This category of Keyword Search allows I-9 Specialists to search and navigate to a New Hire's I-9 information. It can also be used to perform certain actions related to New Hire's onboarding process.
Who can access I-9 Status category in Keyword Search?
The users with System Administrator, I-9 Specialist and E-Verify Specialist roles can access I-9 Status category in Keyword Search.
How do you filter I-9 information via Keyword Search?
The I-9 Status category in the keyword search enables filtering transactions based on I-9 information. Choose "I-9 Status" as the category and perform a search using a keyword.
For example, enter "All/all" as the search keyword and perform search filter. This will display all transactions with I-9 ID generated.
Anytime after I-9 ID is generated (Section 1 activity saved/completed), a corresponding transaction row will appear in the I-9 Status category.
When the category is searched using the "All" keyword, all transactions with I-9 IDs generated will be presented in the search results. To refine the display to specific transactions, use the filters/facets located in the left navigation. The filters/facets accessible for the I-9 Status category search include: Start Date, Citizenship Status, I-9 Corrections & Adjustments, Additional Processes, Process Status, I-9 Status, Notices, Process, Participating in E-Verify, E-Verify Status, Applied for SSN, Business Unit, Company.
To view the desired transactions, select the checkbox beside the corresponding filter within the facet. Few examples are shown below.
To view the terminated I-9s, click on "Terminated" checkbox under "I-9 Status" facet.
To view force completed transactions, select "Force Completed" option under "Process Status" facet.
To filter the transactions by eligibility, the following "Citizenship Status" facet can be used.
To filter transactions involving corrections in Section 1/Section 2/Supplement B and Supplement B for Reverification, Name Change, or Rehire, use the filters under "I-9 Corrections & Adjustments".
Notices can be used for filtering I-9 specific special cases such as preparer/translators information, remote users, additional I-9 processes initiated by employees or employers, Section 2/Supplement B completed with alternative document procedure etc.
What are the keyword available for I-9 status?
To view the keyword available for search, click on the 'Help' icon.
The Help page opens with the list of keywords which can be used for the search categories. Click on "I-9 Status" link to open the keywords specific to I-9 Status category.
This will show the keywords list with detailed description. Any of these keywords can be used for searching the invitations in I-9 Status category.
You can also use the detailed search options to narrow down the search results. Click on 'More Options' link provided in the search box.
This will display more search fields for searching the invitations.
An example of searching with "Last Updated" field is given below. Enter any specific date in "Last Updated" field and click on 'Search'.
This will fetch all the invitations which are last updated on that specific date.
You can also enable operators if required by clicking on the 'Show Operators' link provided at the bottom of the search box.
Use these operators along with the search fields to refine the search results.
Example 1 |
Example 2 |
How do you export I-9 Status search results?
If the logged-in user's role is configured for data export, an "Export to Excel" button will appear on the top right of the search results page. By clicking this button, the user can download the data displayed on the search results page as an Excel file to their local computer.
Below is a sample of the downloaded Excel file. The information displayed on the search result page will appear as columns in the downloaded file. The keyword used for searching can be noticed on the top row.
Please note that only the top 50 results will be displayed on the search results page, and therefore the downloaded Excel file is limited to a maximum of 50 rows.
When no results are found for the search, clicking on the "Export to Excel" button will display the following error message.
What will be the I-9 Status of the invitation when the DHS create case runs into error?
The I-9 Status always show as "E-Verify in Progress" once the DHS case is created for the invitation, regardless of the errors that occur due to DHS connectivity or wrong password in DHS setup. The E-Verify case may not exist but the I-9 Status still shows as "E-Verify in Progress" in Keyword Search.
The below chart shows various E-Verify and I-9 Status after the DHS case is created.
Create case Scenario | E-Verify case Exits | I-9 Status |
Case runs into error | No (Not shown in the E-Verify Status facet) | E-Verify in Progress |
Case runs into duplicate | No (Not shown in the E-Verify Status facet) | E-Verify in Progress |
Case does not go to duplicate | Yes (Shown in the E-Verify Status facet) | E-Verify in Progress |
Submit case with duplicate case reason and case number returned | Yes (Shown in the E-Verify Status facet) | E-Verify in Progress |
E-Verify case exists and the I-9 Status shows as "E-Verify in Progress" |
How do you access I-9 summary on this page?
Select any record and click on its invitation ID. This will open the I-9 Summary of that transaction.
What actions can users perform from here?
The actions the user can perform from I-9 status search results vary depending on the I-9 Status. For the invitations that have I-9 status "Completed", the actions are shown below.
I-9 Status = Completed |
For the invitations that are in progress, the actions are shown as below:
For the processes that have pending HR submission, list of actions vary as given below.
The "Print Employer I-9" is not available here since the process is not yet routed to the HR Specialist, i.e Section 1 is signed by the New Hire but the onboarding information is not submitted to HR.
Another example is shown below for terminated I-9s. The actions available here allows users to view process and I-9 data but no changes can be made to the termination date.
The details of performing the I-9 Status category related actions are discussed below:
View Process
This option allows you to check which tasks have been completed for the New Hire. When you click on the "View Process" link, the page displays as below.
This is a simple way of seeing an overview of where the New Hire is in their process, including the HR, I-9, and E-Verify Specialist's activities. The activities can have the following states:
Completed: Activity can be can be accessed and the information in the activity may or may not be available for editing | |
Available: Activity can be accessed and has not yet been completed | |
Locked: Activity cannot be accessed |
The below example shows all the three activity states:
View I-9 Master
Allows you to view Form I-9 Master data of a New Hire's invitation. The I-9 Master includes the I-9 Header data and transaction data of Section 1, Section 2 and Supplement B and E-Verify case details.
Print Employee I-9
This employee print report will have the details of Section 1 & Supplement A information. The Supplement A will be available in print only if preparer/translator are added in Section 1. For more details, please click here.
Print Employer I-9
For this action to appear under I-9 Status, the Section 2 data must be saved at least once by the employer. The report includes the details of Section 1, Section 2 & Supplement A (will be available only if preparers/translators are added in Section 1). For more details, please click here.
Download I-9 Packet
Downloads a zip folder including I-9 supporting documents, Form I-9 and I-9 Audit report.
The downloaded zip file looks like below:
Double click on the supporting documents folder to open the attachments.
View DHS Case History
Shows historical E-Verify case details with Case Number, status and case invocation information.
When clicked on the Case Identifier link, the page navigates to view case details.
By clicking on the 'View Request' and 'View Response' links under 'CREATECASE_REST' and 'SUBMITCASE_REST' you can view their Request/Response details and XML files.
An example of viewing the Request/Response details and XML files for CREATECASE_REST is given below:
View Request
CREATECASE_REST - View Request |
Click on 'View XML'.
View Response
CREATECASE_REST - View Response |
Click on 'View XML'.
View Primary Invitation
This option appears only for related invitation only. When clicked on this option, the I-9 Summary page of primary invitation opens up.
View Related Invitations
Shows all the related invitations of the primary invitation.
When clicked on the Invitation ID link, the I-9 summary of the related invitation opens up.