.Manage Attributes v1.7

.Manage Attributes v1.7

What are Attributes?

Attributes are basic data elements in the Smart Onboarding system. The values of attributes are used to control access within the system, and can be shown on pages and in emails generated in the system.  You can also define your own attributes that can be used for these purposes.

How many Attributes are provided?

The following four Attributes are required in the system, as their use affects system processing.

Primary Attributes
  • Organization specific values
Business Unit
  • Organization specific values
  • Organization specific values
  • Organization specific values
  • The country and state will determine the tax forms the New Hire will be required to fill out during onboarding.

The table bellow shows the attributes that are optional for an organization. You can use the Attribute Preferences page to change the label of any field, as well as if it is included on the New Hire invitation or Complete Job Data activities.

Secondary Attributes
Operating Unit
Job Code
Employee Class
Appointment Type
Client ID
Pay Group
Salary Plan
Salary Grade
Employee Type
Comp Frequency
Comp Rate Code
Earnings Code
Tax Location Code
Employment Agreement
User Defined Attribute 1
User Defined Attribute 2
User Defined Attribute 3
User Defined Attribute 4
User Defined Attribute 6
User Defined Attribute 7
User Defined Attribute 8
User Defined Attribute 9
User Defined Attribute 10

How can Attributes be used?

Attribute UsesBehavior
Routing Criteria
  • Determine who must perform an activity in onboarding. For example, only Executive might get Stock Options and only hourly workers will get a lunch policy.
Homepage Content
  • Target your homepage to show items that are relevant for the logged on user. For example, you might show events that are taking place at the user's location.
Integration with HR Systems
  • You can push and pull things like department, job code, action, reason etc. between Smart Onboarding and your HR system.
Segregation of Duties
  • You can set up any User to be able to see only New Hires with certain attributes. For example, you might have different HR Specialist for different Business Units, Departments or Locations.


Who can add or modify Attributes?


How do you add or modify Attributes?

Step 1 - Create or Modify a Process Revision

Step 2.1 - Add Attribute

From a Process Revision, Administrative Users are able to add new attributes to your Onboarding system.

Your current attributes can be seen on the right hand side of the page of the Process Revision page.  Select the Attribute Type you wish to configure, and you will see all attributes of that type displayed in the drop down.  These attributes are able to be structured as a tree if your organization chooses to do so.  In order to add an attribute, it is important to note where you would like the attribute to be located on the tree structure. 

Process Revision



When the Administrative User selects the attribute (in this case Human Resources), they are presented with a row of icons that provide them functionality specific to that single attribute.  The first two icons highlighted below allow you to add a new attribute as either a child, or a sibling of the currently selected attribute.  If your organization chooses not to have a tree hierarchy, you will select a sibling.

Attribute Functions



Selecting either 'Create Child' or 'Create Sibling' will bring you to the Revision Attributes page where an Administrative User will be able to enter all relevant attribute information.  It is important to note that in this page below, the Native Parent Attribute is the ID of the parent attribute.  If you wish for there to be no parent to this attribute, the Native Parent Attribute field should be the ID of the root node.  Enter all required information and select Save at the bottom of the page.

Revision Attributes

Long Description 
  • The long name of the Attribute
  • May be used as a bind in the Onboarding Process
  • Any Description you want to use as a bind
  • May be the same as Long Description
Desired Look Up IDY
  • Short ID or Code that you will see in Smart Onboarding prompts
  • Limited to 10 characters
Desired Look Up DescriptionY
  • Description Administrators will see in Smart Onboarding prompts
  • Value may be the same as Description
ERP Reference 
  • Reserved for Integration efforts to HR systems
  • Helps identify the HR system
  • Examples: PSFT, SAP, eBus
Customer Reference  
  • Reserved for Integration efforts to HR systems
  • Unique identifier in your HR system
  • Examples: DEPTID 10000, BUSINESS_UNIT US001
Customer Reference Descr 
  • Attribute Description from your customer reference
Native Parent AttributeY
  • The 'Parent' of this 'Child'
  • Every attribute you enter will be a child
  • We provide a 'Root' node (Parent) for each Attribute


Step 2.2 - Delete/Modify Attribute

To delete or modify an Attribute from the master attribute list, first select the attribute you wish to delete from the system.  On the right hand side of the attribute, you will be able to see a list of icons that show the functions available to that attribute. Select the Manage Attribute icon, allowing you to edit all fields on the current attribute.

Attribute Functions



The Revision Attributes page allows an Administrative User to modify all existing fields for a specific attribute.  In order to delete an attribute, select 'Inactive' for the Effective Status and save the changes in order to remove an attribute from your master attributes list.  It is important to note that if a parent node is set to invalid, all of the children nodes will also become invalid.

Revision Attributes

Item #Item NameDescription
1Revision NumberID number for the current Process Revision
2Attribute Type/IDName and ID of the selected Attribute that is currently being modified
3Effective Status
  • Active: Attribute can be used in lookup fields and is seen in the master attribute page
  • Inactive: Sets the attribute to inactive, deleting the attribute from the system
4Long Description/DescriptionDescription fields of the selected attribute
5Desired Lookup ID/DescriptionHow the attribute will appear when you find it in a lookup table
6ERP ReferenceHelps identify the HR system
7Customer Reference/DescriptionHelps identify your own HR system
8Native Parent AttributeAttribute ID of the parent attribute
9Default ThemeDefault Theme for the selected attribute
10Initial Home Page IDHome page when the New Hire's login for the first time (specific to the attribute)


Step 3 - Apply Revision



How do you change the tree?

Changing the tree is a matter of changing the Native Parent Attribute of the Attribute you want to change.

Root Node → Parent → Child



This is how it looks on the child Revision Attributes. To change the tree simply change the Native Parent Attribute.

Department DP00000002 is a child of Department DP00000001




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