Enable Third Party Providers
This feature allows user to configure the third party provider integration in the onboarding system. Users can enable or disable the providers depending on their preference. When providers are enabled, their names appear on the Smart Onboarding login page and allow user login through these third party accounts.
Who can enable third party providers?
Users with only System Administrator role can enable third party providers.
How do System Administrators access Enable Third Party Providers?
Click the menu icon at the top left corner of the page and select "Enable Third Party Providers" from the "Integration" section in the navigation menu.
This will open a list of third party provider names with default setting of all the providers as disabled.
Here, check boxes are provided under "Enable" and "Disable" columns to to select or deselect the providers.
Enable/Disable Third Party Providers |
How do System Administrators Enable/Disable Third Party Providers?
System Administrators will determine which third-party providers to associate with the product. To enable specific providers, they can check the boxes under the "Enable" column for those providers and then click "Configure."
To disable the previously enabled providers, check the boxes under "Disable" column for that providers and then click "Configure".
In this example, you can see Facebook integration is disabled.
What happens when the third party providers are enabled or disabled?
The enabled providers will appear below the "Log In" button on the login page. This will allow users to log in into the system through their third party accounts.
Clicking on the provider link will take the users to the Link External Account page. Here, the users should provide their account details and click "Login".
This will establish a link to the third party account.
Once the account has been linked, there is no need to enter login details for further logins, unless the user unlinks the third party account.
When providers are disabled, the provider names are removed from the login page.
In this example, you can see only ADP is displayed on the login page because Facebook and Google accounts have been disabled.
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