.Compare Questionnaire v1.9

.Compare Questionnaire v1.9

This tool allows employers to have a overall look at the candidate's survey data and compare it with others. 

How do you access Compare Questionnaire?

Click on the Menu icon and select Compare Questionnaire under Assessment Questionnaire.

The page to compare questionnaire displays as below.

How to use this tool to compare questionnaire?

Click on the Section ID drop down and select an option.

Click on Add Candidates to Compare.

Select a candidate from the lookup list.

The survey data for the candidate displays as below.

If you want to add candidates for comparison, click on Add Candidates to Compare.

The lookup shows the candidates that have completed the Survey/Section ID with the same effective date and the dates after that. Select any candidate for comparing with the first candidate.

The page displays as below. This helps you to compare the answers given by the candidates in the survey. Like ways, you can add multiple candidates and compare their questionnaires.

How do you delete a candidate from Compare Questionnaire?

To delete a candidate click on the delete icon showing next to the candidate's name. This removes the candidate from the comparison chart.

Now the page displays as below:

If you want to add another candidate for comparing, follow the same procedure as above.

When you click on Reset button, the values are reset and the page navigates to initial compare questionnaire page.

Before 'Reset' button is clicked

After 'Reset' button is clicked

How to download compare questionnaire?

Click on Download button in the Compare Questionnaire page.

The page is downloaded as excel (.xls file) into your local download folder.

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