.Initiate Section 2 Correction v1.8

.Initiate Section 2 Correction v1.8

This I-9 Console action can be used if any changes are to be made in Section 2 after the process is complete. This will launch an additional invitation process linked to the registered business process allowing users to correct Section 2 information.

Note: It is very important to note that this process can be initiated if all the processes associated with the I-9 are all in Process Completed status.

Who can initiate Section 2 Correction?

Only I-9 Specialists can initiate Section 2 Correction.

When does this option available in I-9 Console actions?

This option is available in I-9 Console actions only if all the processes associated with the I-9 are all in process completed status, I-9 is not terminated and the associated I-9 has no receipts in Section 2.

How do you identify an invitation with process completed status?

To identify the record, navigate to Invitation Console and check the invitation status. Select an invitation with process completed status.

To get its I-9 ID, click on View Process link. 

Select an invitation with completed status in the Invitation Console

Open Section 1/Section 2 activity in the process Viewer.

Process Viewer

Note down its I-9 ID.

Section 1

How to check if the I-9 has no receipts?

Navigate to I-9 Console via Quick links or through Menu available in the left navigation.

Access via Quick Links / Menu


In I-9 Console, search on the I-9 ID that is noted above. To make sure the receipts doesn't exist, check its I-9 Master.

I-9 Console

Make sure the flag is unchecked in the I-9 Master.

How do you access 'Initiate Section 2 Correction'?

For the selected I-9 ID, click its Info and Actions.

I-9 Console

Select Actions tab and click Initiate Section 2 Correction. 

I-9 Console Actions

Click on the link to open Section 2 activity in a new window. 

NOte: The data displayed for edit in Section 2 will be the latest effective dated/effective sequenced when multiple rows exists in I-9 Master.

Edit Section 2 details and Save/Electronic Signature. The process routes to E-Verify after completing Section 2.

How does Section 2 correction effect I-9 Master?

In this case, let us check Section 2 details in I-9 Master before Section 2 correction. You can access I-9 Master by clicking on the I-9 ID in I-9 Console.

The below example shows two rows for Section 2, the latest being shown as maximum effective dated/effective sequenced row. 

I-9 Master

During Section 2 correction, a new row gets added in Section 2 of I-9 Master for every 'Save' with data change or when user electronically signs. If Section 2 changes are done on the same date, new rows get added in the order of incrementing effective sequence from '0' for the the same effective date. If the changes are done on different dates, the effective dates are different with effective sequence in incremental order starting from '0'. 

The following example shows two new rows added to Section 2 of I-9 Master during Section 2 Correction process.

New Section 2 rows added in I-9 Master

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