Generate API Key

Generate API Key

This option allows you to generate unique API tokens that can be used for authentication when integrating with the Smart Onboarding system.

Who can generate API keys?

API keys can be generated by users with System Administrator role within the system.

How do you access this feature?

Click the menu icon at the top left corner of the page and select "Generate API Key" from the Integration section in the navigation menu.

How to generate an API Token?

Click the "Generate API Token" button located in the top right corner of the page.

Enter a label for the API token and click the "Show" button on the corresponding row. 

This action will display the token code in the corresponding field. Make a note of this code, as it is needed for system interfacing. Click "OK" to return to the previous page.

The newly generated API token will be added to the existing list. Note that its status will be displayed as "Active". If the token is no longer needed, you can revoke it by clicking the "Revoke" button in the corresponding row.

To determine when the token was generated, refer to the date and time stamp displayed under the "Last Accessed" column.

How to revoke an API token?

If you no longer need the generated API token, you can disable it by using the "Revoke" button.

Click the "Revoke" button in the row of the API token you wish to disable.

After the token is disabled, its status will change to "Revoked" as shown below.

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