.Modify an existing User/Contact v1.3

.Modify an existing User/Contact v1.3

Why does a System Administrator need to modify an existing User/Contact?

The System Administrator needs to modify users when their job responsibilities have changed. This includes adding or changing Roles and changing the Manage Attributes available to the user when the user is performing their duties.

How does a System Administrator access the User's information?

The System Administrator will use the Manage Users/Contacts page to access the user's information.

Manage Users/Contacts Page

  • Click on the hyperlinked name to access the Invite/Edit User page

What makes up the Invite/Edit User page?

The Invite/Edit User page is made up of 4 sections: Personal Information, Roles, Row Level Security and Authorized Lookup Security.  This information is also discussed in the Add New User/Contact documentation. 

Invite/Edit User Page


Personal Information 

The System Administrator is required to enter in all of the following personal information for the new user.  




First Name (Required)

  • Enter user's preferred first name

Last Name (Required)

  • Enter the user's preferred last name

Email ID (Required)

  • Enter valid Email Address
  • Used in order to send the appropriate Onboarding Email
  • User will need to verify this email address as a part of the two step authentication

Phone (Required)

  • Enter valid Phone Number
  • User will need to verify this phone number as a part of the two step authentication
System Access
  • Checked: Allows the new user access to the system
  • Unchecked: The new user will not be able to operate inside the system, but will act as a Contact

Smart Onboarding Roles 

The System Administrator is required to define the Role Type of the new user:




Smart Onboarding Roles (Required)

Defines the Role Type of the new Business User:

  • Process Administrator
  • DHS Administrator
  • HR Specialist
  • HR Help Desk
  • I-9 Specialist
  • Recruiter
  • System Administrator
  • Content Administrator


*Note: A detailed list of each User Type can be found here.

What is Row Level Security?

Row Level Security 

The System Administrator is required to fill out all fields in the Row Level Security section.  These help define the range of the new user’s interactions.  These fields will determine the consoles that appear in the 'Authorized Security Lookup' section. 




Company (Required)

  • Enter or Search for Full Company ID Number
  • Used to define the Company in which the User will be able to interact

Business Unit (Required)

  • Enter or Search for Full Business Unit ID
  • Used to define the Business Unit in which the User will be able to interact

Department (Required)

  • Enter or Search for Full Department ID
  • Used to define the Department in which the User will be able to interact

Location (Required)

  • Enter or Search for Full Location ID
  • Used to define the Location in which the User will be able to interact


When searching (clicking on the lookup), it pulls up a box. The fields are arranged in a tree structure allowing the System Administrator to define the scope of the new user to be as wide or as narrow as possible.


Search Box



*Note: All fields will default to the Root node of their respective tree.  By default a user will have access to all values.

What is Authorized Lookup Security?

Authorized Security Lookup 

The System Administrator has the option to fill out any and all of the fields in the Authorized Security Lookup.  This section is arranged in a tree structure just as the fields in Row Level Security.  By selecting certain values, you can alter what certain Users are able to see when they are performing their roles in the Smart Onboarding system.


Role TypeEffect of Security Lookup Fields

System Administrator

Process Administrator

Content Administrator

HR Specialist



*Note: All fields will default to the Root node of their respective tree.  By default a User will have access to all values.

Field (Optional)*




Full/Part Time


Business Unit



Operating Unit

Job Code

Employee Class

Appointment Type

Client ID


Salary Plan

Salary Grade

Employee Type

Comp. Frequency

Comp. Rate Code

Earnings Code

Tax Location Code

Employment Agreement

Hire Template

User Defined Attribute


  • Click Save to commit the changes. 
  •  Upon save a User will be sent an email letting them know what changes have occurred.
  •  Click Return to go back to the Manager Users/Contacts console. 


How many Roles can a User be assigned?

You can assign as many roles to a user as you want, but it does not make sense to give some combinations or roles based on the overlapping nature of some roles.

Administrative Users
  • Since a System Administrator can do everything a Process Administrator can do and a Process Administrator can do everything a Content Administrator can do, there is no reason to give a User more than one Administrative Role.
  • It can make sense to give an Administrative User a Business User Role
Business Users
  • In contrast to Administrative Users, Business Users can all perform different duties, so it can make sense to give multiple Business User roles to a single user. The smaller the organization, the more this makes sense.
Minimum Role Requirements

You must have at least one member in each of these roles in order to properly run and maintain the system:

  • System Administrator
  • HR Specialist
  • I-9 Specialist
  • E-Verify Specialist (if using E-Verify)


How do I Add/Delete/Change Roles for a user

Click Add or Delete to add or delete a role for a user.  Use the drop down to change an existing Role to a new Role without adding or deleting Roles.

Roles Section on Invite/Edit User page

  • Adds a new row and allows you to assign a separate role for the user
  • If a user has more than one role assigned they will have to choose which role they want to start with at sign on and can switch to the other role at anytime in they need to perform an action with the other role
  • Deletes that role
  • A user must have at least one Role assigned in order to save any changes
  • Use the drop down to choose a Role
  • If the user is simply changing Roles, use the dropdown to pick the new Role for this user
    • i.e. Change the user from a Process Administrator to a System Administrator


What information can a System Administrator change?

This depends on the status of the Invitation.

Invitation StatusWhat can be modified
Invitation Created or Launched
  • All fields are still editable by the System Administrator
Invitation Completed
  • Email and Phone Number fields are read only
  • Email and Phone Number fields will be maintained by the user on the My Profile page
  • Email and Phone Numbers require verification and only the user can verify
  • All other fields are editable

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