Property Details
Some key property settings that can be modified from their default values are outlined below.
You can enable validations for the work location fields in invitations by using the "ValidateInvitationWorkLocation" property. When this property is set to "ON," the Work Location fields and Location attribute values will be validated upon saving or launching the invitation.
If any work location field values are not entered or removed after it was enabled, then the corresponding error messages will be displayed when you save or launch the invitation.
When you save or launch invitation without entering the "Location" field |
When "City" is not entered in the Work Location details |
When "State" is not entered in Work Location details |
When "Postal Code" is not entered in Work Location details |
If the property "ValidateInvitationWorkLocation" is set to "OFF", entering the Work Location details is not mandatory.
The system validates the Location field upon entry but allows the invitation to be saved or launched even if the Work Location details are not provided.
Employee Biographic Information
The following fields on the Employee Information page can be customized according to the property settings in the Product Preferences.
1) Product Preferences property: HideMaritalStatus
Employee Information field: Marital Status
By default, the "HideMaritalStatus" value is set to OFF in the product preferences, making the "Marital Status" field visible and required on the Employee Information page for new hires.
Product Preferences with HideMaritalStatus = OFF |
EBI activity with Marital Status |
When this property is set to ON, the "Marital Status" field will not appear in the Employee Information activity.
Product Preferences with HideMaritalStatus = ON |
Employee Information doesn't display the 'Marital Status' field |
2) Product Preferences property: HomePhoneOptional
Employee Information field: Home Phone
By default, the value of the "HomePhoneOptional" property is set to OFF, making the Home Phone field mandatory in the Biographic Information activity.
Note: If a Home Phone number is provided in the New Hire invitation, it will automatically populate on the Employee Information page. If the Home Phone number is not provided, the field will be blank, and the New Hire must enter the Home Phone number while completing the activity.
Product Preferences with HomePhoneOptional = OFF |
Home Phone is required in Employee Information:
If "HomePhoneOptional" property is set to "ON", the Home Phone field is optional in the Biographic Information. The activity can be saved without entering the Home Phone number.
Product Preferences with HomePhoneOptional = ON |
Entering the Home Phone number is optional in Employee Information:
3) Product Preferences property: CellPhoneOptional
Employee Information field: Cell Phone
By default, the "CellPhoneOptional" property is set to OFF making the Cell Phone field required in the Biographic Information activity.
Note: If a Cell Phone number is provided in the New Hire invitation, it will automatically populate on the Employee Information page. If the Cell Phone number is not provided, the field will be blank, and the New Hire must enter the Cell Phone number while completing the activity.
Product Preferences with CellPhoneOptional = OFF |
If "CellPhoneOptional" property is set to "ON", the Cell Phone field is optional in Biographic Information. The activity can be saved without entering the Cell Phone number.
Product Preferences with CellPhoneOptional = ON |
Note: If "CellPhoneOptional" and "HomePhoneOptional" properties are set to "OFF" in product preferences, then both Cell Phone and Home Phone are required fields in Biographic Information.
Product Preferences with CellPhoneOptional = OFF and HomePhoneOptional = OFF |
Also, both "CellPhoneOptional" and "HomePhoneOptional" properties cannot be turned on in product preferences. The following error message triggers if both are turned on at a time.
4) Product Preferences property: EnableDriversLicenseOnEBI
Employee Biographic field: Driver's License
If "EnableDriversLicenseOnEBI" is set to ON in Product Preferences, the New Hire can see the option to enter driver's license details in the Employee Information.
Product Preferences with EnableDriversLicenseOnEBI = ON |
Employee Information activity with Driver's License details |
If "EnableDriversLicenseOnEBI" is set to OFF in Product Preferences, the New Hire will not see driver's license option in the Employee Information.
Product Preferences with EnableDriversLicenseOnEBI = OFF |
Employee Information activity without Driver's License |
5) Product Preferences property: EnablePreferredNameOnEBI
Employee Information field: Preferred Name
If "EnablePreferredNameonEBI" is set to ON in the Product Preferences, Preferred Name fields will appear in the Employee Information activity.
Product Preferences |
Preferred Name fields in the Employee Information |
If "EnablePreferredNameonEBI" is set to OFF in the Product Preferences, Preferred Name fields will not appear on the Employee Information page.
Product Preferences |
Preferred Name fields in the Employee Information |
6) Product Preferences property: EBICompanyBenefitsEnrollment
Employee Information field: Benefit Elections
If the "EBICompanyBenefitsEnrollment" property is set to ON in the Product Preferences, the option for enrolling in company benefits will appear in the Employee Information.
Product Preferences |
Company Benefits enabled in the Employee Information |
If the "EBICompanyBenefitsEnrollment" property is set to OFF in the Product Preferences, the option for enrolling in company benefits will not appear in the Employee Information.
Product Preferences |
Company benefits not enabled in the Employee Information |
I-9 Options
The following are the I-9 related properties available in the Product Preferences:
- I-9AutoFill (available only for Smart Onboarding product)
- RequireI-9Attachment (available for both Smart Onboarding and Smart I-9/E-Verify products)
Smart Onboarding Product |
Smart I-9 E-Verify Product |
This property allows to choose whether or not to populate the employee's personal information in Form I-9 Section 1 from the Employee Biographic Information activity. For more details on I-9AutoFill property, please click here.
The I9AutoFill property allows System Administrators to decide whether to automatically populate the employee's personal information in Form I-9 Section 1 using Biographic Information. This property is particularly relevant to the Smart Onboarding product, as Biographic Information is exclusive to this process. By default, the system is configured with the I9AutoFill property set to 'ON' in Product Preferences. However, System Administrators can adjust this setting to match their preferred system behavior.
Default setting of the I-9AutoFill property is provided below:
When the I-9AutoFill property is set to "ON," the employee's personal information from the Biographic Information will be automatically filled in the I-9 Section 1 header, and the related fields will be in read-only mode within Section 1.
The Biographic Information fields that will be populated in I-9 Section 1 are highlighted below:
I-9 Section 1 for the above transaction:
This default setup of I-9AutoFill property can be changed to "OFF" if you prefer not to populate the employee's personal information in Form I-9 Section 1 from the Biographic Information.
Set I-9AutoFill = OFF |
If I-9AutoFill value is set to "OFF", the employee personal information from the Biographic Information will not be populated in I-9 Section 1 header. In this case, the corresponding header field values will appear empty and the New Hire will need to provide the information.
The system is configured with the "RequireI-9Attachment" property set to OFF in Product Preferences by default.
If the "RequireI-9Attachment" value is set to ON, an attachment must be provided before electronically signing the I-9 activities—Section 1, Section 2, and Supplement B (formerly Section 3).
RequireI-9Attachment = "ON" |
Console Search
The search results displaying in consoles can be controlled by the "DeferredConsoleSearch" property in Product Preferences.
If "DeferredConsoleSearch" property is set to ON, the search results in consoles are shown only after manually clicking on the "Search" button.
Product Preferences |
An example is given below:
In this case, the "Search" button should be clicked to view the search results.
My Tasks console |
If "DeferredConsoleSearch" property is set to OFF, the search results in consoles are shown by default.
Product Preferences |
In this case, there is no need to click on the "Search" button to view the search results.
My Tasks console |
By setting up the "ShowE-VerifyAttachments" property in Product Preferences to ON, the gadget icon to upload documents can be enabled in the E-Verify activity.
The default value of this property is OFF when the Smart Onboarding/Smart I-9 E-Verify product is delivered. The System Administrator can change this property to ON if uploading of documents is required from E-Verify.
Default value of "ShowE-VerifyAttachments" in Product Preferences |
To have the "Attachments" option available in the E-Verify activity, change "ShowE-VerifyAttachments" property setting to ON and click "Save" (provided at the bottom of the page).
Set "ShowE-VerifyAttachments" to ON |
For the I-9 product, change this property under Smart I-9 E-Verify and save the value.
Benefits Enrollment
1. AllowDependentSelf - Hide or display of the New Hire's self row on the Dependents and Beneficiaries page
By toggling the "AllowDependentSelf" property to OFF/ON in Product Preferences, you can control whether the New Hire's self/candidate row is hidden or visible on the "Define Dependents & Beneficiaries" page.
The system is delivered with the "AllowDependentSelf" property set to ‘OFF’ by default in Product Preferences.
The default value of the "AllowDependentSelf" property and the corresponding runtime page are shown below.
Product Preferences with "AllowDependentSelf" = OFF |
Define Dependents & Beneficiaries page with no self/candidate row displayed |
System Administrators can change this default value to match the desired behavior in their system. If the value of the "AllowDependentSelf" property is set to "ON," the candidate's self record/row will be displayed on the page.
"Define Dependents & Beneficiaries" page with Self row |
2. ReqBeneficiary - Make it mandatory to add at least one beneficiary in the Dependents and Beneficiaries activity
To require adding at least one beneficiary in the Dependent and Beneficiaries activity, set the "ReqBeneficiary" property to "ON" in Product Preferences. By default, the "ReqBeneficiary" property is set to "OFF", so adding a beneficiary is not mandatory in this activity.
However, the System Administrator can change this default setting to make adding a beneficiary mandatory by setting the "ReqBeneficiary" property to "ON".
In this case, at least one person must be added as either a Beneficiary or Dependent & Beneficiary before the activity can be saved. Otherwise, the following error message will be displayed upon saving the activity.
3. DepDOBRequired - Make entering Date of Birth field as mandatory when adding Dependents and Beneficiary details for individuals classified as "Dependent" or "Dependent & Beneficiary"
The "DepDOBRequired" property can be used to set the Date of Birth as required or optional when adding Dependents and Beneficiary details for individuals classified as "Dependent" or "Dependent & Beneficiary."
By default, the "DepDOBRequired" property is set to "ON," making the Date of Birth required for both "Dependent" and "Dependent & Beneficiary" types. If not entered an error message will be displayed on the page.
When "DepDOBRequired" = ON & Type = Dependent |
When "DepDOBRequired" = ON & Type = Dependent & Beneficiary |
When "DepDOBRequired" property is set to "OFF", entering the Date of Birth value is not required for individuals classified as "Dependent" or "Dependent & Beneficiary" types.
"DepDOBRequired" = OFF |
When "DepDOBRequired" = OFF & Type = Dependent |
When "DepDOBRequired" = OFF & Type = Dependent & Beneficiary |
4. ReqBeneficiaryOnLifeInsurance - Make it required to add at least one primary beneficiary in Life Insurance Designation
Toggle the "ReqBeneficiaryOnLifeInsurance" property to ON/OFF to make adding a primary beneficiary either required or optional in the Life Insurance Designation activity.
By default, this property is set to "OFF" in Product Preferences.
Product Preferences with "ReqBeneficiaryOnLifeInsurance" = OFF |
Set the "ReqBeneficiaryOnLifeInsurance" property to "ON" to make adding a Primary Beneficiary in the Life Insurance Designation activity mandatory.
Product Preferences with "ReqBeneficiaryOnLifeInsurance" = ON |
Paycheck preferences
The display of payment options on the Paycheck Preferences page is determined by how the corresponding properties are set in the Product Preferences under the Paycheck Preferences section. Each payment option, except for Direct Deposit, has a property that can be toggled ON or OFF. Only the options with their properties set to "ON" will be available on the Paycheck Preferences page.
Direct Deposit does not have an associated property and will always be available by default. If none of the properties under Paycheck Preferences are set to "ON," Direct Deposit will be the only available payment option.
Below are some examples:
The highlighted section shows the properties for Paycheck Preferences.
When all properties under Paycheck preferences are set to "ON," all payment options will be available on the Paycheck Preferences page.
Product Preferences |
Paycheck preferences page |
If none of the properties under Paycheck Preferences are set to "ON," Direct Deposit will automatically become the default payment option. When the Paycheck preferences activity is accessed by the New Hire, the secondary page for entering Direct Deposit details will open directly.
(Note: In this scenario, the initial page where all the Paycheck Preferences options are typically displayed for the New Hire to select a payment method will not appear.)
Product Preferences |
Paycheck preferences |
In this example, the properties for Check By Mail (AllowPayCheckByMail) and Cash Pay (AllowPayOptionCashPay) are set to "ON" in Product Preferences. As a result, the payment options for these methods will be displayed on the Paycheck Preferences page.
Product Preferences |
Paycheck preferences |
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