SSN" and enter SSN number.

Note: You will be prompted for uploading attachments in Section 1 if attachments are configured as mandatory in I-9 activities.

After entering the necessary data, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

Acknowledge and submit the changes to HR for review. Once this activity is complete, you will no longer be able to change any information.

Initiate SSN Update

The New Hire can use this option if the primary process is completed with the "Applied for SSN" option selected for the SSN and wish to update the Social Security Number in the Form I-9.

Click on the menu icon and select "Initiate SSN Update" under I-9 Actions.

Note: If SSN update is initiated for the processes that do not have "Applied for SSN" option chosen for SSN in the primary flow, the following error message will be displayed on the page.

You will notice a new invitation is created for the process and Section 1 opens in edit mode with primary process data populated in the fields. 

Note: If preparers were used in Section 1 of the primary process, they will be displayed in the current process. Any of these preparers can be selected to complete Section 1 if needed.. For more details on preparer flow, please click here.

To update the SSN value, uncheck "Applied for SSN" checkbox and enter the SSN in the "U.S.Social Security Number" field. 

Note: You will be prompted for uploading attachments in Section 1 if attachments are configured as mandatory in I-9 activities. After entering the necessary details, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

Acknowledge and submit the information to HR for review. After this activity is complete, you will no longer be able to change any information.

How to terminate additional processes that are initiated through self service actions?

Additional processes that are initiated through self service actions can be terminated by using "Cancel last action". If you wish to undo the last initiated self service action, use this option before submitting the process to HR/I-9 Specialists for review. 

Click on the menu icon and select "Cancel Last action" under I-9 Actions.

Note: When this option is used, there must be an existing process already initiated through self-service actions. Otherwise, the following error message will be displayed on the page.

The following message displays on the page once the process is terminated:

If the process has already been submitted to HR, the process cannot be terminated. Note: The I-9 Admin/Specialist to whom the process is routed has the ability to terminate the process. 

If you attempt to cancel the action after completing "Submit to HR" activity, the following message will be displayed on the page.

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