.Pay Check Preferences v1.8

.Pay Check Preferences v1.8

The next activity after the tax withholding forms is the pay check preferences. It allows New Hires select a method for receiving their pay checks.

They can choose between different payment options whichever is suitable for them.

What are the options for receiving pay checks?

There are three options available for receiving pay checks - direct deposit, checks by mail and Cash Pay.

Click on any one method. A different page is displayed next depending on which option you selected.

Pay Check Preferences

Direct Deposit

If you choose Direct Deposit, this is the information that you will need to provide.

Read all of the page, fill it out, acknowledge, and save.

Direct Deposit Form

Check by Mail

If you choose Check by Mail, this is the form that it leads to.

Select an address option where you would like to receive your pay check and click the checkbox to acknowledge. Click Save.

Cash Pay

If you choose Cash Pay, this is the form that it leads to. Review the information and acknowledge. 

How to download signed forms?

After the activity is complete, you can download the reports using the gadget icon on the right bottom corner of the page.

Click on Download Signed Forms.

Download Signed Forms Gadget

In this case, Cash Pay option is selected in Pay Check Preferences. The singed form downloaded will be as shown below.

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