.Questionnaire Group v1.9

.Questionnaire Group v1.9

This is the second step in creating assessment questionnaire after the group is registered. This option will let you add survey questions in the groups that you have already setup. After you are finished adding the questions here, include the group in the questionnaire section to create the survey.

How to access Questionnaire Group?

Click on the Menu icon and select Questionnaire Group under Assessment Questionnaire.

The page displays as below. Click Search to see the list of all groups. You can also search for a particular group by selecting any of the group details (Group ID, Group Name or Group Description) in "Search by" field and entering details in the text box next to "begins with".

How do you add questions to the groups?

The search page shows all the groups that are already setup. Select any group from the list.

This displays the group questionnaire page.

Enter details in the fields as shown below. Click on Add Question to add more questions under this group.

After you are finished adding the questions, click Save.

Click on up and down arrows next to the questions if you want to switch the order of questions and save again.

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