Create New Hire Invitations

Create New Hire Invitations

Creating a New Hire invitation includes the following steps:

Candidate/Invitation Search Page

The invitation starts at the candidate/invitation search page.  Two choices are available as the invitation source:  

  • New
  • Copy from Invitation.

Note: This note is applicable only for the on-prem customers who use PS Applicant for creating their New Hire invitations. The availability of the "PS Applicant" option in the invitation source list depends on the "AllowPSApplicantSource" property value within the Product Preferences. By default, the "AllowPSApplicantSource" property is set to "OFF" within the system. To have the "PS Applicant" option appear in the invitation source list, the property value should be changed to "ON". For more details on the Product Preferences, please click here.

The following describes the behavior for each of the choice:

  • All fields on the invitation are blank
Copy from Invitation
  • Choose a previously entered invitation as a model
  • All Personal Information fields are blank: Name, Address, Phone, Email and Start Date
  • Job attribute field data will be populated as per the source invitation and can be modified if necessary
  • For more details on creating an invitation using a model, please click here.

Note: Use 'Previous' button to go back a page and 'Next' to go forward.  There may be times when you cannot go forward without completing information on the current page.

Personal Information Page

Enter New Hire's personal information on this page. The fields that are marked with asterisk are mandatory to enter. The New Hire can add or correct any missing or incorrect information during their onboarding process in the Biographic Information activity.  

Personal Information Page

If any required fields are not filled in before clicking "Next," the following error message will be displayed on the page.

Personal Information

It is best practice to have the New Hire's complete legal name.

Name Prefix
  • Dr., Miss, Mr., Mrs., Ms.
  • Information only
First Name (Required)
  • Enter Full Legal First Name
  • Used by I-9 / E-Verify processing
  • Will be automatically formatted (capitalizes the first letter and removes the special characters like @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophe, hyphen, space etc., if any)
Middle Name 
  • Enter Full Legal Middle Name
  • Used by I-9 / E-Verify processing
  • Will be automatically formatted (capitalizes the first letter and removes the special characters like @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophe, hyphen, space etc., if any)
Last Name (Required)
  • Enter Full Legal Last Name
  • Used by I-9 / E-Verify processing
  • Will be automatically formatted (capitalizes the first letter and removes the special characters like @, #, -, !, $, %, apostrophe, hyphen, space etc., if any) 
Name Suffix
  • Junior, Senior, II, III.
  • Information only
  • The list of values available in this dropdown can be modified as per the requirement


Address information is optional and can be entered by the New Hire during their onboarding process in the Biographic Information activity.  If you enter it here, the New Hire will simply need to confirm it is correct.  If you do not enter it here, the New Hire will need to enter it during onboarding. By default, the country will be set to the United States. The fields will adjust based on the selected country.

Address Type
  • Home or Mailing - Defaults to Home
  • The New Hire will be required to enter both types of addresses during onboarding.
  • If they are the same, the New Hire will be able to auto populate the Mailing address from Home Address
  • Choose your country from the drop down provided
  • You can select the field and start typing to find your country
  • Countries are in alphabetical order

Address 1

  • Main address
    • 123 Main Street
    • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Address 2
  • Additional Address Information
    • Apartment 456
    • Suite 380
Address 3
  • Anything that won't fit into Address 1 or 2
  • City Name
  • Entering State is mandatory
  • Use the dropdown arrow to choose your state
  • Also includes the US territory states (Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) in the dropdown list
  • Drives the state tax form the New Hire must complete
  • Enter the 5 or 9 digit USPS Zip Code
  • Enter the County
Look Up County
  • Use this link to access a tool to look up a county or Zip code based on the address
Delete Address
  • If you no longer want this address you can delete it
Add Address
  • If you would like to add a second address you can click add address


When Country = United States

When Country = Canada

If "Address 1" field is entered, selecting the State is mandatory. Otherwise, the following required field validation message displays on the page.

Phone Information

This section is meant for entering phone contact information of the New Hire. For new invitations, the Int'l Prefix, Phone Type and Preferred Flag will be set to default values. The Int'l Prefix will be defaulted to "001", and Phone Type to "Home" with preferred flag checked. Update these default values as needed and enter the phone number of the New Hire.

If the organization has SMS/SMS or Email is configured as the authentication delivery method, the phone number specified here will be validated by the New Hire during their self-registration and can be used for receiving verification codes in subsequent system logins. If the Int'l Prefix is not "001" or SMS is not configured as the authentication method, the email provided on the invitation will be considered. If new hires wish to modify this initially provided phone details at a later time, they can make changes through their user profile page.


When entering the phone number make sure you enter a valid value. The following error will be displayed if the number is invalid.

If there are multiple phone numbers, make sure there are no duplicate entries for the Phone Type. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed when navigating to the next page.

Int'l Prefix
  • International calling code
  • Defaulted to USA code "001" but can be changed as needed
  • If SMS is the configured as the delivery method in the organization, the phone number marked as "Cell" under Phone Type with an "001" Int'l Prefix will be used for authentication
Phone Extension
  • Needed if an additional number is required to reach the New Hire
Phone Type
  • Delivered with "Home" as the default value. This can be changed to "Cell" but cannot be blank.
  • "Cell" is required to choose if "SMS" is configured as the only verification code delivery method for two factor authentication.
  • By default the "Home" phone is marked as preferred. The preferred flag can be changed to another phone type based on the requirement.
  • Only one number can be marked as preferred
  • If phone number from the USA ( Int'l Prefix "001") is indicated as "Home" and marked as preferred, it is updated to the new hire's profile as the "Work" number. 
  • Delete a phone number if you want, but you must have at least one phone number entered
Add Phone
  • Add an additional phone if needed
  • New row will be presented
  • Only one can be marked as Preferred

Email Information

The email address entered needs to be accurate because the preferred email you enter is where the onboarding invitation will be sent.  This can be any email address available to the New Hire. If the organization has configured email as the authentication delivery method, the New Hire will be validating their email during self-registration and use it for receiving one time authentication code during subsequent system logins .

If users wish to modify the initially provided email address on the invitation at a later time, they can make the changes through their profile page.

Email Address
  • Any email address that you have for the New Hire
  • Preferred email address will be the address where the invitation to onboarding is sent
  • should be validated by the New Hire during self registration and can opt to use it for receiving verification codes in subsequent system logins 
Email Type
  • Business, Other, Personal
  • Delivered with "Personal" as the default value. This can be changed to another value as needed but cannot be blank.
  • By default the "Personal" email is marked as preferred. The preferred flag can be changed to another email type based on the requirement.
  • Only one email can be marked as preferred
  • The New Hire onboarding invitation will be sent to the preferred email address
  • Delete an address if needed
  • Must have at least one preferred email to continue
Add Email
  • Add an additional email address
  • New row will be presented
  • Only one can be marked as Preferred

The email address should be of proper format and the domain name should be valid. 

The following message will display on the page if email is not entered correctly:

Displays on field change when the email format is wrong

Personal Information Reminders
  • The New Hire will have an opportunity to correct any incorrect information during their onboarding process.
  • Based on the delivery method configured within the organization authentications setup and the phone information entered on the new hire invitation, the telephone and/or email options will be displayed for the new hire to confirm their identity during self registration and receive verification codes in subsequent system logins.
  • When Address 1 is entered, entering State under Address information is mandatory and rest of the fields are optional and can be entered by the New Hire during their onboarding process.  
  • When multiple rows exists for Phone Number, only one Phone Number can be marked as preferred under Phone Number section.
  • When multiple rows exists for Email Address, only one Email Address can be marked as preferred under Email Information section.

After entering the personal data, click "Next" in the bottom right corner of the page to proceed to the Job Information section on the next page of the invitation.

Attributes Page

This page includes the Job information section which captures the New Hire's employment Start Date and various other job related details. Furthermore, the data captured on this page will play an important role in driving the New Hire's onboarding process. For example, New Hires in different locations will be presented with different tax forms based on the country or state entered in their address.

 Note: If you have not entered required * information you will be prompted to enter them.  You will not be able to continue to save the invitation until all the required information is entered.

Job Information

Employment Details

Business Process Fields

The following fields are used by the system to present the proper activities to the New Hire at the correct time.

Fields (Required *)Behavior
Start Date
  • Date used to control the onboarding content.  If you have new content that is effective after the start date the new content will not be shown.
  • Can drive time sensitive activities. For example, you can have an activity that automatically begins 5 days after hire date.
  • Note:  Start Date will not be copied with any option and must be entered manually.
Business Process ID
  • This is your New Hire onboarding process as defined by your organization.
  • You will only have one to start with, but in the future you will be allowed to create multiple.

Data security Fields

As part of the implementation your organization will define the values for Company, Business Unit, Department and Location.  

These 4 fields can be used to drive onboarding activities but they can also be used to segregate data   For example, you can set up a recruiter that can only select specific Departments or an HR administrator that can only verify data from certain Business Units.  The data entered here will determine which business users can see this New Hire's data.

These 4 fields can also be used to define the content shown on the New Hire's home page. For more details, please click here.

Fields (Required *)Behavior
  • Organization specific values
  • Clicking the lookup icon will open a popup page displaying all Company values.

Business Unit
  • Organization specific values
  • Clicking the lookup icon will open a popup page with all Business Unit values

  • Organization specific values
  • Clicking the lookup icon will open a popup page with all Department values

  • Organization specific values
  • Clicking the lookup icon will open a popup page with all Location values

Onboarding Process Details

The rest of the fields in Employment Details section will be different for all organizations. 

Below are delivered options:

Fields (Optional)
Operating Unit
Job Code
Employee Class
Appointment Type
Client ID
Salary Plan
Salary Grade
Employee Type
Comp Frequency
Comp Rate Code
Earnings Code
Tax Location Code

Employment Agreement 

Hire Template
Worker Category
Hire Type
User Defined Attribute 1
User Defined Attribute 2
User Defined Attribute 3

User Defined Attribute 4 --

User Defined Attribute 15

Benefit Program

Work Location

By default the United States is populated in the Country field. Based on the Country selected the Work Location field populating on the page vary.

Based on the Location selected the values in the Work Location fields will be populated. 

CountryUse the dropdown to lookup for the Country
AddressEnter the work location address
CityEnter City name

Based on the Country selected above, the States show up in the dropdown

When US is selected as Country, all States including the US territories (Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) show in the dropdown


Enter the 5 or 9 digit USPS Zip Code


When Country = United States

When Country = Canada

Onboarding Details

Onboarding Details are used if your organization uses Background, Education or Employment verification services.  We provide the setup to use a number of Verification service vendors, or your organization can enter your own.  Values for all of the fields are required, but you can bypass this functionality by saying 'no' to some items.  

The values in some fields will determine what activities are presented to the New Hire and subsequently to the HR administrator.

Field (All Required *)Dependent OptionBehavior
LanguageField is only shown if this value is Yes
  • The Smart Onboarding system can support multiple languages but we only deliver English at this time
Background Check Required?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Vendor Group ID, Profile Form ID and Credit Check required? will be required
  • If the Credit Check required? is Yes, the Credit Check activities will be the part of onboarding process
  • The Group and Form ID determine which types of Background checks need to be performed
  • This functionality is documented in a separate space
Background Check VendorBackground Check Required?
  • Required if Background Check Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Vendor Group from the valid values
Profile Form IDBackground Check Required?
  • Required if Background Check Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Profile Form ID from the valid values
  • Form IDs are dependent on the Vendor Group ID chosen.
  • You also must have Start Date populated to choose the Profile Form ID
Credit Check Required?Background Check Required?
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Credit Check Activities will be part of the onboarding process
Verification Required?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Verification Vendor ID, Education Verification Required?, Employment Verification Required? License Verification Required? will be required
  • The Verification Vendor ID determine which type of verification check need to be performed
  • This functionality is documented in a separate space

Verification Vendor ID

Verification Required?
  • Required if Verification Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Verification Vendor ID from the valid values
Education Verification Required?Verification Required?
  • Yes or No
  • Required if Verification Required? is Yes
  • If Yes, Education Level to Verify will be required

Education Level to Verify

Education Verification Required?
  • Choose the type of education to verify
  • All Post Secondary, Attained and Attempted, Highest Degree Attained
Employment Verification Required?Verification Required?
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Past is required
PastEmployment Verification Required?
  • Required if Employment Verification Required? is Yes
  • Length (number) and time unit will be displayed
  • Example: 7 in the first field and Years in the second
License Verification Required?Verification Required?
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, license verification will be the part of onboarding process
Drug Test Required?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, Test Panel and Drug Vendor ID will be required
Test PanelDrug Test Required?
  • Required if Drug Test Required? is Yes
  • Choose valid value from the drop down
  • 10 Panel, 9 Panel, 5 Panel
Drug Vendor ID

Drug Test Required? 

  • Required if Drug Test Required? is Yes
  • Choose the proper Drug Vendor ID from the valid values
Medical Screening Required?None
  • Always required
  • Activity or Activities added to onboarding process
  • Yes or No
Hepatitis B Immunization Required?None
  • Always required
  • Activity or Activities added to onboarding process
  • Yes or No
Medical Vendor ID

Medical Screening Required?

  • Required if Medical Screening Required? is Yes

  • Choose the proper Medical Vendor ID from the valid values

Hold for PreScreen Processing?None
  • Yes or No
  • If Yes, the HR Specialist must complete the Background/Education/Employment check prior to the New Hire finishing their activities
  • If No, the HR Specialist can complete these activities independent of the New Hire. The New Hire can continue and complete their onboarding activities before HR has completed the background check.

Note: If the work location is in California and Credit Check is "Yes", another page need to be filled for California Credit Check. See the next section for more details. 

After the invitation data is entered, click the "Save" button. 


The invitation gets successfully created and the Invitation ID generated for the candidate will be displayed on the page. Click the "View Invitation" button to view/edit the information entered or launch the invitation.


The invitation details will display on the page along with the "Launch" button. If changes are to be made to any of the information, update the details on the invitation and save again. If invitation has to be sent to the candidate, click the "Launch" button.

This will ask for the confirmation for sending a launch invitation email to the candidate. Click "Yes" on the message to continue.

The following message confirms that the invitation email has been sent to the candidate.

California Credit Check Page

This page shows only if the New Hire's work location is in California, and the "Credit Check Required?" question was answered "Yes" under the Background Checks section.

The "Credit Check Required?" question shows up on the invitation page only if "Background Required?" option is selected as "Yes". If "Background Required?" is selected as "No" then the fields "Background Check Vendor",  "Profile Form ID" and "Credit Check required?" will not appear.

To navigate to the California Credit Check page click the "Next" button.

Check all choices that apply, and then  save the details.

California Credit Check Page

This will confirm the invitation has been saved. Click the "View Invitation" button to review or launch the invitation.  

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