.Initiate Reverification v1.9

.Initiate Reverification v1.9

Initiate Reverification option is available to I-9 Specialists if the process associated with the I-9 is in completed status (must have completed E-Verification), I-9 not terminated and work authorization is expiring soon.

Note: It is very important to note that this process can be initiated only if all the processes associated with the I-9 are in Process Completed status.

Who can initiate reverification process?

The users with I-9 Specialist role type can initiate reverification process.

When does the reverification option be available to initiate?

The availability of 'Initiate Reverification' option in I-9 console/Elasticsearch actions is dependent on the 'Reverification Trigger Days' set in I-9 Options. 

When work authorization expiry falls within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 options, the users can see this filing action in I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions.

Click the Menu icon and navigate to I-9 Options in the left nav.

In the I-9 Options page, by default the reverification trigger days is set to 90. But this value can be changed based on your requirement. You can also enable auto launch of reverification process and mention the contacts to receive email notifications.

After entering the details, click Save

How is work authorization expiry date calculated?

WAE date is calculated by considering Section 1 employment authorization expiration date or Section 2 employment authorization document expiry date whichever is sooner. 

What happens when the reverification process is initiated?

When the reverification process is initiated it launches an additional invitation that has the I-9 Specialist facing Section 3 activity. 

How do you access reverification option?

There are two ways to access reverification option.

Access via I-9 Console actions:

Navigate to I-9 Console via Quick links or through Menu link available in the left navigation.

Access I-9 Console

Search I-9 Console for the Work Authorization End Date to identify the transactions that are about to expire. Click Info and Actions for the chosen I-9 ID.

Remember, the option to initiate reverification is available only if all the I-9 processes associated with the I-9 are in completed state.

I-9 Console

Navigate to Actions tab and click Initiate Reverification.

Initiate Reverification

Click Yes to confirm reverification action.

When the process is initiated, you can verify the above transaction in the Reverify Console.

Reverify Console

This process can also be accessed from My Tasks for the I-9 Specialist. In My Tasks, you will notice the additional invitation launched for this process. Click Complete I-9 link to access Section 3 activity.

I-9 Specialist - My Tasks

Access via Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle actions:

Click on the Elasticsearch icon. Select "I-9 Life Cycle" Category and enter Last Name in the Keyword field. Click on the "Search" button. When the search result displays, click on the "..." to access I-9 Life Cycle actions and select "Reverification" option.

Click on "Yes" to confirm the action. The process opens Section 3 activity.

After initiating the process, the transaction can also be accessed via Elasticsearch My Tasks as shown below.

How do you complete Section 3 activity?

When reverification is initiated, Section 3 activity opens up for the I-9 Specialist in add mode and Section 1 & Section 2 details display in read only mode.

Section 1:

This section displays in read only mode. The details also include preparer(s)/translator(s) information if any.  

Section 2:

This Section displays in read only mode. The information includes the document details and the additional information from the previous process. 

Section 3:

The Section 3 details display in add mode.

I-9 Section 3

Enter the document details, check "I Agree" and electronically sign. Entering the Expiration Date is not mandatory for all Document Titles.

For example, "Alien Reg. Receipt Card (Form I-551)" and "Perm Resident card (Form I-551)" documents requires no Expiration Date. For these Document Titles, you can leave the Expiration Date blank or check "No expiration Date" checkbox when completing Section 3.

Example 1: Completing Section 3 with Alien Reg. Receipt Card (Form I-551) and blank Expiration Date

Example 2: Completing Section 3 with Perm Resident card (Form I-551) and Expiration date as "N/A"

How to assign Section 3 to a remote user?

The task of completing Section 3 can be assigned to a remote user by clicking on the button "Assign Remote I-9" on the bottom of Section 3 page. For details, please refer Remote User page.

How to undo reverification filing action?

When reverification is initiated, the option for cancelling the process filing action is available under I-9 Console actions or Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle actions until the user completes Section 3 reverification activity.

Access I-9 Console actions for a reverification initiated I-9 ID and select Undo Last Filing. This will cancel the initiated reverification process and also deletes the row from I-9 Master that was added by the process. 

Undo Last Filing via I-9 Console actions

Another option is to choose "Undo Last Filing" via Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle actions.

Undo Last Filing via Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle actions

Can you edit Section 3 details after reverification?

Once the process is completed, there is no option to edit Section 3 details in this process. 

Completed Section 3 activity

However, you can initiate another reverification or reverification correction process from I-9 console/Elasticsearch actions to make changes to the entered details.


  1. The option to initiate another reverification will be available only when the WAE date provided in the first reverification process is within the reverification trigger days specified in I-9 options. When the eligibility type in I-9 Section 1 is LPR and the documents presented during the first Reverification is Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration, then the transaction is not eligible for any more reverifications. For these transactions, the option to initiate reverification doesn't appear in I-9 Console/Elasticsearch actions. 
Initiate Reverification/Reverification Correction in I-9 Console actions

Reverification/Reverification Correction from Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle actions

Note: The 'Reverification Correction' option is available in I-9 Console/Elasticsearch I-9 Life Cycle actions only when 'Allow I-9 Section 3 Correction' is enabled in I-9 Options.

What changes can you see in I-9 Master after reverification?

After reverification, a new row will be added in Sections 3 with S3 reason as 'Reverify'. Click on the I-9 ID and select I-9 Master.

Click on Section 3 and expand the scroll.

I-9 Master

Notice a new row added with Section 3 Sequence number as '1' and S3 Reason as 'Reverify'.

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