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What is a revision?

A revision is a change, or set of changes that are made to Smart Onboarding by an Administrative User.  Using a revision, a user can add and modify content to be used, specify where the new content is used within the onboarding process, and who sees it.  For each revision, the date when the change will take effect is specified, allowing the user to introduce changes in the future without impacting the current process.

There are two different types of revisions: 

Content Revisions allow Administrative Users to add or modify content that is used within the onboarding process. There can be many Content Revisions open at any time. For details on various content types, please refer Content Revision page

Process Revisions allow Administrative Users to modify the onboarding process, and contextual process content. There can be multiple Process Revisions across different business processes in an organization. For details on configuring business processes using Process Revision, please refer Process Revision page.

Attribute Revisions allow Administrative Users to add/modify process attributes and home page content. It can also be used to display specific content to the user or change notification templates that are related to authentication events. For details on adding/modifying attributes, please refer Attribute Revisions page.

Where are revisions in the onboarding process?

Revisions are not part of the onboarding process, but are used to modify elements of the business process. Revisions can be created at any time by an Administrative User.

Why are revisions needed?

Content Revisions are used to add new content or change existing content that is used in the system.  Process revisions are used to change the onboarding process, and contextual onboarding content. Attribute Revisions are used to change/add attributes used in the process and change home page content.

Who can access revisions?

The table below shows which users can access Content and Process Revisions.  

Role TypeAccess to Content RevisionAccess to Process RevisionAccess to Attribute Revision

System Administrator

Process Administrator(tick)(tick)
Content Administrator(tick)

How is revisions accessed?

Revisions can be accessed through the Menu icon in the top left corner of the page.

Access Revisions

What is the difference between a Process Revision, Attribute Revision and a Content Revision?

Content Revision

Content revisions allow Administrative Users to add or modify content in the onboarding system.  This content can later be added to a homepage configuration or added to your business process through a Process Revision.  Content Revisions can also be used to change notifications, set up verification vendors, etc.  Many Content Revisions can be in process at the same time. For details, refer Content Revisions page.

Process Revision

Process Revisions allow Administrative Users to specify where content is used in the onboarding process.  Administrative Users are also able to perform other functions such as configure business process rules, manage Events & Notifications as well as add Ad hoc Reports to be downloaded during the onboarding process.  

Attribute Revision

Attribute Revisions allow Administrative Users to add/modify the key data (attributes) used in the onboarding process and change the home page content. Using Attribute Revisions, you can define your own attributes and use them in the Process Revision to control access to the content or pages in the onboarding process. This is very useful if you want to segregate displaying content to the users based on their role types or the attributes such as company, location or department etc.

The table below lists what can be done with Content Revisions, Process Revisions and Attribute Revisions.  

How to create a revision?

To create a new revision, click Create Revision under Revisions.

On the Create Revision page, click Add a New Value.

 Enter the revision information - Type, Revision Date, Description and Business Process ID.

 Click here to understand the fields on Manage Revision page
TypeAllows user to choose between content / process revision
Revision DateDate when the revision changes will take effect
DescriptionA meaningful description describing the revision
Business Process IDWhere the revision is used within the business process

Reserve and configure the revision. The changes made through the revision doesn't show up to the user until the revision is applied.

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