.Manage Users/Contacts v1.3

.Manage Users/Contacts v1.3

What is Manage User/Contacts?

The User Console is where a System Administrator invites and maintains the users for your Organization.  Users are members of your organization that will maintain the system and interact with New Hires. From this page, the System Administrator can do a variety of things like add new users, modify existing users or reset passwords.

New Hires are maintained with the Invitation Console which is used by Business Users.

Who can access Manage User/Contacts?

System Administrators are the only users authorized to access the User Console.  Remember, any user can have multiple Roles if needed.

What can a System Administrator do with Manage User/Contacts?

The Manage Users/Contacts console has a Quick Filter to limit the users shown in the grid. Actions can be performed on the user based on their Invitation Status. 

Manage Users/Contacts Page



The tables below explain each of the functions of the Manage Users/Contacts console.  Use the links in this table to access more information about the subject.

Item #FieldsBehavior
1Quick Filter
  • Type in anything you want to filter the users on the page
  • Works on any field values you see on the page: name, role, email, invitation Status
2Add New User/Contact
3Rows per page
  • Pick between 10, 25, 50 or 100 to limit the number of users shown
Item #

User Information:



  • Hyperlink will take you to the Invitation page where you can modify an existing user


  • Role or Roles the user has assigned

Email Address

  • User's email address

Invitation Status

  • Invitation Created - New user invitation has not been launched
  • Invitation Launched - Invitation has been sent but new user has not completed their onboarding
  • Invitation Completed

System Access

  • Checked means they are a user
  • Unchecked means they are a contact with no access to the system
    • Types - categorization of contacts
      • Regular, Admin, HR, Legal, Executive


Actions are available based on Invitation Status.

Item #Invitation Status
  • Actions available

Invitation Created

  • Invite - Launch the Onboarding Invitation
  • Assign New Role - Change or add a Role to the user

Invitation Launched

  • Resend Registration - Resend or relaunch an invitation to the user if necessary
    • The Re-launched email happens when the user did not make their User ID and password. Note that re-launch will negate the link from the previous launch email(s)
    • The Resend email happens when the user already made their User ID and password
  • Assign New Role

Invitation Completed

  • Reset Password - Send a reset Password email to the user. The user will set a new password.
  • Reset e-PIN - Send a reset e-PIN email to the user. The user will reset their e-PIN
  • Account Lock/Unlock - Locks or Unlocks the User's account. The user will not be able to log in if their account is locked.
  • Assign New Role

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