.Organization Onboarding v1.8

.Organization Onboarding v1.8

What is Organization Onboarding?

The initial System Administrator for any organization must also complete Organization Onboarding for their organization.  The first System Administrator is required to acknowledge the organization term of use before their organization can begin to use the system. 

When does Organization Onboarding happen?

Organization Onboarding occurs immediately after the Initial System Administrator User Onboarding.  There are 2 ways to complete the Organization Onboarding:

Ways to access and complete Organization Onboarding

Click 'Continue to Organization Onboarding' from User Onboarding
  • Is only present during the initial System Administrator User Onboarding and when the Organization Onboarding has not been completed
Click 'Continue Onboarding' from Home Page
  • Is only present on the System Administrator Home Page if the Organization Onboarding has not been completed


Click Continue to Organization Onboarding.

Initial System Administrator onboarding process page



Click Continue Onboarding.

Home Page



What are the activities for Organization Onboarding?

Smart Onboarding terms and conditions may change; regardless, the initial System Administrator must agree to the terms and follow the process to completion.  Currently there are 2 activities, but there may be more in the future.

Electronic Disclosure
  • The initial System Administrator must accept the terms of use on behalf of their organization
Complete Onboarding
  • Final page of Onboarding
  • You must log out and log back in to use the system
  • Activation can take several minutes to complete.



Organization Onboarding Screen



Once the electronic acknowledgement has been completed, the system presents the Next Steps page.  Read the information, then click Continue.

Next Steps



Organization Onboarding has been completed.

Click I Acknowledge.

Organization Onboarding Completed



To continue, the System Administrator must log out and then log back into the system.

Organization Onboarding


What happens if you log in after completing Organization Onboarding but prior to the organization becoming active?

Activation of your organization takes several minutes to complete.  If you log in during this time your homepage presents the message below.  Please be patient.  An email is sent to you when your organization has been activated.  If you like, you can stay on your login page and click the Home icon after several minutes.



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