What is I-9 Audit?
It is a new component added to the I-9 process to audit the changes made to the data or forms in all sections other than Section 1. The audit action is available to the users through "View I-9 Audit" gadget only when there is any action performed on the document details.
Who has access to the I-9 Audit?
Business Users with the following checked role types can access I-9 Audit.
Role Type | Access |
System Administrator | No |
Process Administrator | No |
Content Administrator | No |
HR Specialist | No |
Recruiter | No |
Help Desk Analyst | |
I-9 Specialist | |
E-Verify Specialist | |
Authorized Representative Remote I-9 User |
When do you get access to the I-9 Audit gadget icon?
The "View I-9 gadget" icon is not enabled instantly when the user is in the current I-9 transaction. The icon is enabled only when the user enters and saves the document details in "Smart I-9 Document Selection Page" and returns to the I-9 Form.
How do you access I-9 Audit details?
There are two ways to access the I-9 Audit details.
- Access via I-9 Console
- Access using My Tasks
Access via I-9 Console
Click I-9 Console in the Quick Links bar or under the Menu icon.
Click on any I-9 ID.
The I-9 Summary page is displayed with details related to that I-9 transaction. Click on the I-9 Audit link.
Another option to access the I-9 Audit details is to click on the I-9 ID on the I-9 Summary page.
Click on the "View I-9 Audit" icon on the Form I-9. The I-9 Audit gadget will not be enabled if you have not entered and saved the Section 2 document details.
Access via My Tasks
Click My Tasks under Consoles via Menu icon or In the Quick Links
What details are logged in the I-9 Audit page?
I-9 Audit doesn't log the actions performed while filling the Section 1 details. Any
page. clicks "Save", the audit will be loggedfills and r I-9 Audit gadegtdoes not log the actions performed on the Section-1 details. en do you get access to "View I-9 Audit" gadget action?
The "View I-9 Audit" gadget is not visible to the users instantly for the current I-9 transaction.
I-9 Audit does not logs any action performed while filling the Section-1 details and hence please check for audit if any action(either entry or modify) that is performed on the document details. Also when the user fills the document details in "Smart I-9 Document Selection Page" and clicks "Save", the audit will be logged. However with the limitation in current gadget framework, the "View I-9 Audit" gadget action will not be enabled instantly for the current I-9 transaction. But the user can get access to the action after returning to main page(i.e,Click Return to find the gadget icon).