.User Insight v1.3

.User Insight v1.3

User Insight focuses on the Administrative Users and Business Users. It has the overview of their accounts, including:

  • Account Status
  • User Onboarding Status
  • User Roles and how many there are of each
  • Last 5 Logins

On the left, there are Active and Inactive account statuses.

On the right, there is what stage users are on with their invitation–completed, in progress, or launched.

By hovering over any of the segments of the pie charts, it will tell you how many of each there are.

User Insight Page



By clicking on one of the segments, you can pull up the details.

Invitation in Progress Box



By selecting the linked criteria, you can pull up that person's information.

Invite/Edit User Box



On the left side, there are the User Roles and how many there are of each.

  • By hovering over any of the bars, it will tell you how many of each there are.
  • Click on them to pull more information on them.

On the right side, there are the last 5 logins and their time stamps on when they last logged in.



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