Manage Preparers/Translators through Invitation Personalization

Manage Preparers/Translators through Invitation Personalization

How to manage preparers/translators through Invitation Personalization?

The preparers/translators added in Form I-9 Section 1 can be managed through actions related to Invitation Personalization.

All preparers/translators invited in Form I-9 Section 1 will be listed in Invitation Personalization under the proxy users list. This can be seen in the following example:

To navigate to Invitation Personalization, click on the "Invitation Personalization" link under the My Accounts section in the left menu navigation.

On the Invitation Personalization page, click on the "Manage Proxy Invitation(s)" link.

This will display all preparers/translators invited through I-9 Section 1, as well as the proxy users invited via the "Add Invitations" button on this page. Actions can be performed on active invitations, while no actions can be taken on revoked invitations.

The actions available on the active invitations are: Resend Welcome, Revoke.

How to delete duplicate preparers/translators via Invitation Personalization?

Consider a scenario in which the same preparer has been added twice in Form I-9 Section 1.

If duplicate prepares are added to the grid and transaction is saved, the page will display the following error message.

Since only one of the above two preparers can be mapped to this invitation and the New Hire cannot determine which invitation is linked, they can delete one to eliminate duplicate entries in I-9 Section 1.

This can be done by navigating to Invitation Personalization via the left navigation menu from the homepage.

Navigate to the homepage by clicking on the Home icon on the right side of the top menu bar.

Another way to access the left navigation menu is by clicking on the "View Menu" option.

From the left navigation menu, select "Invitation Personalization" from the My Account section.

On the Invitation Personalization page, click on the "Manage Proxy Invitation(s)' hyperlink.

Access the action menu by clicking on the "Actions" link, then select "Revoke" for one of the duplicate invitation rows.

Click "Yes" on the confirmation message to continue.

The status shows "Revoked" for the corresponding invitation.

Return to the Section 1 activity and click on the "Preparer/Translator" dropdown in the preparers section. You will now see only one entry for the corresponding preparer.

Select the preparer and click the "Save" button to assign the Section 1 activity to the preparer. 

Since two invitations were initially sent to the preparer and one has been revoked, the preparer may not know which invitation is still active.

To ensure clarity, resend the welcome invitation to the preparer by navigating to Invitation Personalization.

Return to the homepage and click on the "Invitation Personalization" link under the My Accounts section in the left menu navigation.

When the Invitation Personalization page opens, click on the 'Manage Proxy Invitation(s)' hyperlink.

Click "Actions" for the corresponding preparer row and select "Resend Welcome" from the action menu.

Click "OK" on the message to continue. This send out an email to the preparer for self registration. For more details on the preparer flow, please click here.

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