.Employee I-9 Life Cycle v1.9

.Employee I-9 Life Cycle v1.9

This option allows users to navigate to the I-9 Life cycle to get the detailed I-9 view of a New Hire's process across different business processes. If multiple transactions are performed on I-9 such as receipt updated, I-9 reverified, name corrected, or corrections, these details are clearly shown on this page in a timely manner.

Some important points that you need to remember when using I-9 Life Cycle in Elasticsearch:

  • Available to transactions only when the primary onboarding process is completed
  • Results do not show when you search on Invitation ID.
  • Search on Last Name, DOB, Last 4 of SSN, Employee Status, Eligibility Type, I-9 Attributes, Start Date, Reverification Status, Purge Eligibility, Start Date, Termination Date, Company or, Business Unit. Use Elastic Search help in case you need more options.
  • In case of Rehires, you will see an additional I-9 Life cycle resultant row in search results for a completed Rehire process.

Who can access Employee I-9 Life Cycle in Elasticsearch?

The users with I-9 Specialist roletype can access Employee I-9 Life Cycle in Elasticsearch.

When do you see I-9 Life Cycle for a transaction?

The I-9 Life Cycle is available only if the primary onboarding process is completed for the transactions.

As an example, let us consider an invitation that is in progress. Select "All" in the category and search using candidate's Last Name in the Keyword field. Sometimes, there could be more than one candidate with the same name. In that case, search using the Date of Birth or SSN.

The result shows all the categories available for that invitation in the left side of the search results page under "Category". Since the invitation is still in progress, the I-9 Life Cycle doesn't appear under categories.

Now, let's take an example of an invitation with process completed status. The I-9 Life Cycle shows under the "Category" facet when searched for all categories with candidate's Last Name as keyword.

The life cycle in search results shows with the Candidate's Last Name and Date of Birth as a hyperlink. Clicking on this hyperlink will navigate to the Employee I-9 Life Cycle page. 

How do you view I-9 Life Cycle details in Elasticsearch? 

Click on the Elasticsearch icon. Select I-9 Life Cycle under Category and enter search keyword in the Keywords field. In this case, we have entered Company Name in the keyword field. Click Search button.

The following Keywords can also be used as keywords to filter the search results:
Last Name, DOB, Last 4 of SSN, Employee Status, Eligibility Type, I-9 Attributes, Start Date, Reverification Status, Purge Eligibility, Start Date, Termination Date, Company, Business Unit.

The search results page shows as below:

Click on the hyper link displaying the Last Name and the Date of Birth.

This presents the Employee I-9 Life Cycle page as given below.

if more than one process is associated with the I-9:

What advanced search options are available for I-9 Life Cycle?

Select "I-9 Life Cycle" in the search category and click on "More Options" link below that.

The advanced search options for I-9 Life Cycle shows as below. You can use any of these fields to search for the required record.

What are the I-9 Life Cycle related actions?

The following are the I-9 Life Cycle related actions:

  • Manage Termination Date
  • View I-9 Master
  • Reverification
  • Reverification Correction
  • Undo Last Filing
  • Name Change
  • Name Change Correction
  • Receipt Update

How do you perform these actions from the search results page?

Click on the image showing "..." next to the candidate's name hyper link to see the actions. The I-9 Master details can be viewed from here. The actions differ depending on the secondary processes associated with the I-9 and the employee status.

Below example shows the actions related to an active employee status. 

Manage Termination Date

By clicking on "Manage Termination Date", you can set the employment termination date of a candidate.

Enter the termination date and click "Save".

After the employee is terminated, the invitation status becomes "Inactive".

The I-9 expiration date will be populated based on the calculation "Termination Date + 1 year". That means the I-9 status of this transaction will still be active until 1 year after termination and the same I-9 can be used in case if the candidate is rehired by the employer.

If you wish to change the termination date, click on "Manage Termination date" and choose a new date option.

View I-9 Master

Click on actions and select "View I-9 Master".

This will display the Form I-9 Master page as shown below.


When work authorization expiry falls within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 options(default trigger days is set to '90'), the I-9 Specialists can see this filing action in Elasticsearch actions.

Search for the rows that requires Reverification. Click on actions and select "Reverification".

Click "Yes" to continue.

Section 3 displays as given below.

Enter the document details, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

Reverification Correction

Use Reverification Correction if you want to correct the previously entered Reverification details. This option appears in I-9 Life Cycle actions only if Section 3 Correction is enabled in org level I-9 options setup and a prior completed reverification process exists for the I-9 ID in I-9 Master.

Click on I-9 Life Cycle actions and select "Reverification Correction".

Click on "Yes" to continue.

This opens Section 3 in edit mode. Make changes to the document details as required, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

Undo Last Filing

The "Undo Last Filing" action shows up in I-9 Life Cycle actions if any additional I-9 processes such as Name Change, Section 2/Section 3 Corrections, Reverification, Receipt update etc is initiated for the I-9 ID by the I-9 Specialist through I-9 Console actions/Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle category related actions or if any additional I-9 actions are initiated by the New Hire through self service way. 

This 'Undo last Filing' action terminates the secondary process that is currently running and also deletes the row from I-9 Master that was added by the process. Click on actions and select "Undo Last Filing".

Click on "Yes" to continue the action.

Select a reason, enter comment and click "Submit".

Click "OK" to confirm. This will revert the initiated secondary process.

Name Change

If your employee has a name change, you can record this in Section 3 of Form I-9. When the Name Change process is initiated, it launches an additional invitation and opens Section 3 activity in add more.

Click on "Yes" to continue the process.

When Section 3 opens, enter the new name details in the name fields and save.

To complete the activity, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

Name Change Correction

Use Name Change Correction if you want to correct the previously entered name details. This option appears in I-9 Life Cycle actions only if Section 3 Correction is enabled in org level I-9 options setup and a prior completed Name Change process exists for the I-9 ID in I-9 Master.

Click on I-9 Life Cycle actions and select "Name Change Correction".

Click on "Yes" to continue.

This opens Section 3 in edit mode. Make changes to the name details, check "I Agree" and electronically sign.

Receipt Update

The "Receipt Update" action can be used to update the receipts entered in Section 2 with the actual document details. When the actual document is provided by the New Hire for which the receipt was presented, the I-9 Specialist can update the details in List A/List B & List C of Section 2 by initiating this process.

Primary Flow - Receipts process

Example of I-9 Section 2 with receipts

E-Verify is put on hold by completing the process using 'Mark as Complete' button.

DHS Status shows as deferred after completing the process using 'Mark as Complete'.

After the primary flow is completed, the 'Receipt Update' option shows up in Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle category related actions.

Choose "I-9 Life Cycle" as Category and search using an appropriate keyword. Here, Last Name is used as the search keyword. In the search result, click on actions and choose "Receipt Update". 

Click on 'Yes' and confirm the action.

The I-9 Section 2 Correction Reason page opens as below:

Select 'Receipt Updates' as Reason and enter notes if any. Since E-Verify is not completed in the primary flow, select 'Yes' in Allow E-Verify.

After entering these details, click on 'Continue'.

The receipts from the primary flow opens in Section 2.

Update Section 2 details with actual documents and complete Section 2.

When E-Verify page opens, click on 'Create Case' button to initiate E-Verify and continue with DHS verification.

What details do you see on the Employee I-9 Life Cycle page?

For any employee record, click on the hyper link displaying the Last Name and the Date of Birth.

This displays the Employee I-9 life cycle page as given below.

The page includes the details of all the business processes for that I-9 ID, and in each process shows the status and signature of Section 1/Section 2 and DHS activities. 

Note: The activity completed date shown here is always the first signed date and time, no matter how many times the activity is edited and signed later. 

Hovering on the grids shows images "..." which links to the appropriate actions.

What actions can you perform from Employee I-9 Life Cycle?

Clicking on the image "..." in each section shows different actions that can be performed on this page.

Download Packet

Download Packet can generate a zip folder with pdf files containing the New Hire's Form I-9, notifications if any (such as Further Action Notices and Referral Notices), and copies of documents that have been attached.  

Download Packet

A zip folder is downloaded as shown below. Click on the zip file to open the files.

I-9 Audit Details

Shows the audit details of the I-9 ID.

I-9 Audit Details

I-9 Summary

Click on the actions/"..." image for each business process to access its I-9 Summary.

I-9 Summary & Process details - Secondary Process

I-9 Summary & Process Details - Primary Process

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