E-Verify Processing

E-Verify Processing

How do you create an E-Verify case for a New Hire's I-9?

The E-Verify page displays all Form I-9 details for the New Hire. In the bottom section, enter the case creator's name, phone number, and email address, then click "Create Case" to initiate E-Verify.

Create E-Verify Case

When entering the case creator's details, make sure that the case creator's email address is different from the employee's email address. If both values are the same, an error message will be displayed.

Overdue Verify Reason

E-Verify processing requires a delay reason if it is not completed within the required timeframe—meaning the E-Verify case is not initiated within three business days of the hire date. If this deadline is missed, an "Overdue Verify Reason" field will appear in the bottom section of the E-Verify page, where the case creator’s details are entered. Selecting a delay reason from the provided list is mandatory to proceed with case creation.

If you attempt to create an E-Verify case without selecting an overdue reason, the system will display an error message prompting you to select one.

Click the "Overdue Verify Reason" dropdown and select a value from the list. If the reason is not available in the list, choose the "Other" option and manually enter the reason in the text box provided below.

When "Other" option is selected, a textbox will appear below the field for entering a custom reason.

Make sure that the text entered does not contain double quotes. If double quotes are used, an error message will be displayed when attempting to create the E-Verify case.

Click the "Create Case" button to proceed with the E-Verify case creation. The case will then advance to the next DHS state based on the New Hire's I-9 information.

If the DHS site is down, you may receive no response or see a system error when you click the "Create Case" button. Wait until the DHS site is operational, then click "Create Case" again to retrieve the updated status from DHS.

What are the possible failure scenarios of the E-Verify process?

When the system attempts to interact with DHS E-Verify, issues may arise due to incorrect DHS Client Setup configurations or corrupted information in Form I-9 Section 1/Section 2. These issues can occur while attempting to create the E-Verify case or during different statuses of E-Verify processing.

Here are some possible failure scenarios and their solutions:

Scenario 1: Unauthorized error message when attempting to create the E-verify Case or in different statuses of E-Verify processing.

This error may occur if there is an incorrect User ID or password configuration in the DHS Client Setup for your legal entity (Company or Business Unit). The system will generate this error when it attempts to interact with DHS E-Verify during the E-Verify processing. For more details on DHS Client password setup, please click here.

Examples of Unauthorized Error Messages in various E-Verify statuses are given below:

When attempting to create the E-Verify case from the E-Verify page

E-Verify status = Unconfirmed Data

E-Verify status = Scan and Upload

E-Verify status = Pending Referral


When an unauthorized error is encountered during E-Verify processing, visit the DHS Client Setup and check the password saved for that Company. Verify the DHS connectivity with the correct credentials, and then proceed with the E-Verify activity. 

Scenario 2) Error message when I-9 ID is not generated for a transaction and an attempt is made to initiate the E-Verify case

When attempting to create an E-Verify case for a transaction, you might encounter an error indicating that the I-9 ID has not been generated. This error occurs when the transaction is corrupted, and the I-9 ID is not created in I-9 Section 1/Section 2, instead will show a value of "NEXT". As a result, you may also notice missing Form I-9 data on the E-Verify page.

Sample I-9 Section 1, Section 2 and E-Verify pages of a corrupted transaction are provided below:

I-9 Section 1

I-9 Section 2 

A sample E-Verify page with empty Form I-9 data: 

E-Verify page

Error message displayed when attempting to create the E-Verify case is provided below:


When this error is encountered, please contact System Administrator or raise a support ticket in Smart ERP Jira to get help from Smart ERP support.

Scenario 3) Error message when the Web Service User ID for a company is changed for any E-Verify pending transaction which already has a case number.

When retrieving case details during E-Verify processing, ensure you are using the same Web Service User ID that was used to create the E-Verify case. Cases created with a different User ID cannot be viewed or retrieved by other Web Service Users. If the Web Service User ID for the corresponding company is changed in the DHS Client Setup and the transaction is accessed to continue E-Verify processing, the following error message will be displayed.


When this error is encountered, verify the Web Service User ID entered for the company in the DHS Client Setup. Ensure that the Web Service User ID you are using to access the E-Verify transaction matches the one used to create the E-Verify case. For more details on the DHS Client Setup, please click here.

What processing is done in E-Verify?

When a New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the DHS E-Verify system, various outcomes are possible. During E-Verify processing, as an employee's case advances through different DHS stages, the case status will be synchronized with the DHS site, reflecting the updated status in the system. Click here for details on the different DHS states and sub-states you may encounter during E-Verify processing.

What is Finalize E-Verify?

The "Finalize E-Verify" gadget icon on the E-Verify page allows you to mark a New Hire's E-Verify case as complete. This icon becomes available only after the Case Number is generated for the New Hire's DHS case.

If you use this option before the E-Verify case is finalized, you will not be able to perform any further actions as the case cannot be reopened. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that all pending actions have been completed before finalizing the E-Verify case.

The following message displays when the "Finalize E-Verify" option is used. Click the "Yes" button to confirm the action.

Once the E-Verify case is finalized, you can see the page becomes non-editable and no further actions can be performed.

If no additional activities are configured after E-Verify, the invitation status will be updated to "Process Completed" in the Invitation Console.

How does the system work when there is an activity configured after E-Verify?

Once the E-Verify case is created for an employee, the system guides you through the DHS verification steps until completion before proceeding to the next activity in the process. The transaction will automatically route to the next activity once the E-Verify case is finalized, provided there is an activity configured in the process.

A sample process that includes an activity after E-Verify is provided below. Click the "Create Case" button to initiate the E-Verify process.

You will notice the DHS case number generated after initiating E-Verify. 

Complete the DHS verification steps and finalize E-Verify. (Note: If you don't want to continue with the DHS case verification, simply click on the "Finalize E-Verify" gadget icon).

Finalize E-Verify

After finalizing E-Verify, the transaction automatically continues to the next activity in the process.

What is DHS Case Sync? 

The Case Sync gadget on the E-Verify page allows E-Verify Specialists to sync the case status from the E-Verify system when further case management is not possible within Smart Onboarding or Smart I-9. This gadget becomes available after the DHS Case Number is generated and can be used on demand to retrieve the latest case status from the E-Verify system.

Once a final DHS status, such as "Case Closed" or "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed," is obtained, the Case Sync gadget will no longer be available in the E-Verify activity.

Note: A scheduled process runs daily in the system’s cloud production environment to automatically capture such transactions and sync case status details from the E-Verify system. This ensures that even if the Case Sync gadget is not used manually, the DHS status is updated automatically through the daily production process.

Refer to the examples below for further details.

Example 1:

Case Sync Gadget on the E-Verify page

When a New Hire's I-9 information is interfaced with the E-Verify system, the case may progress through various sub-statuses before reaching a point where no further case management is possible within the system.

For example, if DHS E-Verify cannot immediately confirm employment authorization and requires a manual review of employee records, the case will be assigned to DHS for review. Once the review is complete, the updated case status will be reflected in the E-Verify system. This status update will be captured in our system either through the scheduled Case Sync process or when the Case Sync gadget is used manually from the E-Verify page

To manually sync the case status from the E-Verify system, click the "Case Sync" gadget.

Click "OK" on the following confirmation message to continue.

Upon syncing, the updated case status will be displayed on the E-Verify page. If no changes are visible, it means the case is still under review by DHS.

Note: The Case Sync gadget will no longer be available in E-Verify once the final DHS status is obtained.

Example 2:

In this example, if the employee chooses to contest a Tentative Nonconfirmation (TNC) and the case is referred to DHS/SSA for verification, the employee has eight federal working days to visit or contact DHS to resolve the issue.

Once the case is resolved, the status will be updated in the DHS E-Verify system. This updated status will be reflected in Smart Onboarding/Smart I-9 either through the scheduled Case Sync process or when the Case Sync gadget is used.

To retrieve the updated status manually, click the Case Sync gadget on the E-Verify page.

Click "OK" on the following confirmation message to continue.

Upon syncing the case, the final status will be reflected on the E-Verify page. In this case, the status is returned as "Final Nonconfirmation" from DHS, and the case is automatically closed.

How to upload documents in the E-Verify activity?

The user can see the gadget icon to upload documents only if it is configured in the system. To upload documents, click on the attachments gadget icon.

Attachments gadget icon enabled in E-Verify activity

On the File Attachments page, click the "Upload" button.

Upload attachments

Click "Choose File" and select the file that you want to upload.

Choose File

The selected file gets attached as shown below. Click the "Upload" button.

Select file and upload

Select an appropriate category related to the attached file from the "Attachment Category" dropdown.

Select Attachment Category

Click "OK" to return to the E-Verify page.

Attachments can be uploaded only until the E-Verify activity is completed. After finalizing E-Verify, only viewing of attachments is possible.

How to view E-Verify case details?

The DHS case details can be viewed only after the E-Verify case is created for a New Hire's I-9. Regardless of the DHS status, the case details can be accessed through:

  • The "View Case Details" gadget on the E-Verify page
  • The "View Case Details" option in the Keyword Search using E-Verify Console actions


Additionally, for DHS cases with a finalized status of "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed," a DHS case report is automatically generated in the system. This report is available to users with I-9 Specialist or E-Verify Specialist roles.

A scheduled process runs daily in production to identify transactions with a "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" status and generate DHS case reports for them. These reports can be accessed for transactions through I-9 Master attachments or via the "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" option in I-9 Console actions. For more details on these system-generated case detail reports, please click here.

Viewing case details through the gadget on the E-Verify page:

Click the "View Case Details" gadget icon located in the bottom right corner of the E-Verify page.

The corresponding case details opens as below. The information include the employee's legal entity details (Company or Business Unit), personal information, document particulars, and case status information.

The case status information includes the case submitted date, submitter name, current case status and employer's case ID. The case submitted date refers to the date when the employee's E-Verify case was created, and the case submitter name is the name of the case creator captured during E-Verify case creation.

Case creator's name on the E-Verify Create Case page

Viewing case details through the Keyword Search - E-Verify Console:

Click on the Keyword Search icon and select the "E-Verify Console" category. Enter an appropriate keyword in the "Keywords" field and click the "Search" button. In this case, the employee's Last Name is used as the search keyword.

Once the search results appear, click on actions for a selected I-9 ID and choose the "View Case Details" option

How to view I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 attachments from the E-Verify activity?

Viewing the I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 attachments is only possible when the DHS case is in the "Unconfirmed Data" state.

Unconfirmed Data page

Scroll down to the bottom of the Unconfirmed Data page and click "View Attachments".

The Attachments page will show all documents uploaded in the I-9 Section 1 and Section 2 activities.

If no attachments exists, the page will be blank as shown below:

How to download system generated DHS case details report for EA Auto Closed transactions?

For transactions with a 'Case Closed - EA Auto Closed' status, the system-generated case details report is available as an attachment in the I-9 Master and through the "Add Additional/Supporting Documents" option in the I-9 Console.

This report is generated by a system process which is scheduled to run every night at 12:00 AM. The process identifies transactions marked as "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" from the previous day, spanning from 12:01 AM to 12:00 PM, and generates the corresponding DHS report. These system-generated reports can be accessed via I-9 Master attachments or the "Add Additional Supporting Documents" option in the I-9 Console actions.

a) Viewing DHS case details report via Keyword Search 

To search for transactions that are in the "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" status, click on the Keyword Search icon and select "E-Verify Console" as the category. Enter "All" in the Keywords field and click "Search".

This will display all rows in the E-Verify Console. To refine the results, filter the transactions by selecting "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" under the DHS Status section.

The search result displays all rows for the selected criteria. For a selected I-9, note down its I-9 data. 

 Use the above I-9 data and search for the transaction in the Keyword Search - I-9 Status category. Select "View I-9 Master" option from the actions menu.

 In the I-9 Master page, click "Attachments".

The generated case details report will be available as an attachment on this page. Click on the document link to view the details.

b) Viewing DHS case details through I-9 Console 

Navigate to the E-Verify Console and search with the "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" (Sub State ID = 9000000034) DHS status.

The search will provide the list of I-9s that match the criteria. Select any transaction and note down its I-9 ID. This I-9 ID is required searching for the transaction in the I-9 Console. 

Use the above noted I-9 ID to search for the transaction in the I-9 Console. Click the "Info and Actions" hyperlink for the selected I-9 ID.

Select "Actions" tab and click "Add Additional/Supporting Documents".

The DHS case details report is available as one of the attachments in the additional supporting documents. Click on the link to view and download the details.

Another way to access this report through I-9 Console is by accessing I-9 Master attachments. In the I-9 Console, click the I-9 ID link for the selected I-9 and click the "I-9 Master" option.

Click "Attachments" in the I-9 Master page.

This will display all attachments associated with that I-9 including the system generated report. Click on the document link to view and download the details.

How to complete E-Verify when the New Hire has applied for an SSN?

A Social Security Number (SSN) is necessary for E-Verify processing. If the New Hire has applied for an SSN, all onboarding tasks can be completed except for E-Verify. In such cases, the employer has the option to temporarily skip this step by marking it as complete. Subsequently, once the New Hire's SSN information is updated, the employer can complete the E-Verify processing.

What should you do if case number is missing on the final DHS statuses?

If you encounter an E-Verify case where the case number is missing on final DHS statuses such as "Case Closed - EA Auto Closed" or "Case Closed" follow these steps:

  1. Look for the "Case Sync" gadget located at the bottom right corner of the E-Verify page.

  2. Click on the "Case Sync" gadget to sync the latest case number details from the E-Verify system.

    • Normally, this gadget is not available once the final DHS status is reached.
    • However, if the case number is missing, the Case Sync gadget will be enabled, allowing you to sync and retrieve the latest case number.

Note: If multiple case numbers exists for the New Hire's I-9, the latest case number will be synced.

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