Table of Contents |
Who is a Business User?
Business Users are the users that administer and perform HR-related activities within the New Hire's onboarding process.
User Role Type | Description |
Recruiter |
(This role not available for in the Smart I-9 E-Verify productproduct. The duties of a HR Specialist is performed by users with the I-9 Specialist role) |
I-9 Specialist |
E-Verify Specialist |
Help Desk Analyst |
Note: Since there is no HR Specialist role available in Since the Smart I-9 E-Verify product, product does not have an HR Specialist role, the I-9 Specialist is responsible for creating and managing New Hire invitations.
Who can assign/change a Business User's roles?
Only a Users with the System Administrator can role have the ability to add a new role or change the existing role of a Business User.
Create Invitation: This feature facilitates the creation of invitations for new hires.
Customized tools
designed for managing and viewing
new hire
and I-9 data,
as well as performing specific actions within the new hire process.
The consoles available to users depend on their roles, each
tailored to serve a distinct
function. For
example, the Invitation Console
oversees the onboarding process,
handling invitation actions, onboarding
tasks, and process insights
, while the I-9 Console
is dedicated to viewing I-9 details and
performing related actions.
Furthermore, the data displayed
in each console is governed by the user’s security permissions set by the System Administrator.
As a result,
users will only have
access to the data
they are authorized to view. For instance, if a
user’s access is
limited to data from the "Research" Company
they will
only see information related to that company within the console.
My Tasks Console: Displays tasks pertinent to a user's role or specifically assigned to them within the onboarding process. These tasks vary depending on the user's role and the new hire's stage in the onboarding journey.
Reports/Dashboards (Invitation Insight, I-9 Insight, Work Assignment Insight): Allows users to visualize invitation or I-9 data through graphs and charts, providing insights into metrics. Users can drill down into these graphs and charts to access detailed information.
My Profile: This page presents the user's profile information, allowing them to make edits Allows users to access their profile information and modify them as necessary.
How business users are facilitated with data export functionality?
Below is an example illustrating the Invitation Console with "Export to Excel" button enabled for the HR Specialist role. Note: If the HR Specialist role doesn't have data export capabilities, but the user is assigned either the I-9 Specialist or E-Verify Specialist roles, and if at least one of these roles has export functionality enabled, the "Export to Excel" button will remain visible for the HR Specialist in the Invitation Console.
By clicking on this button, the user can download the search results displayed in the console as an Excel file to your their local computer.
Note: The "Export to Excel" button is specifically designed to download search results obtained from using the search fields. Note that filtering by the Quick Filter feature will not limit results in the export.
A sample downloaded excel file is given below. For downloads When downloading data from the Invitation Console, apart from the file will include not only the result columns displayed on the page , but also standard Attribute information (i.e.attribute information such as Company, Business Unit, Department, Location, and Job Code)and invitation additional attributes will be as columns in the file, as well as any additional invitation attributes.
For further details on the data export functionality in the Invitation Console, I-9 Console, Reverify Console, E-Verify Console, Help Desk Console and My Tasks Console, please refer to their respective pages.
In addition to consoles, users with roles that have export functionality enabled can also download data into Excel format from their dashboards.
Below is an example of I-9 Insight with export functionality enabled for the I-9 Specialist role. The export functionality will be visible on the secondary drill-down pages on the I-9 Insight when clicked on any graph or chart to view data related to that specific section.
Clicking on "Export to Excel" will download the I-9 data as an Excel file to your their local computer.
For additional information, please refer to online documentation specific to each dashboard under Dashboards/Reports section.